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Ethan Mitchell is your typical college student, with an atypical home life. Raised by a neighbor family after his parents and sister were killed in a car crash, Ethan's life has had its fair share of struggles.
When his mother catches her husband cheating on her and kicks him out, the family's struggles really ramp up. Ethan returns home to help his mother get back on her feet, and learn to cope with the new directions her life - and maybe her relationship with her son - have taken.
Meanwhile, Ethan tries to get settled back in at home, going to the local campus and making new friends. Some of his friends are not exactly mainstream, not that Ethan cares.
But life isn't done throwing Ethan curve balls. A mistake in the heat of the moment lands Ethan in a very precarious position. Will he come out on top, or will he succumb to his new environment?
This is the central story in the Misfits Multiverse.
An explanation of how the word "multiverse" is being used in this context:
In this sense of multiverse, all stories will start out in the same place. Each multiverse story will use the same main characters, though supporting characters will be different.
The stories will diverge from the start at some point, when either the protagonist makes a different choice, or someone reacts differently to something the protagonist has done.
Just how many of these alternative timelines I'll manage to write, I don't know. Misfits "Prime", as it were, is already over a quarter million words long.
Although several ideas for divergence points have already been thought up, if you come up with an idea for where the story could have taken a more interesting turn, let me know. Maybe I'll write your multiverse.
Eric Storm
A very interesting start, looking forward to see where this goes
(posted from Chapter 1: Endings)
Enjoyable start. Looking forward to more
Great story going to be a very good read I do believe
(posted from Chapter 2: A New Beginning)
Although id read the first few chapters a while ago I reread the entire work with the new chapter and Damn it is good!
Looking forward to more :-)
(posted from the Item Information Page)
oh please keep writing this tale. I enjoy your descriptions ... of the places and characters, as well as the action. Dialog is cute and snarky. The plot is sort of unique to me...White dude , black family, loads of females liking a considerate hunk...well...most of it is Thank you for sharing this nicly written story and write
(posted from Chapter 4: New Friends)
I think you mean "release faster", as I'm already up to chapter 19 in this story. But I'm not going to release faster, because I'm hoping to actually keep this story on its release schedule from start to finish. That means I've got a little over a year of buffer. I'm not squandering that by letting you read it early.
Eric Storm
Please change the format to one that all of can read. I am interested in reading it
(posted from the Item Information Page)
bigro wrote:
Please change the format to one that all of can read. I am interested in reading it
(posted from the Item Information Page)
I don't even know what you mean by "format". The story is in HTML... pretty universal. And if you don't like reading it in the little box, as you are a registered user, you can just click the button above the little box, which opens the chapter in its own tab. There's not much more I can do than that.
Eric Storm
Thrilling chapter Eric. Not sure whether to applaud your choice of cliffhanger though.
(posted from Chapter 5: Lending a Hand)
I hate cliffhangers :-)
Best chapter yet!
(posted from Chapter 5: Lending a Hand)
Damn you write good!
(posted from Chapter 5: Lending a Hand)
bigro wrote:
Please change the format to one that all of can read. I am interested in reading it
(posted from the Item Information Page)
Issue might be it is a prerelease story. Making a financial donation usually unlocks those stories.
Timberwolf92 wrote:
Thrilling chapter Eric. Not sure whether to applaud your choice of cliffhanger though.
(posted from Chapter 5: Lending a Hand)
JustLUcky wrote:
I hate cliffhangers :-)
Cliffhanger? What's a cliffhanger?
Eric Storm
Zmaybe wrote:
bigro wrote:
Please change the format to one that all of can read. I am interested in reading it
(posted from the Item Information Page)Issue might be it is a prerelease story. Making a financial donation usually unlocks those stories.
If that is, indeed, the issue, then they can just wait until it comes out of PRM.
Eric Storm
Both a literal and a figurative cliffhanger...
(posted from the Item Information Page)