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on the main page click site content then click favorite items its third in the list
What he said.
Perhaps I am just blind but ive been reading through some of the comments and have heard some about a story called..Maisorous or some such and I dont see it on your book it under a different name? im looking for one of your longer completed works to read as I just finished re reading CAMP and then quickly the CAMP 2. which I must repeat are Amazing stories I think you were even better in the first chapters of CAMP 2 then you used to be, I suppose its true that practice makes perfect..regardless wondering if you could please reccomend to me your favorites or your stories..the longer ones preferably and get back to me on what this Maisorous thing is. Thanks, and I hope this doesnt..err..bother you
The full title is "Where the Maiasaurs Roam". It is an uncompleted story with only three chapters so far.l
As to completed works, look at Dragonseekers, Warmth of a Touch, Cruel Timing, Artifacts I, and Caught in the Web. These are all finished.
Just wanted to say, I loved CAMP back in the day, but you've SERIOUSLY improved since. Well done, mate.
Thank you very much. I'm glad SOMEONE else noticed I'm getting better...
i've read all of your stuff and loved em all. can you recomend any other authors that you like
Corvis, Night Wolf, This Guy (find him at, and read "Totem")... There are others, I'm sure, but it's nearly 4:30 am and I can't think of them.
I don't mean to run down any author here on the site: Most of them, I honestly have not read myself, so cannot recommend them.
A lot of it is personal preference. If you like my work, and the kind of thing I write, then the ones I've recommended should at least be interesting to you.
Didn't mean to put this up.
Last edited by Code01 (2009-09-27 22:30:50)
I know this may be a stupid question so if is forgive me bit wear are the FAQ page as I can not find it?
Try actually looking through the menu on the main site. You'll find the FAQ under "Site Information", where it belongs.
As to your comments: A comment concerning your other post: Luke's power is not nearly as strong as you think it is. He can read and affect memory. He certainly cannot "wipe the floor" with Jim. He has no ability to fight, and his "power" requires his full concentration. So while he's attempting to affect Jim, Jim would be slamming him through a wall.
As I said in response to your other post, your opinion of the characters is clearly skewed by your own anti-social tendencies. You choose to like the anti-heroes rather than the heroes. That is your prerogative, but don't go thinking I'm going to change my personal preference for yours.
I don't know why you're bothering to read my work. I *always* favor the hero over the anti-heroes. So, take your... frankly idiotic comments, and move along.
wanna say thank you
I have been reading your work for about 3 years now and have read almost all of your stories (some of them like CAMP 1 and Dragonseekers more than once) and i think your a really talented writer hope to see more of your work in the future and hope u keep writing.
Glad you're enjoying the stories. I hope to have more out for you to read in the next couple weeks.
Thanks for the feedback,
Eric Storm
just wondering how many of your stories have won an award.
CAMP: Ron's Journey, won a Golden Clitoride in the Classic Clit category.
Dragonseekers won a Silver Clit before they instituted the rule about the stories having to be finished.
That's it. I think I have had other nominations, but no victories. Not that I care.
I want to write a story using a character with powers based on Ronald Chaffey's psionic powers. I plan to use all his ability's even the names and description given for each power. I do this hoping that you will give me permission to do so. It will be my first story and I plan to write a long one though not as truly epic as your story is.
As I said it will be my first one and I want to assure you that if I post it online it will be worthy of your writings. It will be free and available for everyone's enjoyment. I am sincerely asking for your permission because I truly love your stories thanks to my girlfriend who directed me to your novel "Artifact I". And from there to "Camp", and that's when I truly started appreciating your imagination.
If I do get so lucky and receive your permission then I will gladly send you a copy when it is done for your approval. And if for any reason you can't be bothered for such an inconvenience, I can still send it to other Volunteer Editors who can critique my attempts at writing.
It is around noon on the 10th day of December in the year 2009. I wish you Happy Holidays. I am hoping for a positive response from you. If for any reason you can't give me permission, then let me say I understand and I'm looking forward to more of your highly praised writings.
- Appleseed
These abilities are hardly unique to my story. So long as you are not writing in the CAMP universe itself, go right ahead, have a ball.
If, on the other hand, you wish to write in the CAMP universe, there are restrictions to be obeyed. (And truthfully, though several have asked, NO ONE has ever wanted to live up to the restrictions, it seems... ) You didn't actually mention writing a CAMP story, so I will assume it is just the "powers" you want. Those aren't mine to grant, so sure, you can use them, as far as I'm concerned...
That was a fast reply and thank you I appreciate it. No, I merely wanted the use of his abilities. I'm not planning on putting the setting in the Camp universe, but if it's not too much to ask. Can I have these "restrictions" just in case I "accidentally" put my setting in the Camp universe. I will inform you if I do.
CAMP Universe restrictions:
- No one uses my characters but me.
- No character over psion-14 without prior approval and CLOSE supervision.
- No world-changing events without prior approval.
- I reserve the right to veto any plot concept or device.
ooooh somebody should do a viewpoint of other psionics at the time of psionic era 1, as their world is changing and they are called into battle, or how about froma different country, where 'rons journey' dosnt go, ie i think africa is mentioned but never ventured
Just a little deviation from the CAMP-esque stuff. I was wondering, Eric, if you had ever considered main characters with different personalities, because a "hero" is a hero but everyone loves a villain, what I was wondering, was have you never considered a story about psionics but where the main character is either moronically stupid and a complete neanderthal or someone who is extremely intelligent but also pure evil?
No, I have not.
I have no interest in anti-heroes as protagonists. I see no reason to elevate such people. And no, not everyone loves a villain. The only thing I like about villains is sometimes their catch phrases, often their costumes... and watching them get what's coming to them.
Eric Storm
eric, could i email you a 'storyboard' of something i am planning to write, if you think it will be worthwile, i will post it as a prospective author, but if you dont think it will work, i would love your advice.