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Sean has been dreaming about sex with his mother. Finally, he decides to act, with the help of some friends. Will Pam ever find a way out from under Sean's control, or will she be eternally enslaved to her own son?
Please read and comment.
I like this story, and the fact that its not finished is like an itch I just can't scratch. I know you have moved on to other projects and this is not high on your list, but I would like to see completed. I would say more, but it would just be whining! Stay Well!
you never disappoint, man.
Sam I
(posted from Chapter 1)
Oh, sure I do. Every time you come here and I haven't posted something new, I disappoint! LMAO
I'm glad you enjoy the story. Thanks for the feedback.
this is great plese continue
(posted from Chapter 4)
Sounds like this was actually published in a magazine? Good story, thanks for writing.
(posted from Chapter 4)
No, it is being written in the style of a series of newspaper articles. (As if a newspaper would run such graphic detail, but... )
Can anyone tell me where I can read the first 3 chapters of this story at? Thanks
1. Click on "Return to The Pub" at the top of this page.
2. On the menu, select "Site Content" > "Authors".
3. Double-click "Eric Storm".
4. Select "See My Stuff".
5. Double-click "A Mother's Slavery".
6. The story navigation controls are in the box on the left labeled "Navigation".
A Mothers Slavery is a very hot Story, i like it.
awsome new chapter
(posted from Chapter 5)
Glad you liked it.
Chapter 6 is already written, I just haven't had a chance to edit it yet, so look for it in the near future.
Eric Storm
Chapter 6 is now posted to PRM. Both Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 are written, but not yet edited. As you might have guessed, I am pushing to finish up this story. It holds the dubious distinction of taking me the longest time of any story to finish so far (over a decade), and I'd like to get it off my back. Luckily, it does seem that the muses are willing to let me do that.
I'll get Chapter 7 posted when I get a chance to edit it. Similarly with Chapter 8, but my focus right now is on writing, so editing will happen when I can squeeze it in.
Eric Storm
That little thing at the end of Article 9 about what's going to happen in the last chapter was *mean*, Eric! I'm looking forward to the end.
hehehe. Just wanted to keep you all interested...
Quite a good Story Eric! I specifically donated just to get the whole thing in one go. Keep up the great writing!
We thank you. And I'm glad you liked the story.
Eric Storm
Hello. Im new here and was actually referred here by another site to read this specific story. Which is beyong amazing! Wanted to mnow if there were more of the same genre? Son using mom (for himself and with others)?
Just couldn't finish this story. I really don't like abusive sex. I tried but but ionly got half way and had to stop.
(posted from Chapter 5)
Eric Storm