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I was talking with LAoW last night, and I realized that she didn't know what my different scene separators meant. I figured if she didn't know, then probably others didn't, either.
I have two scene separators. The first one is:
This one represents a change in time of day, or in character perspective. (For instance, if I were to change from one character who is in one place, to another person who is spying on the first, I would use this separator.)
My other separator is:
This is what I call the "day separator". If I use this one, regardless of what else has happened, the day has changed. A change in perspective may accompany this change in day, but there will be a change in day, when this separator is used.
Anyway, I just thought it might be helpful if this was elaborated on.
Eric Storm
Uhhh...yeah. Thanks for that.
You know I appreciated this. I am a detail whore even if my grammar is terrible and often my spelling. But I see things that authors do and they often don't explain it and it is often unique to each author. So thank you so much for the explanation about this. I have been thinking about doing something similar and creating my writing guidelines type of thing where what each thing means in any story I write to give some uniformity. Again thanks for letting us know.