The Call

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2023-Sep-6 @ 1:46 AM
Member since 2023-Jan-12
Posts: 114

Eric Storm wrote:

Don't you ever watch the Simpsons?  Fictional characters never age.


Eric Storm


Yes I have but we all know they are fictional. But in this story we want to believe they are not, we just haven't met them yet, in person. No, I'm not crazy ;-)

Always willing to help. May not be good at it ;-)
2023-Sep-6 @ 2:59 AM
Member since 2023-Aug-3
Posts: 18

There is a method to my madness. They do age. Honestly, I aged them too fast in the beginning, so I've spread "aging" out a lot so they all don't age out. They did just age again (in about 205). There are some before then. Right now, for example, Leslie is 17.

It has been challenging, so I actually automated it. Every character is in a spreadsheet. They all age at once at the beginning of the chapter.  I wrote a program that "plugs in" the age. For example, <AGE:Leslie> would get replace with 17.

It didn't kick in until about this far in the story, but from here on it should be perfect. I think it already is.

Crazy huh.


2023-Sep-8 @ 6:34 PM
Member since 2023-Jan-12
Posts: 114

Well, I got to 45. Wow, 45 and there is more to come. My oh my, has the direction changed, for the better? We'll see. Is this good enough to me made into several hard cover books? Most definitely with just a little more clean-up. If this is your first book, it is a very impressive start. The fact that over 200 chapters have already been written, any hope on our part to significantly change or alter anything should just be pushed out of our head. We should just enjoy the ride. I have always believed our children are smarter and more mature than we allow them to be so I appreciate the direction.

Always willing to help. May not be good at it ;-)
2023-Sep-9 @ 12:50 AM
Member since 2023-Aug-3
Posts: 18

Oh I simply love suggestions and ideas but yes, patience is required. You'll want to finish (I hope). I publish a new chapter every two weeks. I'm done through mid-2025 smile.

I'll get them all up here. From about 115 on, I had a great editor, so they're clean. I'm doing a "cleanup pass" through 114 and that's time-consuming.

I hope everyone is enjoying it. It does get a lot more fun.


2023-Sep-16 @ 5:16 PM
Member since 2023-Jan-12
Posts: 114

What I thought to myself self while reading Amy's escapades in this chapter is What happened to the twins? You know, Bob and Amy's kids. They are mentioned so little I feel they have been forgotten. When they went to the beach, where did the little ones go? While Amy was being the school nurse, where were the kids? At their age and the fact that Amy should be mother's milk? I don't know how much you want to change besides spelling and grammar but some of these stories seem incomplete without mentioning any of the little ones.

Great turn of events though. If only the pease was true.

(posted from Chapter 59 - Gabe)

Always willing to help. May not be good at it ;-)
2023-Sep-17 @ 8:31 AM
Member since 2023-Jan-12
Posts: 114

Well, seems like I spoke too soon as the Prince Bill and Princess Jessica shows up in this chapter, oh boy.

(posted from Chapter 62 - Fund Raising Is Hard Work)

Always willing to help. May not be good at it ;-)
2023-Sep-17 @ 9:09 PM
Member since 2023-Jan-12
Posts: 114

Chapter 64, pretty entertaining chapter. However I take exception to the comment by Tim (via Amy) that the Lancia Stratos is an ugly car so ugly that it is cute?

Being a former Lancia Zagato owner I have a love for the Stratos but I'll let you be the judge.
This company builds a replica. I don't know too many other cars that have complete replicas being built.

(posted from Chapter 64 - Montreal Needs A School)

Always willing to help. May not be good at it ;-)
2023-Sep-22 @ 8:53 PM
Member since 2023-Aug-3
Posts: 18

Dadrepus wrote:

Well, seems like I spoke too soon as the Prince Bill and Princess Jessica shows up in this chapter, oh boy.

(posted from Chapter 62 - Fund Raising Is Hard Work)

Oh you're going to love Jessica and Bill. They become very important and fun


2023-Sep-24 @ 9:49 AM
Member since 2023-Jan-12
Posts: 114

So, you finally mentioned the Dig. Are we going to learn anything more about this mysterious site? I hope so. This has been a blast so far. While I do like the sexcapades, I like the world building more. Are you going to reveal the magic of the well water or will it remain a secret for most of the novel?

This is truly prolific writing with very few grammar errors or mis-types.

(posted from Chapter 82 - The Swarm)

Always willing to help. May not be good at it ;-)
2023-Sep-24 @ 6:52 PM
Member since 2023-Aug-3
Posts: 18

Dadrepus wrote:

So, you finally mentioned the Dig. Are we going to learn anything more about this mysterious site? I hope so. This has been a blast so far. While I do like the sexcapades, I like the world building more. Are you going to reveal the magic of the well water or will it remain a secret for most of the novel?

This is truly prolific writing with very few grammar errors or mis-types.

(posted from Chapter 82 - The Swarm)

I move away from the well water to what I think is a more believable explanation. You'll get there. I also like the world building more, which is why the sex becomes MUCH less of a focus over time. It's still an undercurrent mut much more implied.

I do work hard on the grammar. In fact I'm re-reading the entire story and doing another edit. It's time-consuming! Then again, it is fun reading it from the beginning. The story has been going on for five years. Just current events have changed so much since then. Who would have predicted Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

Glad you like it. It is a labor of love for me and I spend WAY too much time on it.


2023-Sep-29 @ 12:57 AM
Member since 2023-Jan-12
Posts: 114

Ok, this chapter confused me a bit. Crisis at the U.S. puts Chris as President and U.N. puts Orlando temporarily in charge of Russia. For how long? How is he then going to go on tour with Grace and the others and still manage Russia? Why no more details for the search for Kyrsten and crew. Seems like all these happenings could have been greatly expanded,  before the tangent of musical tour and house buying from Bob and crew. JFC, the President is missing, why isn't Bob and crew coming up with ways to help search? You really could have expanded on this mystery. Sometimes snippets aren't enough.

(posted from Chapter 92 - President, Seriously?)

Always willing to help. May not be good at it ;-)
2023-Sep-29 @ 8:36 AM
Member since 2023-Jan-12
Posts: 114

I just can't get my head wrapped around the timeline. So, everything that has happened so far has only been 6+ years? Cause Bob's sister gave birth to twins six years ago before she died? And the other kids didn't know about the pregnancy or births? Or forgot to tell Bob?Or,Or boggles my mind.

(posted from Chapter 94 - Ooh La La Rodeo Drive)

Always willing to help. May not be good at it ;-)
2023-Sep-29 @ 5:37 PM
Member since 2023-Aug-3
Posts: 18

Dadrepus wrote:

Ok, this chapter confused me a bit. Crisis at the U.S. puts Chris as President and U.N. puts Orlando temporarily in charge of Russia. For how long? How is he then going to go on tour with Grace and the others and still manage Russia? Why no more details for the search for Kyrsten and crew. Seems like all these happenings could have been greatly expanded,  before the tangent of musical tour and house buying from Bob and crew. JFC, the President is missing, why isn't Bob and crew coming up with ways to help search? You really could have expanded on this mystery. Sometimes snippets aren't enough.

(posted from Chapter 92 - President, Seriously?)

I get your point and I did write some on the search for Kyrsten, but it was boring. Honestly the whole "Chris is President" got a little old. It will wrap up.

As for Orlando being in Russia, that is just until the replace him, so quite short.

It all comes together. Sometimes I don't go into enough depth. You'll actually see that as the story unfolds. I move away from too many snippets in a chapter to much more fleshed out stories in a chapter or across chapters.

My first story. I'm still learning smile


2023-Sep-29 @ 5:39 PM
Member since 2023-Aug-3
Posts: 18

I should add that in hindsight, I would have fewer threads, although the new characters are fun. I have little notes to myself to go back and explore people. I could likely keep this going for another thousand chapters.

I hope people read it and enjoy it, but it is my little world that I live in smile

(posted from the Item Information Page)


2023-Oct-28 @ 11:56 AM
Member since 2023-Jan-12
Posts: 114

So, I’ve read all of 200 chapters and for the most part I enjoyed it. Being as old as I am, I’m not so comfortable with man on man sex but I get what you are trying to portray. It is my problem, not your’s.

If I have any real criticism it is the perpetuation of the myth that all Black men have big penises. In fact the research has proven that there is no appreciable difference on average and it shows a weakness in the writings that you keep going back to that stereotype.

Also, and I know this is fiction but the concept of clean up that you have made intrinsic to the sex is a bit dangerous if real life people try this as well. Especially after anal sex. One sees this in many porn sites but what  many might not know Fleet enemas are typically used ahead of any filming to assure a clean hole to put an unwrapped penis in. Otherwise  bacteria might infect his whole urinary tract also one should never go from rectum to vagina no matter how clean you think that asshole may be for the same reason. And cleaning up a penis with feces all over it with your mouth or tongue may be the worst idea ever, for the same reason.

I do like the character developments, personal interaction, and humor you throw in there. Levity is always appreciated. I like the cast of characters with many names having the links to help us remember where we first read about them. I like how you have incorporated real businesses (sexy clothing line for example) weaving them into the story. And yes I do look things up when you dare us. Fun!

I like how you use snippets to tell little stories and sometimes don’t finish them until a much later date…..ancient ruins….lizard people..
Pretty nicely put together in a seemingly random way that really isn’t.

I hope you continue to write and improve the story going forward.

(posted from Chapter 200 - The World)

Always willing to help. May not be good at it ;-)
2023-Nov-2 @ 10:54 PM
Member since 2023-Aug-3
Posts: 18

Thanks for the great feedback. I know that a BBC is a stereotype, but you'll note that a lot of people have big cocks regardless of their ethnicity. But a stereotype here is more about fun, than accuracy. We'll call it artistic license.

I do know the risks of "cleanup", but remember their medical system is much more advanced. They have no risk of STDs for example. Again, more artistic license than anything.

I'm complete through 242, so those will definitely be coming. I have 1,831 unused snippets, most of which are empty, but enough is written to fill 112 more chapters -- they're just all incomplete, meaning there is more. 1,831 snippets, if all done, is easily another 500 chapters.

I'll likely leave this world before then...

(posted from the Item Information Page)


2023-Dec-9 @ 2:43 AM
Member since 2023-Aug-3
Posts: 18

Always looking for feedback, so feel free to post here or write me privately.

(posted from the Item Information Page)


2023-Dec-12 @ 10:31 AM
Member since 2018-Sep-11
Posts: 54

Started reading this today.   I've read the first two chapters. 
and I have enjoyed the story so far.

While i'm not super into the beta-male role of the MC.  the story is good enough to keep my attention.  and I really enjoyed the +Parents cruse.

I do wonder what marina they could be in LOL, as a boat owner myself,  seems really hard to find privacy on deck LOL.

Seriously though good story so far, ill read more tomorrow.

(posted from the Item Information Page)


2023-Dec-21 @ 2:54 AM
Member since 2023-Aug-3
Posts: 18

abaddon.pale wrote:

Started reading this today.   I've read the first two chapters. 
and I have enjoyed the story so far.

While i'm not super into the beta-male role of the MC.  the story is good enough to keep my attention.  and I really enjoyed the +Parents cruse.

I do wonder what marina they could be in LOL, as a boat owner myself,  seems really hard to find privacy on deck LOL.

Seriously though good story so far, ill read more tomorrow.

(posted from the Item Information Page)

Glad you're liking the story. I get your point, but Bob's role is the foundation of the story. He comes into his own. Enjoy!


2024-Apr-27 @ 5:13 PM
Member since 2024-Mar-13
Posts: 4

So you have developed all this technology to travel into space and are taking pigs, cows, chickens and the like the support system for live animals would huge.  Cows create a huge amount of waste their digestive systems are not the best.  You could have come up with a better solution than live animals.

(posted from Chapter 105 - To Mars And Beyond)


2024-Apr-28 @ 2:06 AM
Eric Storm
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Member since 2006-Sep-13
Posts: 5829

donkeyside6543 wrote:

You could have come up with a better solution than live animals.

Such as?  You apparently didn't manage to come up with one, since you didn't offer a suggestion...

Eric Storm

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2024-Apr-28 @ 2:46 AM
Member since 2023-Aug-3
Posts: 18

You will be pleased to know that all new planets are vegetarian, once Amy approved the plant-based bacon substitute.

New planets ensure that wasteful things like raising cattle is bad for the planet.

Don't worry. They'll still have their prime rib and shrimp. Somehow.


donkeyside6543 wrote:

So you have developed all this technology to travel into space and are taking pigs, cows, chickens and the like the support system for live animals would huge.  Cows create a huge amount of waste their digestive systems are not the best.  You could have come up with a better solution than live animals.

(posted from Chapter 105 - To Mars And Beyond)


2024-May-24 @ 4:34 PM
Member since 2023-Aug-3
Posts: 18

I could have, and maybe will. It leaves me options.

They have developed perfect meatless bacon. They had to!

(My apologies for the delay. I've been in the hospital and missed this)

(posted from the Item Information Page)


2024-May-24 @ 9:32 PM
Member since 2021-Jun-27
Posts: 71

Ok, Now I understand.  You like it when tears run down my face.  Meanie.  I have been a fan for so so long and I still am excited when I see you released another chapter.  I check just about everyday to see if there is a new chapter.  I doubt many people in my life would understand in my obsession with your writings, mainly due to the "underage" and "incest" portions of your stories.  But I love the fantasy of the words you write and the true meaning behind what you write.  At least the meaning to me. 
  My take on your meaning is along the lines of: life is short, love yourself and everyone around you.  Do what you can to make life better for everyone you meet, if only to give a smile and encourage them to live for the good moments and not dwell on the bad.  Dare to think outside the box as it were. Be creative and be generous with what you create.  The sex is important as it is the catalyst for those involved to be more then just part of the old stodgy way of thinking and living.  It opens up the world to love and superpowers.  Being different is not good or bad, it is how we as individuals should be, free to learn and experience life, at any age as long as we remember it is a choice of ours and never to force our choices on anyone else.  Oh, and importantly, be polite, please and thank you go a long way in all we do.  Thank you again for this tale of how to be a better person through love.

(posted from Chapter 222 - My Watch Woke Me Up)


2024-Jun-24 @ 10:25 PM
Member since 2023-Aug-3
Posts: 18

I love your summary. Essentially the Golden Rule combined with trusting young men and women more than we do. I think a lot of what I write would work, particularly self-paced school and less of an obsession with abstinence.

They come out, usually, every two weeks, by Monday.


(posted from the Item Information Page)
