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Eric Storm wrote:
Perhaps David doesn't "survive" the war?
I can't answer that question without revealing too much about book 8. I'm sure you already knew that.
Eric Storm
Ok, that first one was funny.
Although I suppose Gabriel could imprison him, but he would still survive the war.
Yes, I knew there wasn't going to be an answer. However, considering you did have David file his intention to return to school for his eighth year after he was discharged from the army, I figure there could be another book in 'The Woodward Academy' series. Of course it could be boring... although it could also be interesting when David returns to school five, ten or fifteen years later and no one outside of the teachers and staff knew who he was and why he entered as an eighth year student. Could be some interesting incidents between David and the younger students who may or may not know who and what he is. Could also be interesting to see an Arkigo doing his homework on school grounds.
Of course, he could always return as an instructor. Or if we find out something about Woodward that I have speculated on in the past, then David may move into Woodward Castle, reestablish it as a limited military facility and be tasked with guarding and protecting it. Or possibly keeping Woodwards secrets.
Although I expect David's dark side to come out and play once in a while, I expect he's not going to go full on 'Dark Side' permanently. We still have to find out who the other women is that Olissa saw in her visions. It also seems, from the two other demi-ghosts you've introduced, that they eventually get over their penchant for mayhem and the darker things... although I guess that is just my limited perspective.
Anyway, I'm not so patiently waiting for chapters two through twelve.
xanbalest wrote:
There's also what he said earlier as well. Any other stories in this universe would either follow David's after-life in Dugerra or Earth, likely to constitute wrapping up any and all story lines still incomplete following this one, OR they'd be like the sequel to CAMP, only not following a child of David, but rather, someone else who would eventually meet up and interact with David, the book or series following this hypothetical new main character.
I could be wrong, but I don't believe I ever said this. I have said more than once that the Woodward Academy series would only have eight books, possibly nine, but if there is a ninth book, it would be a short story anthology.
It is highly likely that there will be other books in the Dugerraverse, simply because I've spent the last nine years building this world.
Given the level of animosity being stirred up, the only way a war like what is occuring in this book could conceivably end before next in book May would be a complete and total devastation of one side or the other.
This opinion ignores the fact that there have been two previous large wars between Callamandia and Vrudena, neither of which ended in "total devastation".
Now granted, that belief may in some part stem from my previous experience with reading or watching media concerning werewolves, and their almost multiversal leanings towards brutal territorialism (do forgive pseudo made up words, at least the ones I'm using here make some sort of sense. Unless you've seen them somewhere before, at which point, they're not made up, and you can disregard.....),
I'll give you a pass on "multiversal", since it will probably be a word sooner or later, and its meaning is fairly clear in context. You run up against the weirdness of the English language with "territorialism", however. This word does exist, but doesn't mean what you think it does. Territorialism is one of two specific systems of behavior, neither of which is about aggressively defending one's territory. The word you actually wanted is "territoriality"... which is ugly to read and to say, but is still the "legitimate" noun for the situation.
they likely won't give up unless their forces are completely routed,
There are other things that would prompt an end to the war. The Vrudenans are not irrational, unthinking monsters. They are hyper-aggressive by nature, but they're not stupid. If they're clearly losing, they're not going to fight to the last were.
All of this is to say that maybe (I wish I could trademark that word, but it doesn't belong to me), just maybe, when the last chapter of this book rolls around, we won't be left hanging and Eric will, perhaps kindly, give us all the closure we desire, either by the end of this book, or more likely, in a stand alone story or sequel series. Given his track record, I believe Eric won't be mean to all of us. Then again, I did throw him under a bus in this very post, but I'd like to think he's not vindictive enough to punish all of his loyal readers for the actions of one of them. (please? I'm also very loyal too! It was your CAMP series that drew me to this website in the first place.)
No, I won't be mean to everyone. Just you. I'll email the final chapter to everyone else, but I'll "forget" to send you a copy.
Throw me under the bus, will you? We'll see about that...
Take your time, deal with the adulting stuff. Most of us need to adult too, and those of us that do, understand you being unduly put upon by such stress and don't wish to further that stress. So, in short, you do you Eric.
And actually, that you used the word "adulting" makes me want to be mean to you far, far more than anything else you said in this post. It makes me want to throw you not under a bus, but under a long series of semi trucks loaded down to capacity (by volume) with osmium*. I at first thought of Abrams tanks, but the truth is that the whole point of tracks is to lessen the ground pressure of the vehicle, so it wouldn't hurt you as much.
This particular bastardization of the language grates every single nerve in my body, because it implies that acting responsibly and doing things you're supposed to do is an "activity" that you do, and then stop doing when you're done. Being an adult is a 24/7 thing; you don't get to stop being one 'cause you're bored with it. Adults get to have fun, too, so it's ludicrous to think that you're only being an adult when you're dealing with the mundane, dull, stressful, responsible tasks of living. It also belittles minors by implying that they cannot be responsible or handle important tasks. Some teenagers are far more responsible than most adults.
Eric Storm
* Osmium is the densest known naturally occurring element on Earth. That tractor-trailer would weigh over 7.5 million pounds. (Structurally integrity of the vehicle and the roadbed, as well as pulling power of the vehicle, is being overlooked for rhetorical purposes.)
Yes, David cannot be killed, which is why "survived" was in quotation marks. There are various things that could happen to David that would be an equivalent to the death of someone else... an imprisonment like the one Jacob is currently stuck in, for example. He could somehow get trapped inside a mortessor. Yes, his dark side could get so bad that Gabriel has to imprison him in the Between Place. Other curses could have permanent debilitating effects on him. It is possible for David to suffer a situation that would be as bad as (or worse than) dying.
Eric Storm
One major point from the story line background : Demighosts, while known, are NOT commonly or well-known as far as their attributes and capabilities.
A side point based on this : Demighosts are not normally active in any but their own, personal, interests.
Major point for Chapter 8 : Vrudena's leaders have pissed off a demighost and made their actions personal to him.
There are so many directions that this story can take, but as readers attempting to forecast that direction, we need to keep one thing in mind : Eric created this story, not as a Callamandian story or a series of short stories, but as a single, David Stroud & Woodward Academy story. He started year one with an idea of where he was going to end up at the completion of year eight. Attempting to separate the happenings in Year One from the happenings in Year Eight would like trying separate the encounters in Bree from the Battle of the Morannon; the first leads inevitably to the latter.
Read the prior chapters with an eye to analysis and you will find David facing more difficult issues each year and growing more into himself, defining himself more, with each year.
MY PRIMARY forecast for year eight is that David ends up being closely involved with the school during the academic year - enough so as to allow him to take the Ad-1 test at the end of the year. How this is done with the war is going to be interesting.
My secondary forecast for year eight is a resolution of the issues brought up by the disclosures of Daily. Remember that he has already been identified as a self-serving liar who was willing to distort the truth however he wanted for whatever reason he might have had. Thus, the question becomes: did he enlist the aid of certain people IN his schemes, or did he buy their aid as being supportive of a disadvantaged person?
In the most recent chapters, we have seen the active hand of Levi Daily moving in the background to advance his purpose as it affected our favorite demighost. Daily has been removed from consideration, but has his influence been removed? (Was Daily the "informant" drawing attention to the recent kidnappings?)
Could royal influence be brought to bear, forwarding the cause of David's learning while keeping him somewhat isolated from the destructive influences of the war?
Although the war with Vrudena will color the final chapter, the story is Woodward Academy, not David's War. The war likely becomes a motivating aspect of the story, taking over that aspect of development from Daily, driving aspects of David's completion of his final year AT Woodward Academy, not THE story of the final chapter.
I tried to not put words into your mouth or dictate your writing, but the sheep's bleating was starting to get in the way of my enjoyment of your story about the evolution of the main character in the final chapter of your book and the conversation about it.
Last edited by darthel0101 (2018-11-28 23:07:35)
neolyn wrote:
I mean... sweet Lise ? :'(
*retch* phrasing dude.
Jefferson wrote:
One I do hope got one is Coach Hall, not because I don't like him but because I still want, after all this time, David to get it on with healer Hall.
No! No! No! No! No!
This is SOOOO wrong on SOOOO many levels.
Why? Annie's perfect for him, after all she knows him inside and out.
Sorry, I'll see myself out.
Eric Storm wrote wrote:
Perhaps David doesn't "survive" the war?
Perhaps Woodward Academy is destroyed?
Perhaps the Callamandians lose the war, and the Vrudenans prohibit humans from learning wizardry...
Maybe David decides his eighth year is fairly pointless, given that he doesn't really want to be a magistrate?
Maybe David succumbs to his dark side, and so is not really welcome any longer at Woodward Academy...
Maybe, during the course of the war, David finds something more important to him than Woodward Academy.
Maybe he discovers that Levi Dailey's claim is true, and that Woodward has betrayed him from the beginning... that enough possibles as to why there isn't a book 9 in this series?
I can't answer that question without revealing too much about book 8. I'm sure you already knew that.
There is one other alternative answer to some Questions and that is Eric may leave some answers for us to work out ourselves by having hidden clues throughout the last few chapters as it has been done before other Authors in other genres although Eric is not that mean .... or is he!!
I also can't wait for the next Chapter
Keep in good health and hopefully, live it with less stress
God Bless
Currently in the process of rereading all of Woodward academy I've lost count how many times iv read this already. cant wait to see what happens and how thing progress thanks again for being such an awesome author
(posted from the Item Information Page)
Perhaps David doesn't "survive" the war?
Perhaps Woodward Academy is destroyed?
Perhaps the Callamandians lose the war, and the Vrudenans prohibit humans from learning wizardry...
Maybe David decides his eighth year is fairly pointless, given that he doesn't really want to be a magistrate?
Maybe David succumbs to his dark side, and so is not really welcome any longer at Woodward Academy...
Maybe, during the course of the war, David finds something more important to him than Woodward Academy.
Maybe he discovers that Levi Dailey's claim is true, and that Woodward has betrayed him from the beginning...
Perhaps many options to this story....I can hardly wait for the climax.
Way to go Eric
Eric Storm wrote:
Adults get to have fun, too...
all work, no play. chop chop.
But seriously, adults get to have the best fun.
Doc Spratley wrote:
so many options to this story....I can hardly wait for the climax.
That is really the point here : this year is the climax of everything that has gone before.
Do I expect to see David "turn to the dark side" and be repudiated by his Woodward "family"? Not really.
Do I expect to find out that Woodward faculty was complicit in Daily's schemes? Probably, but with a caveat.
Do I expect to see the war last until May of year eight? Nope.
In the end, we are dependent upon Eric's storytelling to clear away any incorrect predictions.
Do we get champagne with that caveat?
Eric Storm
Eric Storm wrote:
Do we get champagne with that caveat?
Eric Storm
Nah, but I'll spring for some Mt Dew.
Better yet. Mtn Dew doesn't give me a headache. Wine does.
Eric Storm
Daedalus wrote:
neolyn wrote:
I mean... sweet Lise ? :'(
*retch* phrasing dude.
Sorry, for it to be interpreted that way never crossed my mind. Too upset with Eric about her .
Last edited by neolyn (2018-12-12 00:34:00)
I hate to admit that I still don't get what's wrong with the phrasing in that sentence.
Eric Storm
While talking about what Daily told David about Dean Lengele, I had a thought that wasn't voiced by David or Jaille in their conversation; what if Daily said that so David would think, for eternity, that Emile had betrayed him, even though she really didn't. That sounds like as probable as anything else proffered; right?
(posted from the Item Information Page)
Eric Storm wrote:
I hate to admit that I still don't get what's wrong with the phrasing in that sentence.
Sweet is the word the werewolf also used to describe Lise.
Daedalus: Ah... frankly, that never even occurred to me when I read his comment.
Werewolf1: Actually, this was the very first concept Jailla offered:
Eric Storm, in The Woodward Academy, Year 7, Chapter 10: April, wrote:
David sighed deeply. "It's just the thing with that Dailey bastard and the school. I can't figure out whether to believe him or not."
"He was an enemy. Why would you believe him?" Jailla asked.
"What did he have to gain from the lie?" David asked.
"Perhaps exactly what you're going through now?"
David shook his head. "He expected to win, remember? Had I been stuck there for all eternity, this would be completely irrelevant. Whether or not they had been my friends, or in on the conspiracy, wouldn't matter a damn, because I wouldn't be able to communicate with them anymore, anyway."
Offered and rejected.
Eric Storm
Eric Storm wrote:
Daedalus: Ah... frankly, that never even occurred to me when I read his comment.
Werewolf1: Actually, this was the very first concept Jailla offered:Eric Storm, in The Woodward Academy, Year 7, Chapter 10: April, wrote:
David sighed deeply. "It's just the thing with that Dailey bastard and the school. I can't figure out whether to believe him or not."
"He was an enemy. Why would you believe him?" Jailla asked.
"What did he have to gain from the lie?" David asked.
"Perhaps exactly what you're going through now?"
David shook his head. "He expected to win, remember? Had I been stuck there for all eternity, this would be completely irrelevant. Whether or not they had been my friends, or in on the conspiracy, wouldn't matter a damn, because I wouldn't be able to communicate with them anymore, anyway."Offered and rejected.
Eric Storm
And it didn't occur to me when I wrote it.
About Emile, many things would make more sense if that was true. I mean David must not have been the first one to suddenly become magical. That she did all she did ... I never was really confortable with it, she was showing up out of the blue and took him under her wing, was more "protective" of him than any other non-human like Bob or Shell. But I always put that on the fact that it was to further the story, to give David an anchor of some sort.
If Emile is like Dailey said she is, I didn't see that coming for sure. What's worrying me even more is that Sam is her best friend, the odds are high that she knew how Emile really is ( I don't want to belive it though), meaning Sam may be on it too. But some people are really good actors / liars and can fool their closest ones, so SAm may totally be oblivious too.
Interesting start!
One question: if David can summon/store things in his conjuration room, why don't they have shared conjuration rooms set up for messaging? That would give them a way to send in instant reports, or get updated orders.
I don't remember the details from when he was learning conjuration, so this might not be possible, but it was bugging me.
Two things:
1. Though David is a Master Conjurer (level 7 at this point, the highest level possible), most people cannot use the Conjuring Room, even if they can conjure through other means. It is a high-level conjuring technique.
2. Conjuring Rooms cannot be shared. A Conjuring Room is created by the conjurer, and it is this act of creation that allows them to access it at all. There is no means by which they can give someone else access to it.
Eric Storm
Thanks for confirming his new level, Can't wait to see it in the book.
If conjuring rooms can't be shared, I guess conjuring to non-room other locations is also out?
Um.... huh?
Your question is not clear enough for me to formulate an answer.
Eric Storm
David has already conjured messages to other locations but remember he has to have a view-at distance this is accomplished usually by mirror one of the first things both sides did was jam mirrors