Get your favorite beverage, sit back, and join in the discussion
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Hey, everyone. This is the place to go if you want to ask me a question that isn't related to a specific story, or if you want to just say hi, or whatever. If I have something I want to say, I'll put it in here. (Unless it impacts the entire site, in which case, I'll put it in the site announcements. )
Hey Net,
Just want to say the site looks great. I think it has a more than good chance of becoming what you whant it to be. Now to find the best way for me to contribute! (I'll try the 'You Can Help!' thingy).
PS: I LUUVE Bridget!
Last edited by SirVall (2006-11-23 02:10:21)
We are pleased with your choices for authors even though we were not chosen (though we understand the reason for this and have our own site in the works) good luck
Hello Net Wolf,
Just dropped by to look around. Love the site and Bridget, of course. If I had a lick of HTML knowledge, I'd jump right in as a volunteer. Site looks fantastic and can't wait to see it go active.
Hey Net, love the way the site looks. Let me know if you want submissions.
Hey Net,
Site looks awesome I look forward to making it my home page. Hope that it can become everything you want it to be.
Looking good
I'll have a Pink Lady Hairless.
Last edited by Gaza (2006-12-04 21:13:59)
Hi there, Net. Just posting to let you know you can ignore at least part of the email you got from me earlier - obviously I got my password through! XD
If you tell me what the hell that is, it might appear as the next Drink of the Week...
Net Wolf
well i don't know what a pink lady hairless is but
Pink Lady
Shake all the ingredients with ice amd strain into a cocktail glass.
Glass Type: Martini / Cocktail
Garnish: ; None
Created By: Classic
Submitted By The Craft of the Cocktail
Amount Ingredient
40 ml Plain Gin
20 ml GIFFARD - Sugar Syrup
20 ml Double Cream
40 ml Grenadine Syrup
i'll have a shot of "Irish Milkshake"
Last edited by Neitherspace (2006-12-05 01:29:32)
Is your CD still available?
It is. I'll eventually put a link to it in my section. For now, you can go to to find it.
Just wondering if you are going to have links to the stories, I've looked but could not find any
There are links to stories all over the place. You are either:
1. Not paying attention, or
2. Having a technical difficulty, which should be discussed in a different area of the forum.
Net Wolf
its simple just click on site content then on auther list and then choose the auther then that should bring you to some links to storys or do you need more help from there.
I think maybe Chae needs to be cut off. I think he's been at the bar a little too long.
no body needs to be cut off in fact they can stay all they want its a public place and he or she is welcome to the community. All they need is a little bit of guidence.
I missed you! T_T it seems that there are stories here that I've never encountered before... well guess I'll sit back and have a few while I read. May I have some Sex on the Beach? hold the pineapple... whoa that sounded kinky..
The link gave me a not found response. Is there somewhere else I could go to find out about the CD?
I need to get it moved over onto my section of this website.... that address doesn't exist anymore. Where did you see it? If it's still out there, I need to pull it.
I'll post it when the CD info is available on this site.
Net Wolf
Net Wolf wrote:
It is. I'll eventually put a link to it in my section. For now, you can go to to find it.
I'm guessing that the link was pulled from the post I just quoted (one you made here on Dec 6th).
How's it all
I hope well... so... any new posts on the way?
Hey Net Wolf,
I just wanted to stop by and tell you that I've lost track of you for waaaay too long. Finally found you by Googling your name and following the old EWP forum. Thankfully you had directed someone else to this new site and wa la (I know that isn't how it's supposed to be spelled. I studied German, not French) here I am.
Just wanted to tell you how much I've appreciated your work over the years. I think that I first found your early sites around summer of 99. Boy, did CAMP ever fire me up (like it did everyone else, morons excepted). I look forward to whenever (if ever, hey, it is *YOUR* creative efforts
after all. You're giving them to us free. So no griping from me. Just heartfelt thanks for being so kind as to share!) you might continue the stories.
Live long and prosper (I'm doing the Vulcan salute but you can't see it (or CAN you?))
Net Wolf wrote:
The Guardian Society page is not currently in existence, and I haven't decided whether the society as a whole is defunct now or not. Someday I'll make up my mind, and either create a site for it, or I'll announce its formal disbandment.
For the record, the latter option seems more likely. The society never really got much interest.
Net Wolf
I still consider myself a Guardian Society Member....