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#1 2015-10-12 23:07:02

From: The Internet
Registered: 2006-09-09
Posts: 821

Tempest of the Flames Volume 3: Fire Storm

Tempest of the Flames Volume 3: Fire Storm

Months after the death of his father and uncle, Tom also faces the death of his aunt at her own hands.  More importantly, Tom and his mother, who have been living as man and wife for months, now must take in Tom's cousin, Tanya.

Tanya's attempts to deal with her problems don't go well.  Will Tom and Carol be able to help her through things, or will she spiral into the same dark place as her mother?

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#2 2015-10-13 01:17:50

Registered: 2014-07-06
Posts: 122

Re: Tempest of the Flames Volume 3: Fire Storm

Hot story.  This could use another chapter.

(posted from Chapter 1)



#3 2016-12-15 23:06:28

Registered: 2016-12-01
Posts: 20

Re: Tempest of the Flames Volume 3: Fire Storm

Definitely another chapter. Perhaps titled 'Sharing'.

(posted from the Item Information Page)



#4 2016-12-16 00:38:46

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5835

Re: Tempest of the Flames Volume 3: Fire Storm

They're not chapters, they're individual short stories, but yes, there is one final one left.  It will, in fact, be titled "Tempest of the Flames".

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#5 2017-01-15 03:29:15

Registered: 2017-01-04
Posts: 4

Re: Tempest of the Flames Volume 3: Fire Storm

Was the final story ever completed?

(posted from the Item Information Page)



#6 2017-01-15 07:18:58

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5835

Re: Tempest of the Flames Volume 3: Fire Storm

No, I have not written volume 4 yet.  If I had, it would be here.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#7 2018-10-30 18:37:49

Old Salt
Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 5

Re: Tempest of the Flames Volume 3: Fire Storm

I would think Tanya's mother would have received a settlement from the oil company.  She would have inherited after her mothers death/suicide.  Might provide more guts to the next short story.

(posted from the Item Information Page)



#8 2018-10-30 20:06:54

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5835

Re: Tempest of the Flames Volume 3: Fire Storm

Well, there's a couple points to that.

First, remember that the first amount offered to Tom and his mother was pretty pitiful.  If they had contacted Tanya's mother at the same time, she might have taken the smaller amount.  This would leave some, but not a huge amount, after paying off debts and taxes and what-have-you.

Second, even if there was a millions-of-dollars inheritance, it is very likely the mother would have had a trust set up so that the daughter received an annuity payment, and not the entire amount.  She would know her daughter well enough to know she was incapable of handling a sum that large.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#9 2024-10-15 04:51:45

Old Salt
Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 5

Re: Tempest of the Flames Volume 3: Fire Storm

This series of stories needs to have a follow-up/continuation.

(posted from Chapter 1)



#10 2024-10-15 07:27:40

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5835

Re: Tempest of the Flames Volume 3: Fire Storm

There is a concluding story planned, actually titled Tempest of the Flames.  It's even been started.

Just... don't expect to see it any time soon.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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