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#26 2017-01-31 02:21:40

Completely Blotto
Registered: 2013-08-18
Posts: 266

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

Eric Storm wrote:

As he IS a Rimohr, he wouldn't BE a vigilante.  Any Rimohr that happened to be on campus would be expected to interfere with any sort of violence that presented itself in front of them.

Eric Storm

I wish that there were a "Like" option on this board.



#27 2017-01-31 18:34:56

From: London, Ontario, Canada
Registered: 2006-12-05
Posts: 107

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

Eric Storm wrote:

Nobody's work is better when it doesn't get the chance to go through the review and revision process.

Speaking of, I'm looking for one or two new reviewers.  Anyone interested?

Eric Storm

Im interested Eric if you think I would be a good candidate.

Welcome to The Mystic Wolf Pub



#28 2017-01-31 20:55:27

Registered: 2017-01-01
Posts: 5

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

I have been re-reading a the woodward series and struck upon a thought, that most likely isn't true,  what if the rise of the clan and the increase in tensions between callamdia and vrudena are two related events? Doesn't it make sense to try create unrest in the population as a precursor to hostilities? I am curios what others think about this.  I look forward to reading the next chapter when it is posted.



#29 2017-01-31 21:10:57

Eric Storm
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From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5835

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The


Email me, and I'll send you the requirements list.  You can decide whether you want to try it or not.


Since you're wondering what others think, I'm not going to weigh in one way or the other on this.  3dsmile

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#30 2017-02-01 01:27:30

Completely Blotto
Registered: 2015-02-11
Posts: 329

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

My impression was that 'The Clan' probably had more to do with Rob Beckel, and his sister Sherry (I think that's her name Jim's girlfriend anyway).  Gang related activity seems more their style, besides I didn't get the impression there were any "weres" in any of 'The Clans' activities.  I think Rob Beckel and Sherry blame all their woes on David and to a lesser extent Woodward Academy.  They are probably using like minded wizards as recruits from both Earth and Dugerra.  Also, 'The Clan' has been kind of quiet since David became a Rhimor intern and started tracking them down.

The were-war is just starting to ramp up in my opinion.  Two incursions, one definitely malicious while the other was suspicious.  Although the malicious one on Flo, I think it was, in the back yard of David's Bolmont house could of been a for hire thing as some kind of revenge on David.  I suppose, if the new leader of the were-nation could of used Divination to find out about David and some role he will play in the were-war and is also targeting him but I'm don't think it actually has anything to do with 'The Clan'.

At this point in the story, my curiosity is peeked more by whom is behind the attacks on David's friends plus the ramp up to the were-war.  'The Clan' would have to do something bigger then they've tried to come back into the story in a major way... which I'm sure they probably will.



#31 2017-02-01 02:53:52

Completely Blotto
From: East Coast, USA
Registered: 2006-12-03
Posts: 452

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

I have ALWAYS assumed that The Clan's activities were tied to something much bigger than simply committing crimes or vandalizing the school.

With the threat of a Were War (gonna copyright that one so Eric can't use it) I always assumed that the Were's had some hand in the activities of the clan.

Barbarian is correct. There are no Were's, that we know of anyway, directly involved in The Clan. It's more likely the Were's are possibly financing the campaign and giving rough directions.

I don't know the exact geography of where the Were Nation is, where Woodward is and where the King's Castle and such things are but the fact that David and Lord Woodward are so very sure that the war will come to them, come to the Woodward Academy, hints to me that weakening the school in anyway possible, whether it's by chasing away trained staff and students, by weakening the school's security, and therefore whatever armed response the school can muster, or whether it's by just chasing away, or keeping away, students, possibly leading to the closing of the school and the abandonment of the grounds and castle, leaving them unguarded for the Were's to use as a fortress in their own campaign, it seems weakening the school in any or all of these ways would be a plus if/when the Were nation attacks. So yes, I think the Were's are definitely behind the Clan's activities, not necessarily directly but more of a "do whatever you can to weaken Woodward."

Darn it!! While Biden was in office, I could be a "Great and powerful Cave dragon!" Guess I'll have to go back to being just an ordinary guy now.




#32 2017-02-01 03:05:35

Registered: 2013-04-05
Posts: 55

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

Wouldn't The Clans goal be more to weaken the entire nation??

Although we see them mostly at Woodward, that is only because that is where David is. If my memory is correct David has had interactions with (read against) away from school as well.

(posted from the Item Information Page)



#33 2017-02-01 03:29:33

Registered: 2017-01-01
Posts: 5

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

Jefferson wrote:

I have ALWAYS assumed that The Clan's activities were tied to something much bigger than simply committing crimes or vandalizing the school.

With the threat of a Were War (gonna copyright that one so Eric can't use it) I always assumed that the Were's had some hand in the activities of the clan.

Barbarian is correct. There are no Were's, that we know of anyway, directly involved in The Clan. It's more likely the Were's are possibly financing the campaign and giving rough directions.

I don't know the exact geography of where the Were Nation is, where Woodward is and where the King's Castle and such things are but the fact that David and Lord Woodward are so very sure that the war will come to them, come to the Woodward Academy, hints to me that weakening the school in anyway possible, whether it's by chasing away trained staff and students, by weakening the school's security, and therefore whatever armed response the school can muster, or whether it's by just chasing away, or keeping away, students, possibly leading to the closing of the school and the abandonment of the grounds and castle, leaving them unguarded for the Were's to use as a fortress in their own campaign, it seems weakening the school in any or all of these ways would be a plus if/when the Were nation attacks. So yes, I think the Were's are definitely behind the Clan's activities, not necessarily directly but more of a "do whatever you can to weaken Woodward."

EXACTLY!! This is precisely what I was thinking but if I remember correctly The Clan is active across all of Callamandia and not just Woodward... but the Woodward chapter's goal would definitely be to weaken Woodward.  Also, the whole you can touch me but not us mentality seems to me to be mirroring some form of pack mentality which is another reason I believe the two events are related. 

Barbarian, truthfully, I had never given thought to who was behind the attacks on Davis's circle but the timing seems to fit some sort of clan retaliation scheme though eventual capture of the Woodward chapter (his name eludes me I apologize) should be something that is factored into this theory.  So the speculation seems to be sound but as Jefferson eluded The Clan having to do with the Beckels does not preclude it from being a part of the Vrudenian? offensive against Callamandia.



#34 2017-02-01 03:42:00

Eric Storm
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From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5835

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

Just to clear up some factual information:

1. Yes, The Clan exists at least as far away from Woodward as Bolmont.  However, we do know that they were NOT attacking other schools: David checked.

2. Geography: 
Callamandia is the United States, east of the Mississippi.
Vrudena (the Were Nation) is roughly Canada and Alaska
Mirelia is the United States west of the Mississippi and the western coast of Canada
Gtharsis is Louisiana and East Texas.
Mt. Woodward sits roughly at Newburyport, MA.
The King's Palace is in Senesty, which coincides with Macon, GA.
Erle (mentioned in previous books) is roughly Chicago, IL.
Cormatsen is right around Roanoke, VA
Bellamy (Gwen's home town) is near St. Louis, MO.
Bolmont is somewhere around the Danvers/Peabody area.

Hope that helps,
Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#35 2017-02-01 04:32:10

Completely Blotto
Registered: 2015-02-11
Posts: 329

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

It just seems to me that between Rob Beckle at the Management Facility in Year Two and Sherry at Woodward a few years later, a whole lot of recruiting could of taken place.  Rob did a pretty good job of recruiting people for the breakout at the facility, and we don't know what happened to all the escapees.  Sherry also seemed to do a pretty good recruiting Jim and who knows whom else.  After all Jim pretty much admitted to running with Sherry's gang over one of the breaks.  Sherry may have been expelled from Dugerra, but I don't think Rob was since he visited Sherry in the Management Facility.  Of course Rob could of been recruiting long before he entered the story, and we don't know what sent him to the Management Facility... we just know he tried to act the tough.

The Clan plot-line may not be fully closed, but I'm not sure it's a major thrust any more... but we will have to wait for Eric to tell us how that is going to finish through his storytelling.  Although it would be interesting to see what Jim has made of his life.  Did he go techno-criminal?  Did he grow up and live the techno-life?  Did he marry Sherry?  Is David, Jim's time traveling father?  3dwink

Last edited by Barbarian3165 (2017-02-01 04:32:26)



#36 2017-02-01 15:23:50

Completely Blotto
Registered: 2013-08-18
Posts: 266

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

Jim still has a few months to go on a UUM sentence - he was caught in late Dec using an illusion spell.



#37 2017-02-01 19:15:03

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5835

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

Actually, we have no idea how much longer he has on his sentence.  I listed possibilities, but we didn't see his trial.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#38 2017-02-01 23:33:03

Completely Blotto
Registered: 2013-08-18
Posts: 266

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

I wasn't trying to state absolutes but simply what was known - Jim had a job and was, apparently, keeping his nose relatively clean. He just has a problem with the restrictions on magic use.



#39 2017-02-01 23:44:08

From: London, Ontario, Canada
Registered: 2006-12-05
Posts: 107

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

There's a part in this series that I'm looking for so I can re read it, what I'm looking for is the part where David is doing research on portals. If anyone remembers where this was please let me know.

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#40 2017-02-02 01:07:22

Completely Blotto
Registered: 2013-08-18
Posts: 266

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

According to the Calendar Of Events, check January, Year 6.



#41 2017-02-02 03:18:44

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5835

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

Yes, it's right after Olissa's test in WAY6-8.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#42 2017-02-02 03:58:40

Registered: 2012-08-08
Posts: 48

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

Lol! Thanks for a fine chapter!

(posted from Chapter 2: July)



#43 2017-02-02 04:01:00

Registered: 2010-12-31
Posts: 191

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

As his undead life began, things were looking dim....he got his revenge on his tormentors/killers but then realized that he had nothing to problem, here come the Rimohrs, things look up a little until school starts....blah blah blah....6 years later, he believes things are starting to settle a bit.....NOPE!! things for year 7 look to be just as busy (if not more so) than the last 6....I wonder how he will handle the Kings Daughter along with all the other stuff coming up...

Damn Eric I don't want this story to end at the end of Year 8, I'm going to want to see how everything turns out later in his life......

Damn, I think this is the longest comment I have made here, and also probably the most self serving lol...Great chapter, can't wait to see what comes...

(posted from Chapter 2: July)

Last edited by StoryJunkie (2017-02-02 04:02:46)



#44 2017-02-02 04:28:56

From: Canton, New York
Registered: 2015-12-10
Posts: 88

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

Remarkable chapter Eric. I loved the throwback mention. Now back to speculating about what will happen next.

(posted from Chapter 2: July)



#45 2017-02-02 04:36:47

Registered: 2016-02-13
Posts: 101

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

I'm PISSED !  You really got me fired up with Viviane .... for absoluuuuutely nothing !  Well okay, a kiss, so I'll take it V_V .

Still wating for my David x Viviane  moment  *sigh*

At least there  are some new things . I'm very curious about Joe's problems back home, and really exited with Christa ! New crazy character, i like it. 3dsmile ( Is she the woman Olissa saw david with ? ( nevermind I'know you'll never anwser that :p ))

I feel sorry for Jenny but glad that she has a chance to start again . Since David doesn't understand why he helped her does that mean he will see her one more time ? to know the why ?

Well like always: good work .



#46 2017-02-02 07:16:47

Completely Blotto
From: Silver City
Registered: 2006-12-03
Posts: 575

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

I know the king wouldnt contact him directly but a indirect heads up might have been nice

(posted from Chapter 2: July)

"I figure that if you can't write decent dialogue for the devil, maybe you shouldn't be a writer."-Richard Kadrey



#47 2017-02-02 08:25:24

Registered: 2013-10-16
Posts: 12

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

Wow, Awsome ending. Every month your chapters get better and better and Keeps me wanting more.

If you ever actually had this published, I think you would have very little trouble selling it. I would definitely be buying every book if you did.

(posted from Chapter 2: July)



#48 2017-02-02 10:08:06

Registered: 2006-12-18
Posts: 30

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

Nice, given this chapter, it's going to be a very entertaining year.  As always, great writing and can't wait til next month! 3dbig_smile

(posted from Chapter 2: July)



#49 2017-02-02 17:33:12

Registered: 2009-06-05
Posts: 28

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

How fitting it would be for a royal paladin to marry the king's daughter. Too bad marriage is impractical.

We obviously don't know the details of the fight with Goliath, but couldn't David's fighting style incorporate him ghosting more to effectively dodge an attack in a fight-to-the-death melee?

Last edited by Jennatalia (2017-02-02 17:40:35)



#50 2017-02-02 18:25:17

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5835

Re: Woodward Academy, Year 7, The

Ghosting takes time.  Not much time, as David has worked to get his speed up (as seen in his sparring match with Devyn in book 4...), but there is always a certain amount of lag involved.  Even if that time is just 1/4 of a second, that's too slow to avoid an unexpected hit in combat.  He'd use it when he could... but Goliath is teaching him gargoyle fighting tactics, which do not include fading, because gargoyles can't fade.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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