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I think Eric some of us had not realized keeping power was going to be ongoing and recurring. Your comment actually cancels that concern. after that and without trying to change your mind at least one more reenforcement might have helped but not really necessary
Last edited by ChiefRock (2021-04-26 02:26:02)
ChiefRock wrote:
... at least one more reenforcement might have helped...
Okay, fair enough, though I can't imagine why anyone would have thought that Andrew was somehow so super-special that he alone would get to keep the ring's power after transferring it.
But I can see your point that the repetition in this case would have removed doubt.
Eric Storm
I guess I feel that way because I didn’t sense much positive for most of the ending. The power transfer scene was enjoyable but at the end Reba now had one more thing to worry about and i would have like to see that resolved since her sister was still not 100%. Yes she had figured out what she wanted to do for work but but it still seemed like she had a lot weighing on her.
Last edited by thehilz (2021-04-27 12:23:16)
It doesn't necessarily add to story but it's a bit like if a fairy tale didn't end with "and they all lived happily ever after". We've been trained to know that's what comes next so it would be weird if a story didn't have that, like the author had stopped centimetres before the finish line.
(posted from the Item Information Page)
But don't they say, always leave them wanting more? LOL
I get what you're saying. It's jarring because it was expected but not present.
Eric Storm
thehilz wrote:
I guess I feel that way because I didn’t sense much positive for most of the ending. The power transfer scene was enjoyable but at the end Reba now had one more thing to worry about and i would have like to see that resolved since her sister was still not 100%. Yes she had figured out what she wanted to do for work but but it still seemed like she had a lot weighing on her.
Okay, I can accept that as a reason to possibly include a scene...
Eric Storm
I really enjoyed this story. The 'tomb raiding' parts were a lot of fun. Reba locking up a couple times was also kind of refreshing instead of the stories where the main character just magically knows how to react to every situation.
Really glad you decided to move forward with this series Eric. Got to say I have been looking forward to it far a long time and hope it's as good or even better as its prequel. It will be interesting how you introduce Reba's magic instructor. Looking forward to future chapters.
(posted from Chapter 2)
I enjoyed this series quite a bit. I will agree that I wasn't entirely certain if Reba kept the powers, but it seemed like it would be logical since Andrew kept them and he wasn't the first to acquire them.
Additionally, it would be silly if they didn't keep them. It would potentially put them in a lot of danger after the ring left.
I'm excited for wherever this series goes next, very interested in our next book.
Thanks Eric!
Why am I so hooked on your writings.... more please
(posted from the Item Information Page)
Subliminal mind control texts interspersed throughout the fiction.
You will now send me $5,000 and the names & addresses of all eligible females in your family...
Eric Storm
Eric Storm wrote:
Subliminal mind control texts interspersed throughout the fiction.
You will now send me $5,000 and the names & addresses of all eligible females in your family...
Eric Storm
These are not the girls you are looking for
Chief, right now, they're ALL the girls I'm looking for.
Eric Storm
PS: And your Republic credits will not be fine.
Heh Heh
Eric for those that need to have her find out that her powers are there just add one little paragraph. She is back at work chasing an a..hole and she calls out in her mind come back here you jerk and he stops so fast the falls down. With a big grin she says damn it is still there. it would be redundant but kind of cute.
(posted from the Item Information Page)
It's not a bad idea. It'd need to be more than just a paragraph, but not much.
Eric Storm
Eric One more thing do not forget to add at the end she lived happy every after. Very Big Grin
(posted from the Item Information Page)
But she doesn't.
(Jerry, you think that was too evilly vague?... Well, yes, I know it's Halloween season... Okay, if they complain, I'm directing them to you...)
Eric Storm
Well crap how about she lived happy for a while. As I have said away from here your the writer not me.
(posted from the Item Information Page)
Really liked the addition to epilogue.
Eric Storm wrote:
mikkelsonr wrote:
Just write when the inspiration and time allows. We will still be here patiently waiting...
(posted from the Item Information Page)Oh, if only this were actually true.
The fact of the matter is that there are dozens of people who used to visit this site very actively, who are never around anymore. So, no, there's no guarantee that there will be people around to read my work if I take too long.
Eric Storm
I mean I check back in every now and again...
thanks...nice story
(posted from Chapter 6)
Just finished up the epilogue. I remember you starting this one a while back. Good to see you finished it.
Overall it was a good read. It didn't quite feel as organic as the first series. It does feel like you're building towards something larger which while interesting, didn't really feel like part of the original story. Curious to see where this goes and wish you all the best with your writing.
sinsfire wrote:
It does feel like you're building towards something larger which while interesting, didn't really feel like part of the original story.
... You thought I titled it Artifacts I: The Gathering Begins just for kicks? While I admit the subtitle often gets omitted, this story has been known as Artifacts I from the very beginning... hard to have a "I" if there isn't supposed to at least be a "II"...
Not exactly sure what you meant by it didn't feel as organic... perhaps because this book actually focused rather heavily on the artifacts themselves? As Reba was the person who "figured out" that the artifacts were being collected, that was somewhat necessary.
If, on the other hand, you're saying that it felt like Reba was being pushed into finding this, that, or the other... consider that the artifacts have always chosen their bearer. Something is in charge of that process. It would not be unthinkable that the something in charge might be manipulating things behind the scenes.
Or were you referring to something else entirely?
Eric Storm
I like the improved ending
(posted from Chapter 6)