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#1 2022-07-24 03:55:55

From: The Internet
Registered: 2006-09-09
Posts: 787

Lollibots - The Prevers Family

Lollibots - The Prevers Family

Wealthy pedophile with a robot 'family' runs a company making 'Bot Youth Porn. - CAUTION – No humans or other lifeforms below the age of 24 are included in this story. All characters that seem like they might be younger than 24 are MACHINES; robots made of plastic, electronics, and metal. At least in most places, sex with robots is legally equivalent to screwing a cucumber or a hole in a melon, regardless of the robot's SIZE or apparent AGE. If the idea of sex robots who look like children bothers you, please read something else instead of complaining.

Please read The Mystic Wolf Pub Critiquing Guide.

SITE CONTENT POLICY:  The administrator of this site will not reject, remove, or censor any story posted to this site based on the story's content.  No story shall be removed except for purely technical reasons (which will be worked out with the author so that the story can be reposted as quickly as possible), or due to a direct order from the site's hosting provider, a law-enforcement entity, or the story's owner.



#2 2022-07-24 07:09:56

Eric Storm
Pub Owner
From: New Port Richey, FL
Registered: 2006-09-12
Posts: 5779

Re: Lollibots - The Prevers Family

Bridget wrote:

CAUTION – No humans or other lifeforms below the age of 24 are included in this story. All characters that seem like they might be younger than 24 are MACHINES; robots made of plastic, electronics, and metal. At least in most places, sex with robots is legally equivalent to screwing a cucumber or a hole in a melon, regardless of the robot's SIZE or apparent AGE. If the idea of sex robots who look like children bothers you, please read something else instead of complaining.

Erm... why are you putting a content disclaimer on a story posted on a site with an explicit no-censorship policy?  If anyone was stupid enough to complain about the content, I would publicly flay them into oblivion.  (Ask around:  I have roasted the shit out of people here before.) 

Just put the appropriate "teen", "young", or "pedo" code on it, and go on with your posting.  The truth is that no human - other than the author - was involved in the creation of any story on this site.  The "people" herein have no age, because they do not exist.  Any age given to them is, as one might expect, fictional.

Now, I won't stop you from putting such disclaimers on your stories... but I will shake my head at you every time I see one.  3dsmile

Eric Storm

Please Remember:  The right to Freedom of Speech does not carry the proviso, "As long as it doesn't upset anyone."  The US Constitution does not grant you the right to not be offended.  If you don't like what someone's saying... IGNORE THEM.
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