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A writer receives a special gift from a fan, and then has to figure out how to deal with it.
Please read and comment.
Very nice line of thought here. Liked it a lot.
I don't know about bacteria, but this kind of thing might actually be possible (in some distant or not-too-distant future) using nanobots.
Well, maybe not slave-master relationships, but definitely arousal-triggering in the "victim".
(posted from Chapter 1)
great line of thinkin..1st class...u come up with some of the best sci-fi/fantasy plots i've ever read..
(posted from Chapter 1)
Wooow. This is super mega awesome. I can understand why you didn't expand it (possibly being repetitive and predictable, things which I can only assume you abhor) though it doesn't stop me from wishing you had lol. I can say for myself that the reason I read your stories, especially the explicit ones, are because of: the themes, main characters, and supernatural abilities. The reason I like these so much is perhaps because I wish I had these abilities myself, and would most likely use them in the same manner as the more honorable characters in your stories use them. I would say that whenever I read your stories and I happen to love it, that I think you must have read my subconscious fantasies to write it. BUT I know that's its only because I am "in-tune" with your stories. Similar to the "great minds think alike" phrase. (even though its your story, which feels like an expansion of my desires lol).
Basically everything above = YOU ROCK.
Glad you enjoyed the story. Thanks for the feedback.
Eric Storm
Very nice story. I almost feel as if it could have used a little bit more just to give it a little bit more of a finished feel.
Just what he needs a "high maintaince harem on his salary. Watch what you wish for.
(posted from Chapter 1)
His, and all of their, salaries. You'll note he already, in the story, sent his first slave back to work.
Eric Storm
Love the story - I hope that you decide to do a Chapter 2 or 3
(posted from Chapter 1)
Love the story - I hope that you decide to do a Chapter 2 or 3
...To tell what story? I'm not opposed to expanding any of my short stories, but I'd have to have an actual plot to work with. Glad you liked the story enough to want more. If you really want more, though, you'll have to suggest a way to continue.
Eric Storm
Fun read. Smart concept. Wish I had a bottle of that.
(posted from Chapter 1)
Dadrepus wrote:
Wish I had a bottle of that.
Heh, don't we all?
Eric Storm
This is one of my favourite mind control stories. My only issue with it is that I don't find it believable that Amy would do all of this for an author she likes. (But that's only my opinion.)
I agree with other commenters who wish there was more, but I also concur with the author that there is probably nowhere for this story to go that would do justice to it. Better to keep it this way, short and sweet!
(posted from Chapter 1)
mangotree wrote:
This is one of my favourite mind control stories. My only issue with it is that I don't find it believable that Amy would do all of this for an author she likes. (But that's only my opinion.)
Amy is clearly not in her right mind.
Glad you enjoyed the story.
Eric Storm
Eric Storm wrote:
mangotree wrote:
This is one of my favourite mind control stories. My only issue with it is that I don't find it believable that Amy would do all of this for an author she likes. (But that's only my opinion.)
Amy is clearly not in her right mind.
Glad you enjoyed the story.
Eric Storm
Mangotree... I think the key here is how you phrased it... Amy doesn't JUST like the author. She is obsessed with the author... his stories aren't just stories to her. To her they are an expression of what he was "meant to be" and so she has the ability to make it right... make it so that he is who he is meant to be.
Or as Eric put it... She's not in her right mind.