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I will be - SLOWLY - converting my completed novels into eBook formats. These books will NOT be perfected: they are going to be Calibre conversions of the HTML files here on the website, so there will be some issues. Later on, I will create ebooks that are more hand-edited to fix any problems.
The three formats that will be available are: AZW3 (Kindle), EPUB, and MOBI.
I will post each story to this page, but each story will also get its own post, so that you see an update on the forum when I add something.
The files are hosted on Mediafire, as its one of the least offensive of the filesharing services.
We're starting with CAMP - Ron's Journey because someone requested it.
The next book I will convert will be CAMP - Sibling Rivalry, just so I can get the CAMP stuff out of the way.
Eric Storm
Is this just another way to download or is this of any significance to most of us? I read mostly from my phone so..
TL;DR: Your mileage may vary.
Full answer:
How important these are depends on whether you find reading directly from the website to be convenient or not. The ebook formats are designed to work in things like the Kindle App, Calibre, or other ebook software. If you don't normally use ebook software, then this is probably not going to be great for you. If you DO use such software, these will probably be much more convenient, as they are a single file, so there is no need to load each chapter separately.
There is no "editorial" difference between the ebook and what's on the site: I created the ebook by downloading the HTML version from the site, making some changes to the navigation, and doing a conversion in Calibre to AZW3/MOBI/EPUB. The only differences are 1) The Table of Contents in the ebook uses chapter names, and not just numbers, and 2) The ebook contains cover art. (This will NOT always be the case: I don't have cover art for most of my books. I happened to have cover art for CRJ.)
Eric Storm
I anticipate Woodward Academy one day..
I would request it, but the last book isn't done, so I am not entirely sure if it is eligible
All novels will eventually be converted. Books 1-7 of the WAY series are candidates. Obviously, not book 8 until it has cleared PRM.
Eric Storm
I've made my own AZW3 fromat versions of Woodward for my own use. They could be easily converted to MOBI or EPUB. If you want to look over them Eric, I'm willing to give them to you. But I have edited them some.
I will let Eric share them, if he wants or when he wants.
Last edited by Barbarian3165 (2022-10-02 13:01:57)
Barbarian3165 wrote:
But I have edited them some.
Yeah, thanks for the offer, but I'm not about to blithely put out my work, altered by somebody else.
Eric Storm
Since I was reminded this thread was here...
New book conversion posted:
Artifacts 1: The Gathering Begins
The full list of available ebooks will be on the page linked in the original post. (Punbb will not let me put a fourth link in this post. No, I don't know why.)
The next story to get posted will be Artifacts 2 (for obvious reasons). I'll try to remember to add stories to this thing more frequently.
Eric Storm
I never thought you would post them with out reading them and approving them. But, whatever, I'll just keep my work to myself.
Barbarian3165 wrote:
I never thought you would post them with out reading them and approving them. But, whatever, I'll just keep my work to myself.
If you wanted input into the final version of my books, there's a process for that.
Eric Storm
New book conversion posted:
Artifacts 2: The Coin
The full list of available ebooks will be on the page linked in the original post. (Punbb will not let me put a fourth link in this post. No, I don't know why.)
Eric Storm
Thank you for doing this. This makes it easier to revisit your work on different machines.
New ebook conversion posted:
The Woodward Academy, Year 1
The full list of available ebooks will be on the page linked in the original post. (Punbb will not let me put a fourth link in this post. No, I don't know why.)
Eric Storm
New ebook conversion posted:
The Woodward Academy, Year 2
The full list of available ebooks will be on the page linked in the original post. (Punbb will not let me put a fourth link in this post. No, I don't know why.)
Eric Storm
New ebook conversion posted:
The Woodward Academy, Year 3
The full list of available ebooks will be on the page linked in the original post. (Punbb will not let me put a fourth link in this post. No, I don't know why.)
Eric Storm
New ebook conversion posted:
The Woodward Academy, Year 4
The full list of available ebooks will be on the page linked in the original post. (Punbb will not let me put a fourth link in this post. No, I don't know why.)
Eric Storm
New ebook conversion posted:
The Woodward Academy, Year 5
The full list of available ebooks will be on the page linked in the original post. (Punbb will not let me put a fourth link in this post. No, I don't know why.)
Eric Storm
New ebook conversion posted:
The Woodward Academy, Year 6
The full list of available ebooks will be on the page linked in the original post. (Punbb will not let me put a fourth link in this post. No, I don't know why.)
Eric Storm
New ebook conversion posted:
The Woodward Academy, Year 7
The full list of available ebooks will be on the page linked in the original post. (Punbb will not let me put a fourth link in this post. No, I don't know why.)
Eric Storm
New ebook conversion posted:
The Woodward Academy, Year 8
The full list of available ebooks will be on the page linked in the original post. (Punbb will not let me put a fourth link in this post. No, I don't know why.)
Eric Storm
Eric Storm wrote:
New ebook conversion posted:
The Woodward Academy, Year 8…
Eric Storm
Thank you for making the entire series available off-line.
I know it has only been a couple months, but have the ebooks been put on hold?
Were you interested in a specific one of my books?
Eric Storm
Eric Storm wrote:
Were you interested in a specific one of my books?
Eric Storm
MANY thanks for making these offerings.
I am interested in seeing Dragonseekers in e-book format.