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Darthel: The difference is, you're using it as a backstop. You know what the rules are, you're just trying to be efficient. Probably 90+% of the people who use Grammarly do NOT know what the fuck they're doing in their writing. For those people, Grammarly is a crutch, and a dangerous one at that.
When I used to edit for people, I considered it my goal to get them to the point where they really didn't need me anymore. By which I mean I would educate them about why what they had done was wrong, and the way to do it right... as well as times when the rule needed to be ignored. Much like it sounds you were doing with that person and their book.
And I'd take your comment about internal dialogue further, expanding it to all dialogue. People do not speak in grammatically correct sentences, and you should make sure they don't in your writing. (Unless, of course, you're writing an uber-anal stuck up elitist bookworm type that insists on being grammatically perfect...)
Eric Storm
I don't think I have commented here yet. LOL. I am going to comment on some comments from a few years ago. Eric you are probably getting tired of hearing me say this but you are one of my favorite writers that I have the honor of reading their works. One of the things I assume is that even though you do not like grammerly that you do use a spellchecker or you have very very very good proofreaders. I think that I haven't found miss-spelled words or other really bad errors in grammar ie. dear/deer etc. I have been a proofreader for a few other writers years ago that were excellent writers and wrote really excellent stories but they did not use a spellchecker or grammar checker. It was a full time job to proofread their stories but it was worth it as they were awesome writers. Sadly the have since disappeared from any online forums or online stores their last uploads being 2017-2018. It's sad...would be like you disappearing and never writing again. [shudder] I will let you go as I have once again talked your ear off. May your muse guide you always.
(posted from the Item Information Page)
I have an absolutely outstanding proofreader. The guy almost never misses a thing. This dude's like a damned dictionary, thesaurus, and style guide all rolled into one. He's a freakin' genius, my proofreader...
Yes, my proofreader IS me, why do you ask?
I have tried having proofreaders in the past. With only a single exception, I've found that their grasp of spelling and grammar was far worse than mine. Thus, I proofread my own work. I achieve this by proofreading it right before I post it, and making sure I haven't read it for at least a few days before that. That way, it is not fresh in my mind, and it is easier to spot errors, rather than glossing over them because my brain "knows what it meant to say".
Now, of course, I have a spellchecker. When was the last time you saw word processing software without one built in? Since I use a browser-based WYSIWYG editor to write, my spellchecker is the browser. NOT the most reliable of spellcheckers, let me tell you... but it catches the obvious typos.
And, frankly, since writing is pretty much the only part of my life I enjoy, rest assured, if I disappear from the Internet, it's because I'm dead.
Eric Storm
Man you keep knocking it out of the park. I hope you haven't stopped writing.
(posted from Chapter 15)
Glad you enjoyed the story. This is one of my favorites of my work.
I doubt that I will ever stop writing. I am, however, currently in a slump. I am writing, but very slowly.
Eric Storm