Computer Virus?

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2006-Dec-31 @ 1:53 AM
Member since 2006-Sep-9
Posts: 787

"I think I got that Sasser worm, doc..."

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2007-Jan-5 @ 10:41 AM
Crazy Horse
Member since 2006-Dec-21
Posts: 1

I have been unable to download this file.  Everytime I try, both Winzip 9 and WinRar spit the dummy over the '?' in the archive and refuses to show any files in the archive to extract.

(posted from the Item Information Page)


2007-Jan-5 @ 11:52 AM
Eric Storm
Pub Owner
Member since 2006-Sep-13
Posts: 5779

Um... then why don't you just right-click on the picture and choose "Save Picture As..." ?

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2008-Mar-8 @ 6:55 AM
Member since 2008-Jan-6
Posts: 1

I like your photo. I will have to copy it later. The reason I was drawn to it is because recently I found out about a way to reserect an otherwise dead computer.  Mine shut down and I thought that I could just purchase a new hd and reinstall the software.  Didn't help and since I had just spent a load to upgrade it I was ticked. A friend told me to unplug the computer and hold the startup button in for ten seconds. That drains all the capasitors in the machine and resets the startup secequence.  Turned it on and heald in the f8 + delete. and that got me into the cmos page.  I reset the start up so it would read the cd and selected the repair utility. After several appplications of this with the xp disk in place it came up running. I hope this helps some out there.  Peace

(posted from Image 1)
