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Another of LAoW's creations. It is called "Bane of Sammiches", and describes me quite well. I loves me some sammiches!!!
Eric Storm
Yes. Yes he does.
Just a quick update to let everyone know, I have finished Woodward Academy, chapter 5.
I am already more than 1/3 the way to this year's writing goal. Yay, me!
Eric Storm
That is great. So now I just sit back and wait for you to blow me away with your stories.
Quick update, should have done this many days ago, but I have begun Woodward Academy, Chapter 6.
Eric Storm
I have finished my short story, "In-Patient Therapy". It will go into PRM in a few days.
As promised, I will attempt to work on the next chapter of CAMP: Sibling Rivalry next.
I am still progressing on Woodward Academy, Chapter 6.
Eric Storm
As you can see, In-Patient Therapy, as well as Woodward Academy, Year 1, Chapter 4 are posted to PRM. I also finished writing Woodward Chapter 6 today.
My next targets are, of course, Woodward Chapter 7, and CAMP: Sibling Rivalry Chapter 8.
I'm also hoping for Justice Seven Episode 15 to get back on track soon.
Eric Storm
WAY1, Chapter 7 (notice new abbreviation!) is finished. It will be posted to PRM on July 1st (or thereabouts.)
I have begun CSR, Chapter 8.
J7, Chapter 15 is still being stubborn about getting written, and so sits unfinished for the moment.
That is all.
Eric Storm
I can not wait for more of WAY1. It is a great story and I love all the twists and turns.
Last edited by Steen3 (2016-06-15 11:11:14)
? Two months' wait for what?
Eric Storm
Last edited by Steen3 (2016-06-15 11:11:27)
Um... that is not "the new chapter" as in "the next chapter to be posted". The next chapter to be posted, which is Chapter 5, will go to PRM on May 1st, so you'll only have a couple weeks to wait for a new chapter to read.
This story is on a release schedule, 1 chapter per month. Yes, I am writing well ahead. That is intentional, in case I have a block that keeps me from writing for a while.
Eric Storm
Last edited by Steen3 (2016-06-15 11:11:36)
No worries.
Eric Storm
I cant believe how far I am, I had a whole plan of reading all of your stories before you managed to get wooodward academy 1 out..and now I'm so behind your almost a third done with the book! I feel so..blah. I really need to come on more often.
Actually, I'm almost two-thirds done with the book, as I am working on Chapter 8 now. It's just that only the first third is posted.
Yes, you should come on more often. And tell your friends to do likewise. Visitation has dropped off lately. (Strange, I write more, people visit less. I see a trend... I know, in order to get lots of visitors, I won't write ANYTHING!!!!! )
Eric Storm
*gasssp* Brilliant Eric! You have solved all of the Realm's problems with this simple yet genius Idea Well I'm now trying to drop in at least once a night, and tonight I've decided to start reading Woodward
I was interested in it from that Image you had posted and I'm looking forward to spamming your Woodward academy thread with my ideas on it
Spam is not allowed except in can form. If you wish to send me Spam in its can form, my address is....
Eric Storm
Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam (Lovely Spam! Wonderful Spam!)
Don't whine, dear, I'll have your Spam!
I sense christmas gifts incoming to the Storm household will be alot of cans, and one very baffled mail clerk
Back to the actual WRITING updates:
1. I have finished CSR, Chapter 8. It is currently with the reviewers. It will go to PRM when they are done reviewing it, and after a final proofread.
2. I have finished WAY1, Chapter 8. It is also currently with the reviewers. It will go to PRM on August 1st (approximately).
3. I am continuing work on J7, Chapter 15.
4. I will begin WAY1, Chapter 9 soon.
That is all for now.
Eric Storm
All I have to say to that.....