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thehilz is correct concerning the conjuring prevention field. David did not conjure into the field, which had a limited range.
As to the ghost prevention wall: David is a demighost. He is always a demighost, no matter what form he takes. As such, a ghost prevention device of any kind (wall or field) will always work on him.
Eric Storm
Hey so when r u gonna finish 7 n more too 8 been dying to read the rest
(posted from the Item Information Page)
Year 7 is finished, although you may need prm status on your account before you can read the last few chapters. Year 8 has been started and the first 2 chapters are available to those that have paid for prm status. We are all patiently waiting for more.
You liar. You're all about as patient as a Florida driver stuck in afternoon rush hour traffic.
The rest of what he said, however, is true. You will get to read more of year 7 when the PRM folks can read more of year 8. Anything else is, in my opinion, unfair.
Eric Storm
PS: Two more things:
1. The language spoken on this forum is ENGLISH, not that pseudo-language gibberish you posted. We like complete words and sentences around here, and
2. Asking this question of any author, especially phrased the way you did, is rude. Do you honestly think we store up stuff, just waiting for someone to ask when we're going to post it before we give it to you? We post things when they're ready to be posted. AND before you suggest that you just wanted to check on where things stood, I have a "Writing Status" thread for exactly that purpose.
Eric Storm
Well, I am patiently waiting... admittedly by rereading Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series.
You accidentally put "The Woodward Academy, Year 1, Calendar of Events" in this update instead of Year 7...
I love the story so far! For that matter, the whole series is awesome.
(posted from Calendar of Events)
Are you sure it was accidental?
Chrome has a major flaw in it whereby the calendar cannot be saved properly from my calendar-creation page. I caught it when I did the WAY8 calendar, but missed it with the WAY7 one.
It has now been updated. (I had to use IE to save it. Ick.)
Eric Storm
I know it was for plot. Never understand the needless waste of Joe's life.
(posted from Chapter 12: May)
Most violent death is a needless waste of life.
Eric Storm
I have to chuckle every time I read this chapter and meet Prof Arpilla's parents at the wedding - - - Katherine Mandu, or Kath Mandu - - - that's almost as funny as having agent Mulder show up in an earlier chapter
So you caught Cat Mandu... but you never caught Cat Arpilla?
Eric Storm
Eric Storm wrote:
So you caught Cat Mandu... but you never caught Cat Arpilla?
Eric Storm
It's these little things that I enjoy finding sprinkled through your works
Putting this out there just to get your opinions.
This is part of a scene found in Chapter 7: December, as they start investigating the death of James Greer.
The Published Text wrote:
Once they were back in Dugerra, on their way to Bolmont in David's glidetruck, David said to Joe,"It's high time we catch this motherfucker. When I get back from Yule break, this is gonna be highest priority."
"What's changed?" Joe asked.
"Up till now we've been speculating about his motives, what he was doing with the victims. Well, one thing's for damned sure."
"He's now a murderer."
My First Impulse wrote:
Once they were back in Dugerra, on their way to Bolmont in David's glidetruck, David said to Joe,"It's high time we catch this motherfucker. When I get back from Yule break, this is gonna be highest priority."
"What's changed?" Joe asked.
David growled, "No motherfucking asshole is going to make a little girl cry on my watch."
Should I have gone with my first impulse? Believe it or not, I went back and forth on this one for weeks... and I'm still not sure I made the right choice.
Eric Storm
PS: If you're wondering why I'm asking now, it's because I'm re-reading WAY7 now.
Honest reaction would be the one as written, the murderer line in my opinion. Yes making a little girl cry would probably be in the back of his head (at least you portrayed him in the manner of caring for little ones more). But he’s a cop through and through at this point. Murder is the worst he’s going to probably deal with and is the most honest reaction to solve it then.
I think the initial version is too emotional in this scenario. All the other cases are “hands off†emotionally, and you still get that when David calls him a murderer. But finding the little girl does change the view point to more serious, without bogging it down.
I think there’s a chance to still use a similar line when Wyatt is being interviewed to drive home it became more serious right then? It could be overkill since he didn’t know he even killed him.
It's been a while since I reread Wayward, except for the most recent snippets you've put out there, but I actually probably would of considered combining the two.
David Growled, "Not only did the motherfucker make a little girl cry on my watch, but he's also a murderer now."
Bwsc: I think you may need a re-read. David is not always stoic in the face of his cases. The rape case in book 6 royally pissed him off because he could do nothing to help the woman. Any case involving The Clan had David borderline raging. During the kidnapping of Kristen Bullock, he took down the Sheriff's office because they pissed him off. He read McKenna the riot act more than once during the divisional audit. David is NOT a particularly calm person: if you piss him off, you are going to know it, and that changes little if you are a suspect.
But your other point actually argues against your choice. David has dealt with murderers before. Why would this guy suddenly being obviously guilty of murder, change anything? David's been frustrated about the disappearances for months at this point, so why would this man's death have so much of an impact?
On the other hand, the man had just presented David with a collateral-damage victim that would likely trigger his "Child in Trouble" mode. There is finally a victim whose pain he can see and feel.
This is precisely why I went back and forth on it for so long. I chose to show David keeping himself in control of his emotions... but I have high doubts that the character actually would have.
Barbarian3165 wrote:
It's been a while since I reread Wayward, except for the most recent snippets you've put out there, but I actually probably would of considered combining the two.
David Growled, "Not only did the motherfucker make a little girl cry on my watch, but he's also a murderer now."
Well, but how long has it been since you read WOODWARD?
And, the line you suggest removes the impact of both statements entirely. To combine them and still keep the power behind it, it would have to be something more like this:
Rewrite To Combine wrote:
"Up till now we've been speculating about his motives, what he was doing with the victims. Well, one thing's for damned sure."
"He's now a murderer."
Joe grunted in understanding.
"Oh, and one more thing," David growled.
"No motherfucking son of a bitch makes a little girl cry on my watch."
This leaves David's "cop self" first, letting him be logical and calm... and then reminds us that David is not always calm, cool, and collected, and when that dragon gets let loose, you'd better not be in its path.
Eric Storm
I just got done rereading the series last Friday; the 19th and I see the merits of either of the first two, but think the combination option would sound best.
Personally, I think you got it right with what was published.
It's coming up on 3 years since I last read Woodward. Read it while I was in the hospital off and on for a few months back then. Mostly been listening to audio books since then. I will probably reread Woodward after I'm done re-listening to The Wheel of Time series of audio books... Unless the next Dresden Files book gets released by Jim Butcher first.
Last edited by Barbarian3165 (2024-02-01 13:20:07)
I have a question that might have been asked already during this thread but I haven’t been able to find it scrolling through so I apologize if I’m rehashing it, hypothetically speaking, wouldn’t David have been able to ghost himself and joe to run? I might be over thinking this from another piece of content I read elsewhere. Obviously that’s the easy way out but in the heat of the moment of course it’s an outlying thought. I don’t want to seem like I'm belittling the story. It’s fantastic! But later, on in WA8, couldn’t that be the biggest regret? I’m more interested in your thought process on how made it so compelling for me to forget that was even a possibility till months later (me personally thinking about it).
First... how the FUCK am I supposed to pronounce "Bwsc"???
Now, on to your question, which was actually answered in the scene itself:
The Woodward Academy, Year 7, Chapter 12: May, wrote:
"We can't keep on like this, David," Joe said, winded. "We've got to think of something. What if you just ghost me, and we walk on out of here?"
"Wouldn't work. They'd be able to find us because of the use of magic in converting you. And I can still be affected by magic as a ghost, so if they use the right spell, I'd be rendered unconscious... and that would render you solid, and then we'd both be screwed."
There are magic spells that can affect David, even in ghost form, because he always has a "solid portion" inside of him (in a way). If they use the right spell, he can be hurt.
Eric Storm
I must have blocked that from memory and didn’t even realize that was straight up stated that way. My bad!
Also, BWSC is where I played soccer growing up, and I just kinda stuck with the initials because it’s unique instead of my own personal, Brentwood Soccer Club. Funny thing though, it doesn’t even exist anymore 😂 it merged with another local club and is a totally different name and banner.