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Where the Brontosaurs Roam
Two years after returning from the original time trip, where Tim and his friends got trapped in the Late Cretaceous for six months, another, much larger, expedition is planning to return to the past to do a full scientific study of the dinosaurs. Tim and his family join them.
But this trip fares even worse than the last. With their pod in a shambles, their supplies either destroyed or scattered all over the place, and with the fact that they are now twice as far back into the past as planned, can they survive until rescue arrives?
Will rescue arrive?
Sequel to Where the Maiasaurs Roam.
What a great Christmas gift from my favorite writer and what a great start to this new book. I’m curious if we will find out the fate of the travel pod before Tim does or if that will remain a mystery. Can’t wait to find out.
I love it. Got to say that the "OOPS!" moment is brilliant, and I can hardly wait for the next chapter.
(posted from Chapter 2)
That is a great start to the story, and not even close to anything I imagined. I really like the concept of scaterring the parts in time and space, and how quickly the conflict between Tim and director got resolved
I'm really looking forward to reading next chapters, thank you for this Christmas gift!
Last edited by crypticbyte (2021-01-22 23:20:33)
Super great as always. And Thanks for the Christmas gift. A new story.
(posted from the Item Information Page)
I liked the start, but have to say I feel opposite about Tim and the late director’s conflict were resolved. I suppose, depending how the rest of the story play out I might change my opinion, but I would have liked to see the story go as Tim* takes one group of survivalist and the director takes the other group.
Last edited by Elessar (2021-01-12 07:02:51)
Just because the director's gone, doesn't mean Tim (time? Really? Check your typos there, dude... ) won't have opposition within the scientists.
Eric Storm
I'm enjoying WtBR very much so far. Do you plan on a regular publishing schedule like Woodward Academy had, or will it be a more as-it's-ready thing? I don't want to push, just to avoid setting myself up for disappointment.
The only reason Woodward was ever capable of a publishing schedule was because I started writing it 4-6 months ahead of its first release, and I wrote quickly. That is unlikely to happen ever again, with anything.
Eric Storm
Good enough. I'll expect to see chapters when I see them. I hope you enjoy (or at least get as much satisfaction) writing the stories as I do reading them.
Eric Storm wrote:
The only reason Woodward was ever capable of a publishing schedule was because I started writing it 4-6 months ahead of its first release, and I wrote quickly. That is unlikely to happen ever again, with anything.
Eric Storm
I will always get more enjoyment out of it, because I get to do both: write it, and read it. So I hope we enjoy reading it once I've enjoyed writing it.
Eric Storm
Chapter 2 first off wow. Definitely not what I was expecting- in a good way. I liked how well Tim knows what’s in the pods. Being able to direct someone without seeing inside of the pod showed how well he knows the expedition and the supplies/equipment. He was definitely well prepared before the trip. I also really liked the couple of meetings between Tim and dinosaurs. The second one definitely reminded me of the first fight with Scarface from the first book. Tim definitely has a lot on his plate between idiot scientists, his PTSD and the uncertainty of the travel pod. Kinda feel sorry for him. Can’t wait to read what happens next. Keep up the great work.
P.S. Will there be scenes from future like there was in the first book in later chapters?
Last edited by thehilz (2021-03-05 11:15:50)
Re: scenes from "the future" in later chapters:
There will probably be some, but I make no promises. This story is a little "looser" in its planning than I usually go in for, so...
Eric Storm
Thanks for the new chapter. I am excited to read what happens next.
When it rains it pours. At least Tim won’t have to deal with the idiot scientists much now. Enjoyed the chapter. Never really thought about it til was pointed out in the chapter how Tim benefits when bad weather happens. Was even bad weather the day Derek and Janice arrived to rescue them.
Woo, a new chapter! I very much enjoyed it
Great stuff Eric, looking forward to more of this book!
Great chapter Eric. Especially liked the conflicting feelings Tim has about storms.
(posted from Chapter 3)
This latest development opens an opportunity to jump around. Can't wait to see where you take it.
I find myself checking the site way too often, hoping for the next chapter. Enjoying it a great deal.
Thanks for the chapter. I'm interested to see if the two groups will be getting into skirmishes later, if all the second group just dies or if they come crying back to Tim. Solid chapter all in all. Nice to see some new relationships and get the group back to having to survive off the land instead of having the nice safe pods.
I love that you've come back to this (I only found it 8 months late) Where The Maiasaurs Roam has always been one of favourite stories of yours. Very keen to read more.
(posted from the Item Information Page)
Chapter 4 was a delight, thanks for releasing it today Eric!
Enjoyed both the (temporary?) base building all the character developments
I love your writing. Fun and sexy. Hope to see more soon.
(posted from Chapter 4)
Couple of questions about this that I am curious about.
1) Why didn’t you jump back to the TimeTrippers and go over how they may be solving/rescuing the crew?
I understand why you didn’t go to the travel pod but that’s a possibility to include.
2) If the group split, is it possible to view the story from their side from the point they separated? I am sure they all died but how would but something to write and possibly give you possibilities for new events.
3) What kind of stone were the cliff side made of? Could adapt a potential “market†or trading situation for between the groups.
4) Is there any pregnancy situations planned for anybody besides Tim? It doesn’t seem possible that he is the only one on two trips that gets women pregnant.
5) Why did you specifically choose 150 Million years rather then something further or sooner?
You left off at the creation of the mattress and the sex scene.
Did you have anything started for the next chapter?
Elessar wrote:
Couple of questions about this that I am curious about.
1) Why didn’t you jump back to the TimeTrippers and go over how they may be solving/rescuing the crew?
I understand why you didn’t go to the travel pod but that’s a possibility to include.
Because there is actually nothing for TTI to solve. The cause of the accident is already known. Rescue merely requires figuring out exactly what time point the team went back to, and sending a pod to get them. In other words, there's no story to tell there. Seeing TTI again will be the end of the tale.
2) If the group split, is it possible to view the story from their side from the point they separated? I am sure they all died but how would but something to write and possibly give you possibilities for new events.
Do I ever tell stories from the point of view of characters I don't like?
3) What kind of stone were the cliff side made of? Could adapt a potential “market� or trading situation for between the groups.
First... it's... "rock". There's nothing particularly special about it.
Second... what would the other group do with a bunch of rock? If they thought that such a thing was actually useful, they wouldn't have gone off looking for a completely different environment.
4) Is there any pregnancy situations planned for anybody besides Tim? It doesn’t seem possible that he is the only one on two trips that gets women pregnant.
A quick (and highly non-exhaustive) web search suggests that it takes roughly 80 attempts (that is, fuck sessions) to get pregnant. Aly and Steven had sex once during the first trip. It is perfectly conceivable that Kevin and Jane didn't reach that number (or that he or she was less fertile than average.)
Tim had two partners, that we know he had sex with regularly. He was the most likely one to cause pregnancy on the first trip.
As to the second trip... they've been stranded for like two months or so. Do I have pregnancy plans? No, because I have very little in the way of plans for this story, or I'd be writing it much faster.
5) Why did you specifically choose 150 Million years rather then something further or sooner?
Why not? I had to pick something... Is there a reason I shouldn't have picked 150mya?
150mya is the end of the Jurassic era. It was far enough away from the original story so that I had absolutely no concerns about continuity errors with the dinosaurs or the environment. (Continuity errors with reality are reality's fault. My story gets it right. Reality, as we know, is all fucked up.)
Just be glad I chose not to call the book Jurassic World.
You left off at the creation of the mattress and the sex scene.
Um... yes, I did. And?
Did you have anything started for the next chapter?
Did you see something over in the Writing Status thread that said, "Where the Brontosaurs Roam, Chapter 5, has been started." ? No? Probably haven't started the next chapter, then...
Eric Storm