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... You're on a website with a search engine, and you have to ask where CAMP is????
Go to the main site, select Site Content > Authors, and double-click Eric Storm.
Then click "See My Stuff" and double click CAMP: Ron's Journey. (or CAMP: Sibling Rivalry, if that's the one you're looking for)
(To those of you watching: Yes, I know there is a shorter way to get there, but that won't teach him anything.)
For the record, CAMP: Sibling Rivalry is Status: Inactive. Check the FAQ for what that means.
Eric Storm
Like many other people have said in the thread here, I loved Camp. It too was the first Mind Control story I read. Not only was the story great, but I also really enjoyed your style of writting.
I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your stories with us, and I look forward to reading more of your work.
Keep up the excellent work!
- Ruric
Glad you're enjoying it. Thanks for the feedback.
Maybe, someday, I'll be able to write again.
As long as it is someday and not never I could care less. I lost this webite when my laptop crashed last year and was just able to find it again. Thank goodness for that, I have not read CAMP in almost a year now, lol. If I knew more about web design I would be happy to help but I am a lover not a web designer. Hope the IBS is getting better and someday soon you feel like writing, but not before you FEEL like it. You have to feel it when you write.
(posted from the Item Information Page)
Third time reading Camp and still love it. Working on some of your other stuff. I was wondering if Camp was on the list of something to try and get published. I think it is a winner to get on the shelves.
Best of luck and health to yah. While I do know you were attempting it or something along those lines it has been awhile since i checked that thread. Have you had any luck actually getting it out into stores or hardcover?
Last edited by tylerfalconnils (2008-06-04 08:46:21)
Unless Eric finds a *very* liberal publisher you will never find this story available on let alone your local book store. Off the top of my head the story no matter how good has two strikes against it. Incest and age Of characters.
Unfortunately no publisher that I've ever looked into will touch this story with a 10 foot poll.
haha Yeah I suppose thats true. Dang it. Well it still deserves some recognition besides his close fans. Eric Storm has some amazing talent as a writter, and should be recognized for it.
Eric has a fund set up for hardcover productions, you know. It's on the front page... he's explained about it before. He needs something like 25 preorders before he can send them out... of which there has been ONE so obviously people aren't that eager to get a hardcover copy for themselves. There are details about that somewhere. I just can't be bothered to look it up.
It's in the FAQ. A link to which is provided in the donation box under the Hardcopy Fund chart.
The link is also found below.
Unless Eric finds a *very* liberal publisher you will never find this story available on let alone your local book store. Off the top of my head the story no matter how good has two strikes against it. Incest and age Of characters.
Unfortunately no publisher that I've ever looked into will touch this story with a 10 foot poll.
Well, although Eric would probably hate to do this, I don't see why he couldn't make some changes to the story in case it helps in getting published, and although rare, there are in fact stories available dealing with both incest and underage characters, though those are usually handled more ... "artistically".
P.S. Eric, I think I remember you reworking your way through C:RJ, did you upload those chapters or are they only available for sale? If they are only for sale, I would appreciate you placing it on lulu for download, as that is the only site I know that doesn't require pay pal and offers the book for download so I can bypass the shipping fees. thanks.
I would not, personally, ever alter a story's basic characters to please a publisher. I wrote a story about teenagers, not adults, and the story doesn't really work with adults.
As to my "working my way" through CRJ, that was never to be a rewrite, I merely re-proofread it. There were some changes to a sentence here and there, for the sake of better writing, but I never had any intent of rewriting the story.
And Lulu won't touch anything in the least way sexual.
alright. thanks for the clarification.
hey when is the 3rd one available to everyone?
About 3 minutes before I post a message saying it is.
You didn't honestly think I was going to substantively answer that question, did you?
hey it was worth a shot
First off I have to say that CAMP: Ron's Journey was one of the best well written stories I have ever read and one of the first I had ever read online. Afterwards it took awhile to lower my standards after being spoiled by CAMP. All I can is that I await with great enthusiasm for the continuation of the Camp Sequel. BTW what are you working on now if I may ask? After CAMP I checked out your website which sadly I must remember confused me for around 20min (even though I'm computer-wiz and usually never have trouble, that's what being awake at 2am in the morning can do to you...) and read I think about 1/3 or half of your other stories which were all great.
To this day I still cannot find a story better than CAMP. Even professional published books have a hard time beating it in my eyes. I have probably re-read CAMP maybe 7 times now (which probably ranks me as initiate-CAMP fan boy, compared to what others have said). CAMP was more than I think anyone ever expected it to be when they first started reading it became a huge story involving growing up, living in a world ever changing and never predictable, and lots and LOTS of action (this can be interpreted in 2 ways, haha). I think I have done enough praising, haha, so I'll finish up by saying keep up the writing because well I want MORE, haha, and it would be a shame if you ever stopped.
BTW What awards did CAMP get? Also, what happened when you suddenly realized how popular CAMP was, were you getting tons of emails or just seeing the views sky-rocket?
Oh, shut up, LAoW.
When I first started writing CAMP, back in 1997, there were no "views" to be counted. It was posted to the Usenet. If you don't know what "Usenet" is, it is the predecessor and foundation for places like Google Groups. In fact, most Google Groups are actually Usenet newsgroups, prettied up.
I wrote and released the first nineteen chapters in three parts over the course of a couple months. The next four chapters were released a few months later. During this time, yes, I was receiving a hellacious amount of email. In fact, the way I would determine when it was time to start posting the next section of the story was by when the email started to taper off. Many reader ideas were incorporated into CAMP as it was being written. This is both good and bad. It made the story longer, fuller, and more interesting, but it is also why the story has a tendency to wander in the early chapters, and why I backtracked in a couple places, when I realized that people didn't like this or that.
The remaining 12 chapters were written after The Web became a more prominent place, and Usenet was no longer the prime posting place for stories. But by the time I posted CAMP to SOL, or had my own major website, the popularity of CAMP was already well-known, so there was never any kind of shock about the downloads it would get. It STILL gets more downloads than anything else in my library. I personally find this sad, but such is life.
Glad you enjoyed the story, though. As to what I'm working on now, the following projects are slated for "concentrated effort" this year: CAMP: Sibling Rivalry, Justice Seven, Paladin, A Mother's Slavery, Illicit Reunions. I don't expect to finish any of those, with the possible exception of A Mother's Slavery. Those will not be the only stories I work on, but they will be my primary focus. My goal is to attempt to finish up old projects, so that I can move on to new projects without so many other stories waiting around for my attention. I do also have the next chapter of Where the Maiasaurs Roam plotted out, and some vague ideas for what happens in the next Lira's Home chapter. When those will get written, I don't know.
Justice Seven chapter 12 was just finished yesterday, and will be posted to the Pre-Release Materials in the near future. I am attempting to modify the PRM section, so that donators will have an easier time getting to the extra material. CAMP: Sibling Rivalry chapter 4 is actually sitting, waiting for me to finish the modification, so that I can post it.
Was there anything else you wanted to know?
Eric Storm
What's your shoe size?
hey, inquiring minds want to know
Last edited by Giskard (2009-02-08 22:11:00)
9 1/2 or 10, depending on brand.
On the wide side of regular.
Anything else?
Holy f'in crap! Over 4300 downloads on this thing since posted? And you hated CAMP... you must have done something right. It's nice to have minions, isn't it?
(posted from the Item Information Page)
Liking the story so far can say I much prefer the smooth side to the rough but all siblings are going to keep me wanting more.
Love how you are setting up all the new main characters and letting us know where they come from.
Great job keep it up.
(posted from Chapter 4)
Excuse but since you are the auther of can you tell me when the chapter 3,4,and 5 will be avilable normally
(posted from the Item Information Page)