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Artifacts 2: The Coin
Reba Carstairs received the ring and the amulet from Andrew, but her family life is far more important to her at the moment. Might the artifacts help her sort things out?
When will this be available for download? Loved the first series and can't wait to see what happens in the next series.
(posted from the Item Information Page)
It's available now, if you have PRM access. At least the first three chapters are...
Eric Storm
Probably a stupid question... but do you have a list of stories you're still working on actively, and a release schedule?
I know that you release Woodward6 on the first of every month. Was really happy with this story too, but I see it hasn't been updated since 2014... went into it thinking that it was complete, but now seems like it's abandoned...
Every single story on this site has a "status" indicator. If you will look at the information page for Artifacts 2, you will notice that it says "Serial/Novel - In Progress".
I would have thought that "In Progress" would have been clear enough to indicate that it was certainly NOT finished.
If the story had been abandoned (something I do not do, but is an option on the site), it would have been marked as such: "Serial/Novel - Abandoned".
Likewise, it could also be marked as "Serial/Novel - Inactive", but this doesn't apply to Artifacts 2, given the definition of "Inactive", which is no current intent to work on a story.
I write what wants to be written on any given day. I have been waiting for Artifacts 2 chapter 5 to want to be written for a long time. So far, I've had no luck in that. Frankly, I hadn't realized that it had been two years since I posted last on that story. But then, last year was such a bad writing year all around, I'm not really surprised.
For the record:
"In Progress" - A story is unfinished and is actively (if slowly) being worked on by the author.
"Completed" - A finished story that is not expected to see further alteration.
"Inactive" - A story that is unfinished, and that the author intends to get back to, but is not currently attempting to write on.
"Abandoned" - A story that is unfinished, and is almost certainly going to stay that way.
No, I do not have a release schedule for any story other than Woodward. I've come dangerously close to failing my release schedule for Woodward, as it is. I am coming to realize the attraction to those writers who release stories only after they are completed. It removes the possibility of feedback-induced improvements to the story, but ensures that the readers won't start bitching at me because the story is unfinished.
Eric Storm
I also have been waiting for an update on this story. No rush until Woodward is done 😂😂
I know it's been a rough time, but is there any new update for this story? I know you work on what you have inspiration for but we don't always know that right away, so just curious.
Don't expect to see the next chapter anytime soon. As much as I'm struggling just to produce Woodward Academy, anything else is unlikely in the extreme until my muse gets off vacation.
Eric Storm
I sometimes wonder if authors who do not release a chapter at a time get the 'is there more' (or any other variation) question less often.
Of course they do, because the answer to that question is rather obvious. "I just released a book. Of course there isn't more... in that book."
I'm quite sure they still get the "will you be writing a sequel?" question a lot (as do I), and the "when will your book be out?" question, if they have announced they're writing one...
But not the "is there more?" question. That's kind of exclusive to us serial posters.
They also probably don't get as much feedback, as people will respond ONCE, when they've read the book, as opposed to once per chapter.
Eric Storm
Looking forward to Chapter 4.
(posted from Chapter 3)
Great story so far Eric. I hope you find your muse for this story again, and i know you will .
(posted from the Item Information Page)
One of these days...
Eric Storm
Awsome, I can't wait until "Candy" realizes they kidnapped the wrong daughter.
(posted from Chapter 4)
You really think she'll care? Not like she's been fawning over Sissy, either...
Eric Storm
Really enjoyed the new chapter especially after wondering for so long what the coin did. Hopefully there won’t be as long of a wait for the next chapter. Keep up the excellent work.
Just write when the inspiration and time allows. We will still be here patiently waiting...
(posted from the Item Information Page)
mikkelsonr wrote:
Just write when the inspiration and time allows. We will still be here patiently waiting...
(posted from the Item Information Page)
Oh, if only this were actually true.
The fact of the matter is that there are dozens of people who used to visit this site very actively, who are never around anymore. So, no, there's no guarantee that there will be people around to read my work if I take too long.
Eric Storm
How about, some of us will continue to haunt this place until you finish your stories.
Hello... Is the author home? Will he be coming back to this story someday?
(posted from the Item Information Page)
rlcsub63 wrote:
Hello... Is the author home? Will he be coming back to this story someday?
(posted from the Item Information Page)
On the grounds that I know you CAN read, you obviously know who the author is of this story, and I'll assume the question is facetious.
Eric Storm
Would have liked the ending better if ended like the first, with Reba realising she still had the power as she helped someone.
(posted from Chapter 6)
I saw no reasonable way to put in an after-transfer scene that would have worked well.
Eric Storm
Ending was definitely not one I expected. Thou I do agree that not seeing Reba finding out she still has the power was a little disappointing. I hope that you’re able to figure out the next installment plot sometime.
Okay, I want someone to explain this to me... I'm not being facetious or sarcastic, I genuinely do not understand.
What does a scene where Reba discovers she still has her powers add to the story? Why is it disappointing that it's missing? You know from the first book that the powers are kept, so it doesn't add any information.
So... seriously... exactly what does this add to the story? Technically, A2-Ep. is still in PRM, meaning it is not necessarily in its final form. I can add a scene... but to spend the effort to come up with one, someone's going to have to explain why it's useful, because I don't get it. To me, it seems repetitive, which is a good part of why I didn't spend more effort trying to find a workable scene for after-transfer.
So... Change my mind.
Eric Storm