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Just found the site...
LOVE the content...I read the CAMP stories on asstr...seems like a long time ago...and had forgotten about them until I was cleaning off my old laptop and found them again. They were just as solid as before! I'm now working my way through some of the rest of your works, as well as the other contributors...fantastic work!
Heh, I was wondering when you were going to change the forum. I must say, I'm glad you didn't put "the artist formerly known as Net Wolf". XD
Edit: just noticed that the "Reviews by..." section still says Net Wolf.
Last edited by CSquared (2008-01-05 19:05:22)
i noticed that CAMP: Sibling Rivalry said inactive, the chapters you have on their got me begging for more, will you be finishing it?
Read the FAQ. Specifically the Q concerning item status codes.
lol that gets asked alot( not that I have EVER asked
Net Wolf.
I read CAMP in 2000. It was amazing then and just as amazing now (just re-read it)
Nice site you got setup. I hope there are more in the works.
I still go from time to time but there aren't really much updates.
Glad I found your site. Keep up the good work.
Simon has only ever updated EMCSA once a week, usually on Sunday. I visit there... once a week, usually on Sunday.
Hi i'm just your averge little reader here but i have read some of your works which i found extremly interesting and very well written gramar the choice of words and evrything and i have been wondering if you have considere publishing some of your works i am sure that someone who had read CAMP would love to see it a book including the Camp 2 series which i wish i will enjoy by the endof this year (the complete novel that is) and i know tat you and many other here would be ofended by this but i think that if u sweeten the sex parts of any novel that u have written i may have A HUGE POSSIBILITY IN PUBLISHING YOUR WORKS and i think u know that that means money will come 2
1. The chance of having my work published by a well-known publishing company is exactly zero. None of them touch the kind of material I write.
2. "Sweeten" the sex?
3. The chance of CAMP: Sibling Rivalry being finished by the end of NEXT year is exactly zero, as well. Even if I was writing on it right now, there is no way I'd have it finished that fast. CAMP: Ron's Journey took 4 1/2 years to finish.
Glad you enjoy my work, though.
Sweeting the sex well what i meant is to give less details or none at all for you to have a fighting chance for publishing some new works and if u do please announce us all
camp 2
when will you start working on camp 2 series
[Response (C)2000-something by Black Rose. Used without permission...I'll apologize later. ]
Eric Storm
Hey i love your stories. Im looking forward to the day you retake up the reigns of the camp series. This is not a beg for you to start the sibling rivarly story again. I understand you need to finish other works before you can start that one. hope to see more on Maiasaurssoon though. (please note thats not to be taken as me begging for more of that story either.) thats a nice story with the time travel history altering aspect.
Glad you're enjoying the stories. I appreciate your patience. Hopefully I will soon get back on track to writing. I've recently discovered a tool that will help me visualize my environments better... a program normally used for creating first-person shooter games, that I can use to create the houses and locations in my stories. This will allow me to be more consistent about some details of things.
And, since they do make Windows executables, if there is enough interest, I may find a way to make them available to you readers... Right now I'm in the learning stage, and I'm working with Caught in the Web as my learning project. Why? Very few locations, that's why.
Anyway, thanks again for the feedback. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to writing soon.
just saying hi
hey its me not sure if you remember me i jumped in to chat late one night and Mr. Storm was there and i was all giddy cuz iv been readying his stuff for years and here he was chatable im stoping by seeing if there is any thing new to read them im off to buy some books from the store im a readataryn it a life chioce.. later all
PPl Only have one mouth so thay can tell Hafe of what they see & hear
I just started reading your stuff in the last couple of days and have read four of your stories. I want you to know how much I really enjoy your work! The only problem is like a junkie I think I'll get shakes going without new chapters to most of your stories, especially Warmth. Thanks!!
Well, Warmth is finished, so you can't go through waiting withdrawal there...
Thanks for the feedback,
wow its been a while... i've been out of the loop for a long time now unfortunately, luckily remembered to come back and check up on the status of some of my favorites that hadn't been finished (almost all have i'm glad to say, and some have sequels!!). Anyways, more to the point, since I've been out for so long I have absolutely no clue what story you're currently working on at the moment. Not saying that you should go and work on a particular one (I know how annoying it must get to always get those!), just wondering whats currently on the work table and when we can (roughly) expect it? I for one hope its the CAMP sequel (which inspired me to start my own stories, once I hit college down time) or a Maiasaurs chapter (just BARELY behind the two CAMPs in anticipation!!). Thanks for your time! Hope to hear from you soon!
Chapter 3 of CAMP: Sibling Rivalry is in the Pre-Release section right now. If you are a donator, you have access to it.
As to my future plans, the stories I'm currently focusing on are Paladin, Justice Seven, and CSR. I may also pop out a chapter of Mother's Slavery at some point.
Thanks for your interest,
yay, those are my top three favorites.
great stries please keep up the good work
I'm new to this site
I have read some of Netwolfs stories and love them.I just added two of my favs to the favorites but now I can't find favorites list anywhere help me please.