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Autumn Lupe, by Keeshaba
Rated PG
Total # of Downloads: 595
Median Downloads Per Unit: 595
Date Last Updated: 2008-01-17
Status: Single Image

Another Neopet. The Lupe this time. Done in Crayola color pencils.

Blue Cross, by Keeshaba
Rated PG
Total # of Downloads: 87
Median Downloads Per Unit: 87
Date Last Updated: 2008-07-10
Status: Single Image

The Blue Cross. Enough counting to get it right. Phew!

The Blue Flame, by Keeshaba
Rated PG
Total # of Downloads: 192
Median Downloads Per Unit: 192
Date Last Updated: 2011-01-23
Status: Single Image

Pixels! Yay! Small and pretty!

Blue Gem, by Keeshaba
Rated PG
Total # of Downloads: 55
Median Downloads Per Unit: 55
Date Last Updated: 2008-07-10
Status: Single Image

I call this a blue gem, but I only call it that because it's the first thing that comes to my mind. *shrugs* Whatever. :)

Blue Paw Print, by Keeshaba
Rated PG
Total # of Downloads: 21
Median Downloads Per Unit: 21
Date Last Updated: 2008-07-10
Status: Single Image

Pixel paw print. Feel free to use, of course giving me my due. :)

Burning Down the House, by Keeshaba
Rated PG
Total # of Downloads: 87
Median Downloads Per Unit: 87
Date Last Updated: 2010-10-22
Status: Single Image

So yeah, I've got a TON of "to do" pieces in my WIP folder. This one is about a year old. I redid the dragon as I was never very happy with it and I figured I should eventually upload something here as well. :P

Callamandian Military Information Graphics, by Eric Storm
Rated PG
Total # of Downloads: 1,494
Median Downloads Per Unit: 232
Date Last Updated: 2021-07-05
Status: Image Series - In Progress
Latest Unit Posted: David\

These graphics contain additional information to help out reader understanding of the end of The Woodward Academy, Year 7, and all of The Woodward Academy, Year 8.

The Change to Blue, by Keeshaba
Rated PG
Total # of Downloads: 119
Median Downloads Per Unit: 119
Date Last Updated: 2008-08-26
Status: Single Image

This was my first attempt to change a picture's color. Of course, the picture is not mine. It was a picture I found on the web and I decided to take liberties. If I offended or pissed someone off, well then... Thank you SOOOOOO much to lilyas from DeviantArt for the great tutorial on how to change the colors! I am so going to use this in the future!

Cockatiel in the Dark, by Keeshaba
Rated PG
Total # of Downloads: 60
Median Downloads Per Unit: 60
Date Last Updated: 2011-03-08
Status: Single Image

A picture of my cockatiel, Sprite. (Fractalius again)

Computer Virus?, by Eric Storm
Rated PG
Fantasy, Humor
Total # of Downloads: 1,182
Median Downloads Per Unit: ,1,182
Date Last Updated: 2015-10-11
Status: Single Image

"I think I got that Sasser worm, doc..."

The Cookie Game, by Keeshaba
Rated PG
Action, Humor, Portrait
Total # of Downloads: 110
Median Downloads Per Unit: 110
Date Last Updated: 2011-02-10
Status: Single Image

Mmmmm...yumminess from Heaven! Don't forget to check my deviantArt page for more!

Cosmic Creations, by Eric Storm
Rated PG
Science Fiction
Total # of Downloads: 791
Median Downloads Per Unit: 183
Date Last Updated: 2015-10-11
Status: Image Series - Inactive
Latest Unit Posted: Office Space

A series of images based on crop circle patterns.

Crazy Kanji, by Keeshaba
Rated PG
Total # of Downloads: 55
Median Downloads Per Unit: 55
Date Last Updated: 2009-03-08
Status: Single Image

So one day, a long time ago, I got bored and started drawing Kanji. There are a total of seven pieces in the set (there were eight, but that's another story), including this crazy one. For the sake of space, I am NOT posting them all here. Please refer to my deviantArt page to see the others and other pieces if you're that interested. I'm NOT going through that crap again!

Dolphin Jump, by Keeshaba
Rated PG
Total # of Downloads: 55
Median Downloads Per Unit: 55
Date Last Updated: 2008-07-10
Status: Single Image

Another pixel picture. This one took more hours than I like to remember, but with more colors, it looks prettier! :)

Drug Information: Paramelanz, by Eric Storm
Rated R
ny, No pairs yet.
Total # of Downloads: 1,254
Median Downloads Per Unit: ,1,254
Date Last Updated: 2015-10-11
Status: Single Image

Information about the newest drug from Storm Klauds Bichon Pharmaceuticals, called Paramelanz.

This info will be best viewed in a full-screen window.

(This is what happens when two people start getting a little silly late at night. :) )

Enlightenment, by Eric Storm
Rated PG
Total # of Downloads: 344
Median Downloads Per Unit: 344
Date Last Updated: 2015-10-11
Status: Single Image

A picture I did for the cover of my counseling notebook back in 2002.

Even Angels, by Keeshaba
Rated R
ny, No pairs yet.
Total # of Downloads: 282
Median Downloads Per Unit: 282
Date Last Updated: 2009-01-24
Status: Single Image

What do you know! A LAoW original! Even Angels know their true masters. ;)

Fairy Uni, by Keeshaba
Rated PG
Fantasy, Portrait
Total # of Downloads: 70
Median Downloads Per Unit: 70
Date Last Updated: 2008-01-17
Status: Single Image

Another Neopet. The Fairy Uni. Done with Crayola color pencils.

Fallon Maps, by FAS
Rated PG
Total # of Downloads: 751
Median Downloads Per Unit: 751
Date Last Updated: 2006-11-27
Status: Single Image

A map outlining the known nations and significant features of Fallon.

Fire, by Keeshaba
Rated X
Poetry, Romance
ny, No pairs yet.
Total # of Downloads: 1,033
Median Downloads Per Unit: ,1,033
Date Last Updated: 2006-12-07
Status: Single Image

Done with Photoshop CS2 and my Wacom pad.

Five Pounds of Weight, by Keeshaba
Rated R
ny, No pairs yet.
Total # of Downloads: 649
Median Downloads Per Unit: 649
Date Last Updated: 2009-10-03
Status: Single Image

Yes, it's mine. The title? Together, they weigh 10 lbs., and let me tell you, it's amazing once the weight is off. Keep droolin' boys.

Fourth of July Poodletoon, by Keeshaba
Rated PG
Total # of Downloads: 51
Median Downloads Per Unit: 51
Date Last Updated: 2008-07-03
Status: Single Image

Another Poodletoon for my parents' website, Just in time for the Fourth of July! Done with Photoshop. And no, I didn't hand draw the fireworks by hand. They were done with a brush. I'm not that good and that bored. ;)

The Gerbil, by Keeshaba
Rated PG
Total # of Downloads: 174
Median Downloads Per Unit: 174
Date Last Updated: 2009-04-07
Status: Single Image

Okay. Sometimes I hate it when I have to put up with crappy ads. Sometimes they're funny. Sometimes, they could be better. So, when they are lacking, I change them. Here's what's left of the ad I got when I logged into my deviantArt page. Muhahahaha! Damn gerbils!

Halloween for Red Heart Poodles, by Keeshaba
Rated PG
Total # of Downloads: 82
Median Downloads Per Unit: 82
Date Last Updated: 2008-01-17
Status: Single Image

This is a picture for my parents' website, I drawn cartoons for the website for holidays and such. Each of the poodles in the picture are the poodles of the 'Pack'. From left to right: Growler, Dobbie, Ruby, Rue, Terra, Frodo, Pete, Trey, and Bitte. There's a story behind why they're dressed the way they are, but that's for another time. :)

Hunting Season Images, by Corvis
Rated PG
Action, Fantasy
Total # of Downloads: 1,301
Median Downloads Per Unit: 311
Date Last Updated: 2007-12-04
Status: Image Series - In Progress
Latest Unit Posted: Detective Leo Jacobs 001

Character images for my story Hunting Season. Character models created with my Sims 2 game

  Showing Items 1 - 25 of 67
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