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Warmth of a Touch
Martin Gallagher, college student and quiet teen, suddenly discovers the family secret. He has been given this new power to attract women with little more than a touch, but it makes him uncomfortable. What makes it worse is what he's told he's supposed to do with it. Will he manage to adjust and accept it?
Great story Eric now while I still haven't finished it do to my general slowness I must say it is awesome with plot ideas that I have only seen very rarely.
(posted from the Item Information Page)
love the storie cant wait for more
Good job man, as always. Can't wait to read more.
Great Stuff! Reading again, and again, and again, and...well you get the picture lol
(posted from the Item Information Page)
In other words, "I loved it. It's much better than Cats. I'll read it again and again and again." ?
I just read thru chapter 3 and I must say that I love the sory already. Keep up the great work.
Hi Eric, I downloaded the story a while ago but only just got round to reading it. Really like it! Keep up the good work and am looking forward to more.
(posted from the Item Information Page)
This is a great story ."Please sir can i have some more
Excellent story, well written and very addicting.
(posted from Chapter 5)
That was great please continue
(posted from Chapter 6)
This is a great story so far! It's very and erotic and has a great plot to boot!
I can't wait to see what happens next!
(posted from Chapter 7)
its really going well i look forward to the next chapter
this is really good
(posted from Chapter 8)
Glad you're enjoying it. Thanks for the feedback.
very intersting I wonder how this will unfold
(posted from Chapter 1)
Bleh this is the first post i have made on wolfpub and decided to comment on something that i have been thinking about for a while now, which started when i was reading netwolf stories on ewp. As good as your ideas are and the different places you go with your plots, i dont know it just all feels like the same characters doing vaguely different people. There is nothing that particuarly yells out something new and different for the people involved, the moral and emotional dilemmas seem pretty much standard, the bad guys are what you can expect in most netwolf stories and it all just seems to fall into a pattern. I dont know if anyone has the same ideas, or has decided to actively hate me for saying this, i just thought i might mention something..
Stellar Job Eric keep hammering away and bring us some MORE. PLEASE
(posted from the Item Information Page)
Xhari: No one said you had to keep reading.
You claim that my characters are all the same... yet you post that message in the one mc story I have with a character that doesn't actually like having his powers.
I do imagine that my main characters share some similar traits. This would be because the "good guy" is supposed to have certain traits, in my opinion. But for you to say that Ron = Don = Andrew = Marty = whoever means that you weren't really paying much attention when you were reading. Yes, they all have loyalty, integrity, and a few other personal traits. This is because it is my opinion that you cannot be a good person without them.
As to the villains... Hell, Warmth doesn't even HAVE a "villain", as such! Oh, sure, there is Cat's family - a set of characters not reproduced in ANY of my other stories - but that's about it. And I don't seem to recall any other stories with women leading armies that wanted to take over the world... But okay, again, "evil" is going to be characterized by certain traits, such as greed and self-centeredness. That's pretty much what makes them evil.
I'd challenge you to give specific examples of where one character acted exactly like some other character would have. So far, all you've pointed out is that I actually have a particular writing style. My answer to THAT is... well, DUH.
*shrug* i was just saying what i thought. When i got into the first few chapters of warmth i just had a feeling of "this is ron chaffey with a different setting". I cant really call up any specific facts, as i've been without the net for about a year and havn't read the camp series in a while. I also vaguely remember some other stories you've written that seem to follow along the same lines. Bleh i'm not trying to pick a fight, i was just mentioning some stuff that i had been thinking about
its really going well
(posted from Chapter 11)
Hmmm... This could be good or bad!
My 1st thought though was "Uh oh!" I can't wait to see!
(posted from Chapter 11)
Hey Eric
Great job so far. I'm anxious to see if the new family with the "warmth" tries to do anything to Martin or if they just let each other be. I was also wondering, what would happen if one of them tried to take one of the other's women?
Anyway, can't wait to read more!
Hello everyone this is my first post and i feel that i need to say something. Xhari is right only in the sence that the characters are the same because they are on the side of "good" but their recations to the powers and personallity are totally diffrent. But I personally have no problem with it and have read just about every story you written. But it might be interesting if you do one story spilt between a "good" and "evil" side. I digress your a good writter and i will enjoy your stories for as long as you write them.
(posted from the Item Information Page)
p.s. the only other similarity i have found Gallagher was also a social worker in CAMP: Ron's Journey......
(posted from the Item Information Page)