Eric Storm

The entire thread can be found here
2022-Apr-27 @ 11:06 PM
Member since 2022-Mar-26
Posts: 13

Hey Eric I was just wondering are you still writing the artifact stories? You said it would be 4 book series and was just wondering. I enjoyed the first 2. I’m slowly working my way through ur stories. All good so far. Keep up the good work.


2022-Apr-28 @ 2:19 AM
Eric Storm
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Member since 2006-Sep-13
Posts: 5835

"Still writing" is a very troublesome phrase, in this context.

Take a look at the release dates between Artifacts 1 and Artifacts 2, and you'll understand what I mean.

I have not STOPPED writing this series, shall we say?  However, it is not in active development at the moment, nor do I know when it will be.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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2022-Apr-28 @ 4:16 AM
Member since 2021-Jun-27
Posts: 73

Eric, please have my mind in a funk waiting for more chapters.


2022-Apr-28 @ 11:34 AM
Eric Storm
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Member since 2006-Sep-13
Posts: 5835

1.  If you look at the writing update thread, you'll notice that I have completed two chapters in the last couple weeks.  They're just not posted yet.

2.  Whether or not to write is never a voluntary decision.  Given my own preference, I would write for a couple hours, minimum, every single day, because I enjoy creating those worlds and telling those stories, and I have a lot of stories that I want to tell.  But the part of my mind that I refer to as "my muses", which is the part of me that creates freely, is too affected by stress, other projects, and general life necessities, for me to have things "my way".  Rest assured, I have never once said, "You know, I could sit down right now and write a couple thousand words... but I'd rather not."  I have, however, frequently said, "Dammit, I really wish I could get myself to start writing... but I just can't make it work."

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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2022-Jun-9 @ 2:16 AM
Member since 2007-Nov-17
Posts: 20

I read a story on here a while back that involved the use of paired portals.  I remember water going through one portal and coming out the other, generating hydro-electric power.  At some point their experiments "swallowed" the whole property and the story ended very abruptly.  Anyone remember the name and author of that story?


2022-Jun-9 @ 5:36 AM
Eric Storm
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Member since 2006-Sep-13
Posts: 5835

This would have been better posted to the general chat, rather than a specific author's chat.  The right person might still see it, though.

I have not read the story you described, so I wish you luck in finding it.  (To be clear, I have NOT read all the stories on this site, or even the majority of them.)

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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2022-Jun-9 @ 5:50 AM
Eric Storm
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Member since 2006-Sep-13
Posts: 5835

Here is a list of all stories containing the word "portal", minus those that I have first-hand knowledge are not the one you're looking for (such as the Woodward Academy series, which contains the word portal, but is definitely NOT what you're looking for):

Academic and the Nymphomaniac, The     drgonzo1
Bait and Switch     Dark_Brother
Blood and Iron     WarLord
Boy and His Dungeon, A     Pleidius
Boy In The Grass     Magusfang
Bridge Between Worlds, A     auguy86
Brimstone - The Tales of Drakara Book I     Wicked Storm
Christmas Calamity     Corvis
Contribution, The     Blackie
Cruel Summer     Imagineer
Destiny at Rhen Var     Corvis
Fair Price, A     Corvis
Just a Taste is all it Takes     James Marcus
Khartshma Legacy, The     Corvis
Lesbos Crystal, The     Storymaster69
Lolita Beach Island     MDH1969
Matchbox     Blackie
Monster U.     Karax
My Girls II: The End of Cycles, The Beginning of K...     unknown1000u2
My Girls III: Truth, Power and Hope     unknown1000u2
New Gods, The     WojoMartin
Shadows In The Grass     Magusfang
Talon Saga, Book 1: Heart of the Demon, The     Daddycums
Talon Saga, Book 2: Slave of the Witch, The     Daddycums
Talon Saga, Book 3: Secret of the Faewood, The     Daddycums
Talon Saga, Book 4: Dungeon of the Forgotten, The     Daddycums
Talon Saga, Book 5: Fall of the Paladin, The     Daddycums
Talon Saga, Book 6: Champion of the Hunt, The     Daddycums
Talon Saga, Book 7: Lord of the Harem, The     Daddycums
Talon Saga, Book 8: War of the Shadows, The     Daddycums
To Whome it may Concern     James Marcus
Touch of Green, A     Blackie

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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2022-Jun-9 @ 2:27 PM
Member since 2019-Feb-18
Posts: 34

I think you mean Boy and his dungeon … ;cid=10105


2022-Jun-9 @ 2:31 PM
Member since 2019-Feb-18
Posts: 34

Eric Storm wrote:

(To be clear, I have NOT read all the stories on this site, or even the majority of them.)

shame on you, it takes almost no time ;P


2022-Jun-9 @ 2:54 PM
Eric Storm
Pub Owner
Member since 2006-Sep-13
Posts: 5835

sermona wrote:

Eric Storm wrote:

(To be clear, I have NOT read all the stories on this site, or even the majority of them.)

shame on you, it takes almost no time ;P

I'll be sure to let my readers know you'd prefer I was reading instead of writing.  :evil:

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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2022-Jun-9 @ 6:12 PM
Member since 2019-Feb-18
Posts: 34

Oh god you invoke flagelation


2022-Jun-10 @ 12:42 AM
Member since 2007-Nov-17
Posts: 20

sermona wrote:

I think you mean Boy and his dungeon … ;cid=10105

That's the one! Thanks!!!


2023-Jan-29 @ 1:42 AM
Member since 2023-Jan-12
Posts: 114

I've noticed that the pages of your site are not yet secure and my browsers don't want me to go there for obvious reasons. It I possible that others have chosen to not continue to the site once that popup comes on their browser.

My experience being an ISP, retired now, lets me believe your site will only improve with encryption. I have used this service in the past for all " not for profit" websites. Please check them out and if you can, add the code

Always willing to help. May not be good at it ;-)
2023-Jan-29 @ 12:23 PM
Eric Storm
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Member since 2006-Sep-13
Posts: 5835

Letsencrypt is not supported by GoDaddy, and it requires a certificate reissue every 90 days.  That gets old really fast, because you have to do the reissue manually every time.

I have actually purchased an SSL certificate.  Not sure how this improved my website, other than getting the browsers to shut up, but I'm fully aware that the browsers are heading toward requiring SSL certificates to even load a page, which is why I had purchased an SSL certificate for my testing domain months ago.  Hopefully I actually finish Pub 2.0 before that certificate runs out (in 4 1/2 years)...

Let me know if/when you find anything on the site broken.  Switching to SSL can cause problems with "hybrid" pages, and I don't know if there are any in the site.  I am force-redirecting HTTP to HTTPS (yes, I had to do that manually.  GoDaddy gives virtually no help at all to its users)

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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2023-Jun-14 @ 11:49 AM
Member since 2019-Feb-23
Posts: 15

Woodward Academy

I was wanting to know if there is another form for the WA series outside of this site? I can’t help admitting that it’s one of my favorite series across all books I’ve read, lewdness or not. I’m not sure if it was possible to have a physical print version or a ebook that I could purchase specifically.
I love the series and I’m on my 3rd read through (just skipping the naughty bits this time).


2023-Jun-14 @ 3:52 PM
Eric Storm
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Member since 2006-Sep-13
Posts: 5835

There currently is not.  However, I will try to remember to do conversions to ebook format over the next few days.

To get started, here are the links to WAY1: Forum thread for eBooks

I will try to remember to convert the others.  I will do no more than one a day, because it's a pain in the ass.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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2023-Jun-15 @ 5:50 AM
Completely Blotto
Member since 2015-Feb-11
Posts: 329

You could always assemble them in a word processing program for yourself and then use Calibre to convert the assembled chapters into an e-book.  That's what I did for my Kindle.  Calibre supports most if not all of the major e-book formats as far as I know.

A google search for Calibre e-book software should net you a link to the official website.


2023-Jun-15 @ 8:23 AM
Eric Storm
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Member since 2006-Sep-13
Posts: 5835

That is exactly what I did, except that I store my books in HTML format rather than a word processor document.  That means getting all the stylesheets and graphics together so that Calibre can find them easily.  Then you have to get the Table of Contents to look right and fix any major glitches.  As I said, it's a pain in the ass.

It'll probably take less time for book 2, since I will remember all the ways that didn't work when I tried to convert book 1...

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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2023-Jun-15 @ 8:59 AM
Member since 2019-Feb-23
Posts: 15

I apologize if I am adding more work to you! I didn’t mean for it to be a hassle to even format while you do other works. I really do appreciate all the stories you’ve written over the years!


2023-Jun-15 @ 10:26 AM
Eric Storm
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Member since 2006-Sep-13
Posts: 5835

No big deal.  It's something I've been trying to get done for quite a while, and I just keep forgetting about it.

BTW, book 2 is available now.  Click the link in the post above to go to the ebooks page.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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2023-Jun-16 @ 5:16 AM
Completely Blotto
Member since 2015-Feb-11
Posts: 329

I am sure yours is probably way more polished and stylish then mine, but I haven't had a real problem with formatting.  I imported a single chapter into word, highlighted everything and applied the saved and modified format for general text that I have and then went through and replaced your *'s and -'s and what not with the appropriate graphic separator replacements you came out with later in the series. Once you started putting the graphic separators in your HTML text, it became even easier.  I just have to apply the format I have saved for graphic separators to them and center them on the page.

Once I've got all the chapters done I merge it into the full book document by just copy and pasting and then let Calibre go to work on it.  Admittedly I use a generic cover from Calibre, but I was more interested in the text and how it was formatted on the page.  Admittedly there were a few hiccups early on I had to figure out, usually with tab indents at the start of a paragraph, but some of that was a problem between earlier versions of Calibre, and some paragraph settings in word that got messed up and I had to figure out.  I also added page breaks between chapters so each chapter started on it's own page.  I can nit pick too.

I've been happy with my version of your books and chapters.


2023-Jun-20 @ 12:40 AM
Member since 2019-Feb-23
Posts: 15

I just finished WA again and I am dumbfounded at how much it actually made me cry again even knowing what was happening. Thank you again for creating it and sharing!


2023-Jun-20 @ 5:13 AM
Eric Storm
Pub Owner
Member since 2006-Sep-13
Posts: 5835

Glad you're still enjoying the story.  If it makes you feel better, there are parts that still make me cry, and I wrote the damned thing.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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2024-Jul-10 @ 6:34 AM
Member since 2024-Jun-23
Posts: 3

Thank you

I just finished binge reading the "Agent of Change" story. Like others there were parts that almost made me tear up a little. I appreciate the cast of characters and plots as well as the subplots. Truly am enjoying it. Can't wait to see what happens next. Bring on Chapter 30.


2024-Jul-10 @ 6:39 PM
Eric Storm
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Member since 2006-Sep-13
Posts: 5835

Glad you're enjoying the story.  Chapter 30 is probably about halfway finished, just based on word count written so far.  (I don't have a set spot I'm going to end the chapter, just whenever it feels right.)

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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(To find ebook formats of my completed stories, check this page: Ebook List. Not all completed books are yet converted. If you're looking for one in particular, please keep checking.)

Welcome. My name is Eric Storm.

I have been writing erotica since 1997. I started writing because I was bored with the content I saw online, and I had the insane notion that I could write something better. My first work, CAMP: Ron's Journey was... well-received, shall we say, and I was encouraged to continue writing. To date, I have finished eighteen novels, three novellas, and two dozen short stories.

As a writer, I tend toward fantasy and science fiction. I do like to write about taboo sexual situations in my stories, and my favorite of those is incest.

I enjoy talking with my fans. If you have something to say about my work, please do not hesitate to leave a message on the forum or send me an email.

I hope you enjoy my stories and my artwork. Go have a look!

Eric Storm
October 7, 2022

PS: For the record, I have gone under the following names in the past:

WhiteStar: July, 1997 - December, 1999
Net Wolf: January, 2000 - April (approximately), 2002
Ice Phoenix: April, 2002 - December 2003
Net Wolf: January, 2004 - December, 2007
Eric Storm: January, 2008 - present