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Glad you're enjoying it... but... you do know the story is FINISHED, right? The whole thing is posted here on the site...
Thanks for the feedback,
Eric Storm
Second time threw camp and I can honestly say I like it more this time. Thank you Eric for letting us read your masterpiece.
(posted from Chapter 5)
Hell of a story. Well written. I would have been nice in the epilogue to have made mention of Dawn or at least Nathan. Other that that I wonder how much of the general story is a disturbing look into the future.
(posted from Epilogue)
Nathan gets his own damned book. He doesn't need an epilogue.
Eric Storm
Hell of a story. Well written. I would have been nice in the epilogue to have made mention of Dawn or at least Nathan. Other that that I wonder how much of the general story is a disturbing look into the future.
(posted from Epilogue)
... Why did you post the same message twice, an hour apart?
Eric Storm
Very nice story. Well Written. Was shocked that Michelle had been made to be made out to be a bad girl and enemy. I am glad to see that nothing is outside your realm of thinking that anything is possible in the realm of stories. Thanks and keep the good work going
(posted from the Item Information Page)
I know you get a bit flustered when you think about how you lacked in your technique with this story; however, I keep reading this story over and over. You've done a magnificent job and made me a follower. Each time I encounter a person that has an interest in reading the same stuff I do, I always recommend them here. So thank you again.
(posted from Epilogue)
Re-reading this found some technical issues but a great deal of enjoyment
(posted from Epilogue)
Technical issues of which type: Story content, typographical, or website?
Eric Storm
I have been looking all over for your story, I am glad I found you again. You have been my inspirational muse. Because of you I worked on a novel and had it on a site and I got paid! I probably made about $1000, thank you. Is this site available for other authors? I yes, may I post here?
(posted from the Item Information Page)
Dahkme, just email Mr. Storm and he will get you set up. I have watched several authors join the site recently and it has been a welcomed sight.
Sorry to hear you are in pain and in the hospital Eric. This might cheer you up a little: Gallbladder's Last Day.
If you need extra time to get WAY7-1 out, please take it. We can wait some extra time for your best work. Might be best to let us know if it's gonna be late though, so folks here don't go insane.
excellent! excellent! I especially like CAMP and Woodward Academy. I would like very much to continue reading about David Stroud's further adventures.
(posted from the Item Information Page)
Great start!!!
(posted from Chapter 1)
I first started to read C.A.M.P. in 1999. I never got around to finishing it. I only read up to part 5 (it was broken down in parts back then). I LOVED what I read. I'm hoping to finish it now. Great story.
(posted from the Item Information Page)
I read this well over two decades ago and then lost the file. I never knew who it was by or where I could find it again. Amazing writing and character building. I'm about to start reading it again but I just wanted to say thank you for posting it here for everyone to access.
(posted from the Item Information Page)
I love long stories like this. There were surprises throughout that kept me entertained. Glad I found this site as there are a lot of good author's works to read.
(posted from Epilogue)
Glad you enjoyed it. I hope you like my other works even more.
Eric Storm
I have started re-reading stories that I felt were exceptional. This is one! I will begin part 2 shortly. You are a wonderful writer. You weave sex and adventure into a compelling story here, as well as your other works. If you keep writing, I will keep reading.
(posted from Epilogue)
Wow!!! what a ride this was, evidently reposted after 9/11/2001 as the events mentioned in the story had happened before 2006. Anyway, I love your style! Many parts of this story had me emotional, at various places, to many to mention, with overwhelming feelings of elation and I can't name what else. I don't know what a fitting punishment for your main protagonist would be, maybe in a cell where the public could come by and randomly shock the hell out of her, keeping her alive only enough to have a sense of the harm she caused in her quest to dominate the world. Anyway, maybe someday I will have read all your content. A list of all your stories that could be checked off would be nice, a real pain the way your site is constructed. Maybe I'll find a nice way to compile that list yet, outside of fat fingering it. A devoted fan. Be well! Chuck
(posted from Epilogue)
I'm glad you enjoyed the story. The story was actually written straddling 2001, so those events were contemporary to the writing. I had (obviously) already written that particular part, which led to my internal debate about how to handle things.
I think you were discussing punishment for my primary antagonist, though. Not sure why you'd punish a protagonist.
As to a "checklist" for the stories... I don't think I've ever seen such a feature on a stories site, but I'll take the idea under consideration.
And, yes, I know the site's design is problematic. It was designed in 2006. I've been attempting to get a version 2.0 off the ground for a very long time, without success.
Eric Storm