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EDIT: much apologies about that last night, my mind was not in the right place. Again I'm sorry
Last edited by peace2300 (2022-07-04 23:06:25)
As I understand it, PRM basically just delays a story being available to non-PRM readers for several weeks, and only PRM members can read it until then. Correct? Or did I mis-read the FAQ?
As for skill / experience level; I don't claim to be a professional or great writer, but I have over 50 stories with above average scores on other sites.
I hope you enjoy my work. If not, please tell me what's wrong so I can improve.
Um... peace2300:
Just because someone is new here, it doesn't mean they're inexperienced as an author. Also, it should be reiterated, in case it isn't clear, that, while it is his story in PRM, access to PRM is granted by me, usually as a thank you for a donation that you make to me.
An author putting one of their stories into PRM isn't necessarily them saying, "Hey, my story is worth you paying for it." After all, if you don't want to pay for it, you just wait until it clears PRM. It's really just a way for them to make a donation without it costing them any money, by giving others an incentive to make a donation when they otherwise wouldn't.
Authors who put work into PRM are foregoing a portion of their feedback for a time, and, as an author myself, I know what that costs, psychologically. As such, I'm grateful to any author that puts material into PRM for me. After all, they get literally nothing out of it.
So, to Limnophile, and all the other PRM authors, I say thank you.
Eric Storm
peace2300 wrote:
EDIT: much apologies about that last night, my mind was not in the right place. Again I'm sorry
No worries, Peace2300. Everybody has a bad day once in a while. I was trying help out the webmaster a little, nothing negative. Take care, and keep reading.