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#51 2022-06-17 01:05:24
From: South Florida
Registered: 2007-06-15
Posts: 36

Re: Artifacts 2: The Coin

It's been a while since I read Artifacts 1, so I re-read it before reading the sequel.  I enjoyed both stories.  I think you wrote Reba's point of view very well.  I can hardly wait to see what happens in #3 and 4.

(posted from Chapter 6)



#52 2022-06-17 05:56:24

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5835

Re: Artifacts 2: The Coin

Me, too.  Got any ideas?  3dbig_smile

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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#53 2023-02-03 00:18:56

Registered: 2023-01-11
Posts: 114

Re: Artifacts 2: The Coin

Another good story. I can see continuations coming, I hope.

(posted from Epilogue)

Always willing to help. May not be good at it ;-)



#54 2023-02-03 09:54:46

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5835

Re: Artifacts 2: The Coin

Wouldn't be much of a gathering if it just kind of ended with no resolution, now would it?  3dsmile

Glad you're enjoying the stories.

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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