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Thank you for a Very outstanding story! Once Zack got his feet under him & mind straightened out he did pretty well. A very eclectic & sometimes accidental choice of females but turned out to be a nice variety, variety is the spice after all.
Thank you again for a very fun read!
(posted from Chapter 14)
Just finished reading it. Great story, great concept. Any possibility of a sequel?
(posted from the Item Information Page)
To do what? No, there's no plan at all for a sequel to this one.
Glad you enjoyed the story. Thanks for the feedback.
Eric Storm
i do think u could do a sequel for PAO casue he when he released the girls from the program they could the authoritys but i dont think it would be worth the effort cause theres nothing the authoritys could do to him cause of his abilitys the only person who could posably b a threat is gabby and he has her access code
(posted from the Item Information Page)
Now, don't you think, as paranoid as Zack was, that he would have protected himself from being ratted on? He may have "freed" them, but there's no need for him to be stupid about it...
Eric Storm
lol very true but what i was getting at was even if the cops did show up just a quck little flash of PAO and hes a model citizen
(posted from the Item Information Page)
Yeah, there's not going to be a PAO sequel. This is one of the stories that is going to stand by itself. I'm glad you enjoyed it enough to think it might be worth a sequel, though.
Eric Storm
Very enjoyable. Kind of a wild ride at the end.
(posted from Chapter 14)
Glad you enjoyed it. I wish I could have made the ending more complicated, but I never could figure out how to do so.
Eric Storm
the program this story used are looks like an i-doser, just much more advance i think.. because i-doser only used sound waves and some graphic.
anw best of luck rick!
(posted from Chapter 1)
Except that, at their best, binaural beats can only produce a mood, or a specific brainwave pattern. (And this assumes you believe they work at all, in the first place.)
In no case do they have the ability to do even as much as hypnosis (which can impart suggestions, though it requires the person's cooperation, Internet erotica stories notwithstanding).
So, yes, it is similar to i-Doser in the sense that it uses auditory and visual stimulus... and that's about where the similarity ends. But then, what was it supposed to use? Smell?
Eric Storm
PS: Who is Rick?
any1 know what this joke means?
i really didnt get it @,@
"Zack said solemnly, "Abandon all hope, oh ye who enter here."
Gabrielle looked at him, and she couldn't help but giggle.
"Once more onto the beach! Uh, into the breach!" Zack said. Gabrielle laughed out loud."
(posted from Chapter 14)
I haven't read this in a while so don't remember the context but the first quote is from Dante's Inferno it's an inscription on the gate to hell. I'm guessing the second quote is a play on words from Shakespeare's Henry the fifth "Once more unto the breach."
Nice story Eric just re-read and wanted you to know that it was great with a very good plot.
(posted from the Item Information Page)
Glad you enjoyed it.
Thanks for the feedback.
Eric Storm
I have got to say - that picking a favorite "Eric Storm" story is hard to do. I enjoy almost everything Eric has written. However, If I had to pick a favorite - it would be "Program Alpha-Omega".
I really enjoy your talent and imagination. Keep it up!
(posted from the Item Information Page)
Thanks for the feedback. This story doesn't get much attention, so I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Eric Storm
I seem to remember reading this a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away. When I was much, much younger than I am now. Re-reading it gave me an appreciation for where we are now technology wise, as well as how much I loved reading mind control fiction which just works. Your writing has improved over the years that I have read it, but your original works still hold up against those new stories. I love you works, always have, always will. Mucho love to this story.
What do you mean, technology has advanced? Just because you'd have to explain to today's teenagers what a "PDA" was?
Glad you enjoyed the story,
Eric Storm
Does PDA mean Public Displays of Affection now haha. But yeah, it was interesting to remember this time period in my head though, like back when the internet was measured in much slower speeds, where the average person didn't have that great of a computer, ahh. those were the times. ^_^
Very enjoyable read. I conclusion I can live with.
(posted from Chapter 14)
Glad you enjoyed the story. I always felt the ending was a little weak, but truthfully, I've never come up with one I'd have liked better, either, so I guess this one will do.
Eric Storm