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Okay, since it has been asked for, here is the overlay map of Dugerra:
Map of Dugerra
Google Maps does not have an option to remove all city names from its base map, so I've picked the base map that puts them in the lightest possible text. In any case, it might help having them there, as you'll be able to more easily relate position to something familiar.
A few notes:
1. Geography between Earth and Dugerra is very close, but is NOT identical. Woodward Academy, for instance, could not exist in Earth where it does in Dugerra, as there are no cliffs there in Earth.
2. There is a limit to both my patience, and the number of points that Google will allow a line to have. Thus, the borders are hardly "exact". If it looks to you like the border should follow a waterway, then it does, whether the line on the map says so or not.
3. While I have endeavored to be as exact with my city placements as possible, they may be off slightly from some story description that I don't remember making. Where reality (the map) and fiction (the book) disagree, it is reality which has it wrong (as usual).
4. Red borders are for countries. Green borders are for Rimohr Divisions within the Bolmont District.
5. This map is probably not finished yet. As I go back through my stories and find cities that I haven't placed on the map, I will add them. If you know of a city or land feature that you'd like placed on the map, contact me and say so.
6. Google Maps will not allow me to label large geographical features. As such, here are some names and places that I cannot label:
Abaian Ocean: Where the Atlantic is.
Mabahari Ocean: The Pacific
Gulf of Gthark: Gulf of Mexico
Verisante: North America
Vrudena: The northernmost of the five countries in Verisante. Basically Canada and Alaska.
Callamandia: The Eastern United States
Mirelia: The Western United States
Gtharsis: The Southern United States and Eastern Mexico
Ograponte:The southernmost of the five countries in Verisante, it makes up Western Mexico and Central America
Clarion Mountains: The Appalachians (the entire range, from New England all the way down to GA.)
Chantuya River: The Mississippi River
Lake Stikkendon: Lake Michigan
7. Though Google Maps will let me do the entire world, I am focusing on the part of the world where the story is taking place, so only Verisante/North America has received any real attention. Here are the locations of some other places:
Pithala: The island of Great Britain
Chasco: Europe
Clarnagat: Italy and part of France (Not actually named, but referenced in-story as the land where orcs live.)
Socorlee: Russia, the Baltics, the Balkans
Bufergara: Scandinavia
Donunda: Australia
Husanodafusa: Madagascar
Shovianox: Africa
8. A note about Rimohr Divisions versus Districts: The primary administrative unit in the Rimohrs is the District. Districts usually coincide with countries. However, for political reasons, the district is never named for the country it coincides with. Likewise, it is never named for the country's capital city. It is often named for the second-largest city in the nation, which was the case for the Bolmont District. This is to maintain Rimohr independence from any nation. Many smaller nations have only a district: they have no divisions. When the population of a nation grows large enough to warrant further administrative bulk, the district is further broken down into divisions. There are five divisions in the Bolmont District, named for their headquarters cities. Those are the Ramius, Erle, Bolmont, Cormatsen, and Senesty Divisions. When divisions are created, it often happens that a division gets the same name as the district. While this can be slightly confusing, it is kept as a matter of bureaucracy. -- Bonus note for those who actually take the time to read this: The word Rimohr is now anachronistic, but kept for tradition and bureaucratic inertia. Its original meaning was "Regional Investigator, Mirelian Office of Hex Reversal".
Eric Storm
the link doesn't seem to do anything for me. I've also tried right clicking and using some of the options from the pop up menu and on the 'save link as' option I get an unknown error. I'm using firefox for my browser.
I don't know what to tell you, Barbarian. I just logged out of my Google account and then clicked the link, and it worked perfectly, bringing up the "view only" version of the map. (If I'd stayed logged in, it shows me the editable version, so I had to log out to be sure.)
I, also, am using Firefox. No, you can't "Save As..." that link, as it's a Google map, which, apart from them not wanting you to have it, would be freakin' huge if you COULD download it.
When you say the link "doesn't seem to do anything"... do you mean it doesn't load a new page at all? Or what, exactly, happens?
Eric Storm
Sweet. Thanks Eric
Nope, doesn't load a new page. Doesn't do anything, might refresh the page but I'm not even sure it does that. unless kaspersky is blocking google maps for some reason, I'm not sure what is going on. But google maps does open up in a separate window, since I just tested that.
Then all I can suggest is that you do a right-click "Copy Link Location", and then open a new tab and paste the link into that address bar, and see what happens. Obviously, the link worked for thehilz, so it's not the link, which is a very standard web address URL. It doesn't do anything fancy, it just points to Google Drive (perhaps Kaspersky is blocking THAT?). It points to Google Drive because that's where Google stores "My Maps" configurations; that's not something I picked, or can change.
Eric Storm
don't ask me what's going on... the link doesn't do anything in my version of firefox. Firefox says it is up to date with version 54.0.1. However when I pasted the url into Chrome it opened just fine. Is anyone else having problems opening the link in Firefox? Anyway, I think it is strange that Firefox won't open it on my computer but Chrome will.
p.s. it opened in Microsoft Edge also, although it required me to log into my Gmail account. Oh, and I did try pasting the link location into a new tab inside Firefox.
Last edited by Barbarian3165 (2017-07-20 05:11:39)
When you pasted the link into a new tab, what happened? Did you just get a blank page, an error message of some kind, or what?
And you shouldn't have needed to log in to Google... the map is open to view by anyone who knows the URL. (In other words, it's not "searchable", but it is public.)
And, just to be completely clear, you have no ability to EDIT the map, correct?
Eric Storm
Just so you know it works for me. Kind of cool to see the layout throughout the US and from Central America up into Canada. Good Job!
I opened a new tab which showed me the mini pics of a bunch of pages I regularly visit. When I went and pasted the link into the url box, nothing really happened. If anything it looked like the page tried to refresh. But I don't think it actually refreshed. It just stayed on the page waiting for me to select one of the websites I visit on a regular basis. The text in the url box did in fact change to the link location though and it stayed there. This is the only link I'm having problems with in Firefox. It's unusual behavior, but I can deal with it since I can get to it through Chrome or MS Edge. Besides, if I use it all, it will be to recreate the map in Campaign Cartographer 3+ and maybe tweak it a bit.
That is very odd behavior... and frankly, I would be concerned, if I were you. The issue is obviously not Firefox by itself, as other FF users are having no problem at all (including myself). As such, it means that something else is interfering with your browsing experience, and whether it happens to only be obvious to you on this one page or not, it strongly implies a bad actor lurking on your machine, either a plugin, or another piece of software entirely. (Even if it's Kaspersky, if it's blocking the page without TELLING YOU, that's rather poor behavior on its part.)
As to recreating the map... why would you change the map from what the creator says is correct? Just curious...
Eric Storm
Looking good on Chrome, Nice add-in for the Story.
Loaded great for me on mobile. Some of the names for things didn't appear until I clicked on them, but that's not a big deal. Couple questions though,
1) was there a name label on the map for each country?(didn't see but not an issue as we can just come back here)
Okay that's just the only one.
No, there are no country labels. Google My Maps will not allow me to add labels for large areas, only "points" and lines. That's why I made the list here, because I can't mark them there.
As to the names not showing up until you click... they'll also show up if you zoom in far enough. That's just a limitation of the Google Maps format.
But since, if I'd had to do this map completely by hand, you'd probably never have gotten one, I figure this is good enough.
Eric Storm
Why would I change the map... Style, mostly. Although size and portability would be another issue. You've implied that the map is rather large, and I suspect that has to do with zooming features. The continental map, if not the world map could be much smaller without dynamic zooming. Detail maps of cities, counties, or other localized regions could be handled in separate maps. Heck, I may try to do a map of Mount Woodward, although I'd need to spend a little more time teasing out some details. Style wise, I think it would look better with a less modern and more fantasy style map, just my opinion. Anyway I've got a program for making maps from cosmological view down to building floor plans. I've used it since version 1 came out, and although I haven't used version 3+ as much as I should, it's a good excuse to get in some practice.
If I do a map of Mount Woodward, I may send you a PNG or JPG copy to see what I've got wrong. Although some of the details, like the four statues in the castle courtyard might be hard to replicate... but I'd have to check some of the built in artwork to see what is possible.
I'll have to check to see if the banner blocking feature of Kaspersky is messing with that Google Maps link. I'm not as worried about being hacked, I ended up wiping this system a couple months ago because the Windows 10 upgrade from Windows 7 stopped upgrading... and AVG totally screwed their interface and it was pissing me off. So at the same time I broke down and bought a fresh copy of Windows 10 Pro, I bought a 1TB SSD. Then I purchased and installed Kaspersky Total Security suite on it. Overall, a huge improvement to system loads.
Some details I have noticed...
Original link location = … sp=sharing
After copying link location and pasting into Chrome it changes to: … 09&z=6
Now, I don't think this is unusual behavior... But I will be watching my system to see if it happens with any other links or at any other time. It will just be something I have to watch.
edit: clicking the second link in this message worked just fine and sent me to the map. It may be a cross scripting feature that NoScript is blocking... XSS blocking.
Last edited by Barbarian3165 (2017-07-21 06:35:52)
As to the size of the map: Well, it's Google Maps. The information I've added is merely overlaid upon the standard Google Maps interface. GM is... well, frankly, fucking huge.
Fantasy versus Modern style... well, that's your prerogative, but frankly (There's that word again), one of the things I've tried to downplay about the Dugerran universe is the mystical/fantastical side of it. Dugerran wizards are just normal everyday people with a particular ability.
And... why would NoScript be blocking something that is not a script, but a normal, everyday URL? That seems very odd behavior.
Eric Storm
All I know for sure, is it is a redirect that isn't actually redirecting. If it isn't an XSS cross transfer problem then I don't know what is. But that single link is the only place it is happening. Anyway, I will be paying attention to see if it happens any other time on any other link.
For the Mississippi River, you called it the Chantuya River in June of Year 2 in a conversation between Gwen and David in the second scene.
"What would Mirelia cover, in Earth terms?"
"Hmm. Well, it goes all the way to the other ocean. It goes almost up to what you call Canada, and extends a little ways into what you call Mexico."
"So, it contains everything west of the, I mean the Chantuya River?"
Thanks. I hadn't gotten around to looking for that yet. I'll add it to the original post.
Eric Storm
Lol....I had expected Wachiweeki Prison to be in Florida...My in-laws live in Weeki Wachee ..near Tampa...
I live in New Port Richey. Trust me, I know where Weeki Wachee is...
Eric Storm
This is perfect. Thanks!