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#751 2021-06-14 14:22:35

Registered: 2016-05-27
Posts: 7

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

This was a great chapter. I know you were disappointed in the feedback on "Feral Moon," but in many ways, the events in the "Feral Moon" chapter seemed inevitable. I imagine that one of the great challenges in writing a story about a character like David Stroud is that he has basically achieved "god-level" strength and there is pretty much nothing in the Woodward world that can challenge him. As a result, it is hard to generate any kind of general fear or concern for HIS outcome in the battle. It was never in doubt that he would win. The only uncertainty was around who among his personal retinue would die and whether their deaths would drive him into madness.

I guess I'm a sucker for the denouement of a story and am always more interested in the immediate aftershock of the climax and how things wrap up. This story has been a great roller coaster and one that I have been riding one chapter at a time since you first started making the chapters public years ago. It has become a part of my regular routine to check this site on the 1st or 2nd of each month looking for the latest installment. I will be sad when this part of my routine comes to an end next month, but will look forward to seeing some of your other works that you have been working on. Overall, I have nothing but highest praise for the way you have developed the story and how your are bringing it all to an end. Thank you for providing us all such great entertainment over the years.

(posted from the Item Information Page)



#752 2021-06-14 19:45:28

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5761

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

Absolutely true that it was hard to drum up any fear for David in battle, and I struggled with that going into it.  But, I mean, c'mon, how many stories have you read where the good guy dies in the end?  You pretty much always know the outcome of a book before you get there, it's the details that keep us reading, right?

And I did my best to give you a potential "death" for David...  I may not have been all that successful at selling the level of threat it represented, I don't know.

As to your love of the denouement:  I'd say that's because, as I just said, we almost always know how the main conflict is going to turn out, it's the details of the aftermath that are up in the air... so that's often where the "interesting stuff" happens.

But I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter, one way or the other.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#753 2021-06-15 20:10:05

Registered: 2015-10-08
Posts: 23

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

Glad that David and Emile finally got together. And we should have known the Op was going to be in the mountain. Even before the Weres showed up.



#754 2021-07-01 03:28:51

Registered: 2011-06-02
Posts: 30

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

Finally got a chance to read the penultimate chapter. I actually want to reserve my comments until I read the last chapter. I get that ending anything is difficult but I'm surprised at the direction this went. Nothing bad to say, but certainly feels like the beginning of the end.

Not sure when you'll make the final chapter public, but I'm starting the series over for some perspective.



#755 2021-07-06 09:55:46

Registered: 2015-02-13
Posts: 2

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

Got to say this is one of the best series I’ve ever read! Found it when I was done with CAMP a few years back and I had like a craving to read more, so I took a look to see if there was something else with reading. I overlooked Woodward for quite a while as I thought it sounded a bit lame, but when I finally started reading it blew my mind.
I thing it was still in year 4 or 5 when I started, and for every year dropped I’ve read through from the beginning.

Year 8 is my absolute favorite and it will leave a huge hole when I won’t be able to continue follow David’s progress anymore.

Thank you for an amazing time in the world of magic.

(posted from the Item Information Page)



#756 2021-07-07 08:47:27

Registered: 2015-02-13
Posts: 2

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

There is one thing I’ve been wondering about. What happens with Jacob Pendergrast? With all the civilian deaths during the war, there would be a chance all Levi men would perish and he would be free again. Hypothetically speaking, where would he fit in David’s life, as he has all of Jacob's estate and money?

I haven’t been able to read chapter 15, so wether or not it’s in there, I don’t know. But since his battle with Levi, it has been there in the back of my mind.

(posted from the Item Information Page)



#757 2021-07-07 15:24:48

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5761

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

The question is answered in the last chapter.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#758 2021-07-07 19:06:57

Registered: 2015-10-08
Posts: 23

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

I should have posted this 3 days ago. But how about releasing the last chapter already so we have our INDEPENDENCE from the anxiety of waiting? 3dangel



#759 2021-07-08 00:46:12

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5761

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

Chapter 14 was posted on June 12.  As such, Chapter 15 cannot be posted until at least July 12.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#760 2021-07-08 02:55:07

Registered: 2015-10-08
Posts: 23

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

Eric Storm wrote:

Chapter 14 was posted on June 12.  As such, Chapter 15 cannot be posted until at least July 12.

Eric Storm

I knew you were going to say that. Can't blame a guy for trying.



#761 2021-07-14 12:42:00

Registered: 2021-02-01
Posts: 17

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

Please please please can we get chapter 15 today.  3dbig_smile



#762 2021-07-14 22:04:45

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5761

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

You do realize that, once I post Chapter 15, you will never again, for all eternity, have a chapter of Woodward Academy to look forward to?  That stage of your life will be over, you will enter into a new, post-Woodward phase...

Are you sure you want your youth to end so soon?


Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#763 2021-07-14 23:52:52

Registered: 2021-02-01
Posts: 17

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

Shit that's true but I NEED the chapter so much lol.    3dbig_smile



#764 2021-07-15 01:25:45

From: Oklahoma
Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 224

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

Pugs wrote:

Shit that's true but I NEED the chapter so much lol.    3dbig_smile

Hmm I read it two-three months ago  Umm how did that happen?

My worst day at sea is better than my best day ashore
I found a home in the navy-but they land airplanes on my roof



#765 2021-07-15 06:52:42

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5761

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

ChiefRock wrote:

Hmm I read it two-three months ago  Umm how did that happen?

Perhaps because you have (or had) PRM access?

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#766 2021-07-15 15:15:35

Registered: 2021-02-01
Posts: 17

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

Thanks for the chapter.

I liked how you dealt with Jacobs situation it just felt right.

when zyla was giving David the list of conditions I thought she was being a bit controlling but it made sense I guess.

I would have really liked seeing the looks on the Savolars faces lol when they found out what David did.

David's parents can go f*** themselves.

In all I think it was a good ending no plot holes that I can think of have been left unanswered I really wood like to see a epilogue or something of David teaching being a professor and stuff if you ever felt like doing that other than that I think this chapter wrapped up the series quite well and made me want to start from the beginning again so thanks for a great piece of literature.  3dcool



#767 2021-07-15 16:09:33

From: Oklahoma
Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 224

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

Eric Storm wrote:

ChiefRock wrote:

Hmm I read it two-three months ago  Umm how did that happen?

Perhaps because you have (or had) PRM access?

Eric Storm

Yes that was my broad hint to him Eric

My worst day at sea is better than my best day ashore
I found a home in the navy-but they land airplanes on my roof



#768 2021-07-16 07:26:37

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5761

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

Pugs wrote:

when zyla was giving David the list of conditions I thought she was being a bit controlling but it made sense I guess.

Consider exactly what she's being asked to give up.  She is being asked to share her husband, to the point of not only letting him sleep around, but actually allowing him to attach affection to other women.  She is well within reason to insist on certain concessions from David.

I really wood like to see a epilogue or something of David teaching being a professor and stuff if you ever felt like doing that

Do you really think that would be interesting?

Glad you enjoyed the story.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#769 2021-07-16 13:54:43

Registered: 2021-02-01
Posts: 17

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

ERIC.(Consider exactly what she's being asked to give up.  She is being asked to share her husband, to the point of not only letting him sleep around, but actually allowing him to attach affection to other women.  She is well within reason to insist on certain concessions from David.)

Pugs.(Thats fair.)

I really wood like to see a epilogue or something of David teaching being a professor and stuff if you ever felt like doing that.

ERIC. (Do you really think that would be interesting?.)

Pugs.(As a nice little short story epilogue kind of thing yeah.)

Glad you enjoyed the story.

Eric Storm

Last edited by Pugs (2021-07-16 14:15:32)



#770 2021-07-16 21:16:55

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5761

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

Just as a hint:  Try the "quote" link to post next time you need to do this.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#771 2021-07-17 03:28:18

Completely Blotto
Registered: 2010-09-06
Posts: 368

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

Could do a family reunion, birthday/death day party or something similar set somewhere between 20 and 50 years post battle for Woodward and we could learn what has happened to the characters since.



#772 2021-07-17 06:40:59

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5761

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

That would not rate as a proper epilogue.

If I do anything further with David Stroud as a character, it will be one of two things (or two of two things, I suppose...)

1. A short-story anthology detailing various times in David's future life ( 5 years later, 10 years, 100 years, etc.)

2. The story of some other character attending Woodward Academy while David is still affiliated with the school (as a professor, or as possibly the dean of students...)

I'm NOT saying either of those things is going to happen, just that they're the only two things with any chance of happening.

What is far more likely is a Dugerra-related story that does not involve David Stroud at all.  I have ideas for at least two of those already.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#773 2021-07-17 16:37:43

From: Oklahoma
Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 224

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

That would be a good read Eric. Honestly I would just like to read more in this universe

My worst day at sea is better than my best day ashore
I found a home in the navy-but they land airplanes on my roof



#774 2021-07-20 02:32:31

Registered: 2016-05-06
Posts: 139

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

What about "David Stroud: The Dragon Mommy Years"?



#775 2021-07-20 02:36:11

From: Oklahoma
Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 224

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 8, The

bigfoot wrote:

What about "David Stroud: The Dragon Mommy Years"?

That would work Eric and David could be a secondary figure write it from the infant dragons viewpoint

My worst day at sea is better than my best day ashore
I found a home in the navy-but they land airplanes on my roof



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