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You know, I've used so many freakin' names over the years, it's unavoidable there's going to be overlaps. Heck, the name "Jeremy/Jeffrey Durant" occurred in two stories... in each case, it's completely coincidental.
On further consideration, I have one other question for Xhari: Even if we assume my characters ARE all the same... so what? The situations surely aren't... it would allow you to see how a single personality would react to multiple situations.
Oh, and cffcffc: The situation you're discussing is the basic style of CAMP: Sibling Rivalry, which discusses both Nathan and Greg, along with others... so I will have a less-than-heroic main character in a story.
Thanks for the feedback... what's up with the screenname, btw?
if thats the way you want to write, *shrug* fine. I got the impression you were aiming for something different though, in which case i guess i just thought there would be more differences.
"Cffcffc *slaps* Xhari" for not knowing when to sthu
Simple math
Diffrent people+ diffrent ages+ diffrent settings+ diifrent powers+ diffrent restrictions on said powers= Diffrent
FU**ING STORY!......
But any ways you shouldn't be mad because the stories arn't diffrent you should be mad because some stories arn't finished (I so want to read the end to absolute power by warload) but then again its hard to write these stories so i can live with waiting. But to top all this off ITS FREE Xhari u dont like it just wirte your own D**N story.
P.s. Happy to hear about Sibling Rivalry turning out that way. I kinda of guessed that but didn't want to get my hopes up. but knowing you eric it seems that i will never be disipointed.
O and my screen name is my intitals repeated C.F.F. but someone took cffcff so i put one more c. Also looking forward to Mothers slavery. Also whats with all your
Also sry about the swear words never read the rules for fourms so just cencered myself....kind of funny looking at the stories I read. but in all seriousness Xhari sthu.
(posted from the Item Information Page)
Now now... swear words aside (and who the hell uses swear words on a fucking erotica site??? )
Xhari expressed their opinion politely. Whether we agree with it or not, we should at least do them the same courtesy of responding in kind.
Oh, and I have changed screen names as it has become apparent to me that whatever name I was currently using no longer applied.
I currently have only one screen name for everything I do, erotica-related and not, because I no longer hide what I do from anybody. If they can't handle it, that's their problem.
When I am looking at the story arc of this story it seems that everything is going great for Martin so following logic something bad is going to happen after the prostitute and martin get it on. Someone (the bad guys) will be talked about or be broght into the story by kidnapping or killing someone. Any have any Ideas....???
i can't say what i think? i'm sorry my post wasn't comprised of something along the lines of "wow great story, cant wait for more". So what if what i said wasn't all applauding the writer, just because you don't agree with what i say doesn't mean you have to tell me to stfu. What does it really have to do with you anyway?
Nope u cant say what you think unless u go under the 1st amendment of the U.S. constitution that states that congress will make no law... this means that people (not congress) can restrict your speech (ex. Millitary funerals, yelling fire in a movie theater) but i was not infringing on your right to express your opinion if you read what i wrote. Your critisisms are lacking. You give no supporting evidance and when you tried to in your first post you were vague about it. I believe that you could express your opinion but instead you insult the writer by telling him that their all the same without giving and examples and just vague ideas. I then told you to shut up because it was not a critism it was just an insult. Now one person might find a post by me in Jeffersons new title that kind of followed what i was so mad about with Xhari but i am planning to write a critic on that so dont call me a hypocrit just yet. But anyways Xhari you can continue your naive point of view on this topic I have no interest inpissing off the masses with a Forum war with you so i will end this argument with you right now.
Sry for those that are mad
(posted from the Item Information Page)
Okay, enough, both of you. I don't want to hear any more, or I'm going to send you to your rooms without dinner!
Xhari: When critiquing, you need to be specific about what you're saying, or it doesn't help the author.
cffcffc: When critiquing a critique, it is rarely helpful to get personal, or tell someone that their opinion is worthless. While I appreciate you standing up for me, there are better ways to handle it.
I would like to consider this matter closed now.
You did it again! fantastic story. I hope that you will continue this story soon. I am and will always be a big fan. I recommend this story to all.
(posted from Chapter 14)
Great!! write faster! thank you.
I really enjoyed reading this story! Lots of plot twists as well as being very hot and erotic.
I have yet to read one of your stories that I haven't really enjoyed. Now I'm waiting for updates to "Where the Maiasaurs Roam"
(posted from Chapter 15)
very nice story.
You have done an excellent job.
Please continue to do so
(posted from Chapter 15)
One of the great things about your stories is that, well, you write stories... LOL! There are characters with personaliites, emotions, dilemmas, good times and so forth. Sex stories with only anatomical mechanics don't hold my interest.... The same way in real life: my friends and lovers all are reasonably complex people, with qualities and shortcomings but good and strong ethical values, intelligence and good humor.
Congratulations for making them almost real to me... I was able to read and see faces in my mind's eye!
I'm glad you enjoyed the story. I'm sorry I haven't given you more to read as of late. Maybe someday soon.
Does it seem like usenet somehow missed chapters 10-12, or is it just me?
All I can say is that I posted them. I have no control over where they go after that.
Eric Storm wrote:
All I can say is that I posted them. I have no control over where they go after that.
I never doubted you.
And I'd be hard pressed to argue otherwise with the proof at hand. … hl=en&
(all present and accounted for)
What caught my attention was that several servers seem to be missing one or more of the posts.
It's not unusual for a server to lose a post or two on the odd day, but several?
-something for the tinfoil-hat brigade to puzzler over.
Putting my mad ranting to the side here, I've about finished chapter four and although I don't usualy read from the "mind control"
selections, here's yet another from you that grabbed me right at the start.
Well done.
Glad you're enjoying the story.
I should point out that if you're reading from the ASSM newsgroup, ASSTR has been having firewall problems, and it's possible that this is, somehow, causing difficulties posting.
If you're reading from ASS or ASSI, I don't know.
hey just a thought and i know you have a bunch of stories already in progress but i was thinking if you made a secuiul(how do you spell that) to this you could have his son who is the opposite of his personality (ie. enjoys the power.kinda like his girls brother) could then have the storie go any number of ways including mabee he loses his powers oo or haveing a crossover kinda thing from Joe J. s twice lucky that would be kinda cool. well ttyl
1) I do not do crossovers.
2) I do not do "anti-heroes".
3) I do not do crossovers.
4) I DO NOT do crossovers.
5) Did I mention I don't do crossovers?
PS: it's spelled "sequel".
You are the best could not stop reading it
(posted from Chapter 15)
Truly 'AWESOME' story. I really enjoyed it.
To me, the characters seemed well defined from the beginning. It's as though you wrote the start many times before accepting the first few chapters. (or your a SUPER-genius writer that creates perfect characters instantaneously:))
Thank you
(posted from the Item Information Page)
Last edited by DarkStage (2009-02-14 13:07:30)
Truly great story. My Girlfriend is just getting into erotica so i recommended this to her. She is three chapters in and thinks it is great. Once again thank you for all your work.
I figure it's always a success if I write something a woman can read without vomiting.
Glad you both enjoy the story.