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The Woodward Academy, Year 8
War has come to Callamandia, and David Stroud is caught right in the middle of it. Conscripted to a scout company in the Callamandian Army, he is forced to leave his friends and family behind to go and face down the invading enemy from the north.
The problem for David isn't the Vrudenans, however. It might just be David himself. Can he control his dark side, or will he lose himself in the lust for vengeance on those who have caused him so much pain?
Ouch !
(posted from Chapter 1: June)
Once again fantastic read keep it going cant wait for the next chapter thank you for being an awesome author
(posted from the Item Information Page)
Awesome story, can hardly wait to read the next chapter. Glad your muse is back in the saddle.
(posted from Chapter 1: June)
Wow, while reading all the stuff leading up to the war, you really never quite understand just how bad it can and will get. I'm glad your Muse is coming around again Eric, and I look forward to the installment.
(posted from Chapter 1: June)
nukeman24 wrote:
Once again fantastic read keep it going cant wait for the next chapter thank you for being an awesome author
(posted from the Item Information Page)
Josh.Bond wrote:
Awesome story, can hardly wait to read the next chapter. Glad your muse is back in the saddle.
(posted from Chapter 1: June)
What else is there to say, keep up the great work
One question regarding the trap, Eric. Why didn't David use a levitation spell, or even just faded himself and Vivian so as not to suffer damage from the spikes and avoid trying to stop the fall altogether? He had the time to fade himself AND Vivian anyways (he actually did it in your story, or he couldn't have grabbed/exerted force on Vivian while being immaterial/ghosted himself if he didn't ghost her too). They would have been able to climb out on the rope later anyway (if levitation can't be used due to it possibly revealing their presence to enemies), even if it was from the bottom of the trap hole. I suppose you needed David to be hurt, but this seemed to me like a weak plot point. Not quite sure how to fix it though.
Last edited by Augur (2018-11-12 10:47:29)
Augur wrote:
One question regarding the trap, Eric. Why didn't David use a levitation spell, or even just faded himself and Vivian so as not to suffer damage from the spikes and avoid trying to stop the fall altogether? He had the time to fade himself AND Vivian anyways (he actually did it in your story, or he couldn't have grabbed/exerted force on Vivian while being immaterial/ghosted himself if he didn't ghost her too). They would have been able to climb out on the rope later anyway (if levitation can't be used due to it possibly revealing their presence to enemies), even if it was from the bottom of the trap hole. I suppose you needed David to be hurt, but this seemed to me like a weak plot point. Not quite sure how to fix it though.
Hi Augur
My guess would be he had 2 seconds to think of something and for him to ghost himself and Vivian would have taken more than time allowed
Last edited by ozygonzo (2018-11-12 11:04:01)
Good to see a new chapter. I'm sorry about your family and hope that you'll be able to move on soon. As to the story it was well written and as someone who has been there I mean it. I imagine it was hard to get it to go together right but you did a damn good job of it. As always I look forward to the next chapter.
I definitly think the vivasection after the flenzing (how often do you get to use that word) was a bit much i do like the idea of skinning any fallen wolves though sends a clear message
(posted from Chapter 1: June)
Wow, so many errors in one post...
Augur wrote:
One question regarding the trap, Eric. Why didn't David use a levitation spell,
Because there is no such thing as a levitation spell. Levitation is done using a potion, something I'm quite sure he wouldn't have had ready-made on him. (This fact was well established during David's Citizenship Exam: why would he have needed to create a levitation potion if they could have used a spell? And further developed during David's time with DIRT, as he tried to craft a stronger levitation potion.) And a levitation potion only lifts a person a few feet. It would probably not have kept them clear of the spikes, even if they'd had time to take it.
or even just faded himself and Vivian so as not to suffer damage from the spikes and avoid trying to stop the fall altogether?
Okay, let us consider. Let's remove the spikes from the equation entirely, and say the pit is smooth-bottomed. It is still a 100-foot fall. David can be injured in ghost form: it happened in his second year, during the fight with the dark wizard who was after Simon. It then stands to reason that Vivian could also have been hurt while ghosted... and a 100-foot fall would likely make her a permanent ghost.
He had the time to fade himself AND Vivian anyways (he actually did it in your story, or he couldn't have grabbed/exerted force on Vivian while being immaterial/ghosted himself if he didn't ghost her too).
This is utter bullshit, and I'm not sure why you even think this. David has interacted with physical objects while in ghost form A LOT. Consider that he has had sex with living humans while ghosted. Hell, the very first sex act in the entire series is him manipulating a living girl while invisible! There is no requirement for her to be ghosted in this scene at all.
They would have been able to climb out on the rope later anyway (if levitation can't be used due to it possibly revealing their presence to enemies), even if it was from the bottom of the trap hole. I suppose you needed David to be hurt, but this seemed to me like a weak plot point. Not quite sure how to fix it though.
Even the strongest levitation potion David came up with only lifted its user 50 feet. (It also made them completely unstable in the air and uncontrollable.) The pit, however, is 100 feet deep...
Your complaint concerning this particular plot point ignores things already stated multiple times through the previous books, so I'm finding your objection to be kind of a weak debate point.
Eric Storm
Awesome chapter. Keep up the good work
(posted from Chapter 1: June)
I’m speechless. Did not expect so much in just one chapter. Great read keep up the amazing work.
Okay. Just for you, I'll make sure to put less stuff in the next chapter.
Eric Storm
If you say so Eric. Somehow I distinctly remember levitation (or equivalent function performing) spells, charms/hexes being used in the previous books in one way or another lifting people and objects pretty far, as in dangerously far. Don't have the time to look it up right now, but could try to do so in the next week or so. Technically even aeromandy, or terramandy could have been used for the purpose of either lifting them, or in the terramandy case at least creating a support (rock outcropping in the wall) to stop the fall. Still those may have taken more time to concentrate, so may be they are out.
Regarding the immaterial/ghosted part he WAS immaterialized as in otherwise couldn't have introduced his hand INTO the ground WHILE falling (so the ground wasn't exerting any resistance whatsoever, otherwise David wouldn't have been able to actually stuck his hand in the ground). The only option available to explain what David actually did is if he can immaterialize/ghost himself in parts (as in only his hand, not the rest of his body), otherwise Vivian should have behaved the same as the ground David stuck his immaterial hand into and simply continued falling through Davids immaterial grasp. Or the other option should have been that David actually ghosted her too, so then he may be could have been able to hold her while in ghost form. As you see my question wasn't a simple technicality.
On the other hand I was just trying to help you as in we, the people with prm access are supposed to be your level 2 reviewers or such, by your own asking. But if this is the way you answer posts of people trying to help, may be I'll just abstain from doing so in the future. Best of luck Eric. Was otherwise an entertaining chapter, thanks.
Last edited by Augur (2018-11-12 23:30:16)
Didn’t David need to preform a levitation spell to lift a stone for the secret passage for castle Woodward? Also the speechless was about the content of the chapter not the amount in it. Feel free to put even more into the next chapter.
Last edited by thehilz (2018-11-13 01:46:25)
Augur wrote:
If you say so Eric. Somehow I distinctly remember levitation (or equivalent function performing) spells, charms/hexes being used in the previous books in one way or another lifting people and objects pretty far, as in dangerously far. Don't have the time to look it up right now, but could try to do so in the next week or so.
The only thing that would qualify, to the best of my recollection, would be the ninkerbendo hex, which encased someone in a bubble which would float away. Cannot be done away with from inside the bubble. Hardly something that anyone would think of as a way to help themselves. AND, David never learned the ninkerbendo hex itself, only its countercurse.
I would also like to point out two items in regards to spellcasting: 1) David considers it one of his worst wizarding skills, and 2) he wasn't holding his wand at the time. Pulling his wand would cost him another half-second (at least), making a successful cast even less likely.
Technically even aeromandy, or terramandy could have been used for the purpose of either lifting them, or in the terramandy case at least creating a support (rock outcropping in the wall) to stop the fall. Still those may have taken more time to concentrate, so may be they are out.
For the purposes of getting OUT of the pit, all they needed was the rope Giendia was carrying. To stop themselves from falling, almost no one would have been able to enact any elemandy fast enough to have saved themselves, least of all David, who requires more concentration than most elemanders to perform the task. He had less than 2.5 seconds from the time he started falling, to the time they would have hit the bottom of the pit. We lose 0.1 seconds just for David to react to the fact that he's falling. We lose another 0.1 seconds for the height of the spikes (like 10' or 3m or something like that...) So now we're down to 2.3 seconds. I have written many times that David prepares himself for elemandy by closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.
He would hit bottom before he finished exhaling.
Regarding the immaterial/ghosted part he WAS immaterialized as in otherwise couldn't have introduced his hand INTO the ground WHILE falling (so the ground wasn't exerting any resistance whatsoever, otherwise David wouldn't have been able to actually stuck his hand in the ground). The only option available to explain what David actually did is if he can immaterialize/ghost himself in parts (as in only his hand, not the rest of his body), otherwise Vivian should have behaved the same as the ground David stuck his immaterial hand into and simply continued falling through Davids immaterial grasp. Or the other option should have been that David actually ghosted her too, so then he may be could have been able to hold her while in ghost form. As you see my question wasn't a simple technicality.
How about this option: That he can choose what he interacts with, intentionally? From the very beginning, we have seen that David interacts with some things, and moves right through others, without changing his state of being. Other, regular, ghosts have also shown the ability to interact occasionally with solid objects, but not with others. How would David do that, unless he can pick and choose what he "touches" and what he doesn't? How would he be able to pick up a book and throw it, but then fade right through the door, unless something knows what his intention is? Whether that something is actually David, or if it's magic itself, it's going to know what David wanted to do at that particular moment in time, and no mix-and-match fading is required, nor would Vivian have had to fade. All that is needed are the skills that I've already shown David to possess.
On the other hand I was just trying to help you as in we, the people with prm access are supposed to be your level 2 reviewers or such, by your own asking. But if this is the way you answer posts of people trying to help, may be I'll just abstain from doing so in the future. Best of luck Eric. Was otherwise an entertaining chapter, thanks.
So I'm not allowed to tell you that you have made errors in your critique? I have to simply accept your word as what I should do, no matter that your suggestions are flawed and/or unworkable? Only you get to point out flaws in things? Sorry, that's not how this works. If you are going to make the assertion that I have made a mistake, then by the Universe, I am GOING to tell you why I think you are incorrect. Then, if you feel somewhere that I made a mistake in my correcting you, you get to respond telling me where my mistake is, then I will tell you if you make a mistake in your corrections, etc. It's called discussion. Now, if you can't handle being told that you've made an error, then no, you shouldn't call someone out on things.
I do appreciate those who help me. I have several times before in this forum happily accepted ideas, corrections, and suggestions from readers. I value that interaction. But NO, I'm not going to blithely accept criticism that is unwarranted, and yours was unwarranted, given that it was based on incorrect information that you already had proof of it being incorrect.
If I was disinterested in what you had to say, I wouldn't have spent over a half hour crafting a response telling you where you made mistakes. I'd have simply said something like, "Uh-huh, well, I didn't want to do it that way." or, "I had my reasons." That's not at all what I said. I gave you something to perhaps make you think about and reconsider your notion, and then maybe come back to me with another idea. It sometimes boggles my mind that people think that this whole process of review and critique is supposed to be a one-way street. If you are planning a critique of anyone - not just me - you had best be prepared for a critique of your critique, because the writer's not the only one who can make mistakes.
Nothing in my response to you was in any way personal. What I did was to provide you with concrete information, taken from previous stories, that refuted your assertions. Now, can you provide me with concrete information, taken from previous stories, that refutes mine? If you can, I'm ready to see them and discuss it. But I really don't think that you can, which is why I was so adamant in my rejection of your complaint.
Be aware of that, as well: What you did was to make a complaint. When you can't offer a fix, you're not critiquing, you're complaining. If you can't think of a way to fix it, why are you assuming that I can? If I could think of a better way to write the scene, I would have used it, don't you think?
Now, whether you choose to make further critiques in the future is up to you, but don't expect me to just happily accept them without analysis and response. If all you were really after was the ability to vent about something you didn't like in my chapter, you came to the wrong place.
Eric Storm
That was levitation of an external object, not levitation of a person, especially themselves. I've made it clear throughout the books that working with people is always harder than working with other objects, and working with oneself is the most difficult of all.
Still, perhaps this is where Augur got confused, in the notion of levitating objects, versus levitating people...
Eric Storm
Wow, that was some chapter you gave us .
Is Giendia here ? Check
Sex scene with Vivian ? Check (finally, been waiting since book 4 or 5)
Are my favourite characters safe and well... NOT CHECK!!!
I mean... sweet Lise ? :'(
Was there a particular reason? I really want to know.
What I want to know to is:
- Why did Nick betrayed the kingdom ?
- Why/how did he become a were in the first place ?
- Why did David not tell Gwen ? Was it because it was a mission or because he was too much in his own world to do so ?
After what happened to Lise and Joe I'm scares for my favourite characters. Do you have an idea already of who's going to die ?
As for David's girl that Olissa saw in her vision, if I could put multiple bets on the table, I'd put one on Zyla.
She and David are getting closer and closer, Joe is not here anymore, she can't have anymore children so it would not be important for her that David is sterile, she's depending more and more on David and by the end of the chapter, where she's started as wreck, she like... snapped out of it to support David after his confession.
Since Joe and Lise are dead can't David make a trip to Heaven to see them again? Can't they come back as a ghost ?
Questions aside I liked this chapter except the "Dark David" moment.
I understand that it was a necessary moment to develop David further though.
Bit disapointed there was no scene with Giendia BUT first scene with Vivian so I'm not complaining.
Thanks for the chapter !Can't wait for the next! ( If all is right December 11 right ?)
Why Nick betrayed the kingdom, we'll never know. How he was turned, we will also never know. It is unlikely he was turned at the invasion of Erle: it would have taken too long for him to finish turning, and then join the weres in their assault on the village, some two days away from Erle. So, all is guesswork.
Lise died because the little box on the calendar said, "Lise dies"
Yes, I have outlined book 8 in its entirety. I know exactly who is going to die... unless something changes on me.
Honestly, the author never considered having David tell Gwen about Nick. Oops? hehehe But I think a plausible explanation was that he was far too overwhelmed by Lise's death to worry about Gwen and Nick.
Glad you enjoyed the chapter as a whole. You weren't supposed to enjoy the "Dark David" scene...
Eric Storm
Loved the chapter, it was well worth the wait... both good and bad David.
The only question I have is, when the guy David rescued from Earl spoke up and said 'what if we don't want to come with you' or something close to that, why wasn't it said by Marcus? I think it would of been a hell of an irony for David to save old Markie boy's life. And it probably would of compounded Markie's agony in life to owe his life to David.
Barbarian3165 wrote:
Loved the chapter, it was well worth the wait... both good and bad David.
The only question I have is, when the guy David rescued from Earl spoke up and said 'what if we don't want to come with you' or something close to that, why wasn't it said by Marcus? I think it would of been a hell of an irony for David to save old Markie boy's life. And it probably would of compounded Markie's agony in life to owe his life to David.
Oh yeah, what about little Markie ?
A little box on the calendar ? YOU MONSTER ! :'(
As long as my little Gwen, Jess Sam and Rose don't have one, then I think I'll be okay.
One I do hope got one is Coach Hall, not because I don't like him but because I still want, after all this time, David to get it on with healer Hall.
If it is up to anyone guess, why put Nick there? What was the point? Drive a wedge in Gwen and David relation ship? Make a bigger gab between Elise and David ? Ellie? Beth ?
I mean, we barely ever saw Nick. And it ask the question: Why would anyonewish to become a were ?
not sure Nick wished to be a were. In my opinion, it is more likely he was turned against his will then changed sides figuring he was going to be shunned in Calamandian society. I figure there is going to be a lot of racial tension between the were-citizenry of Calamandia and the other races that live in Calamandia. And it will probably last for decades if not several generations (centuries). The bigotry will probably drive quite a few out of Calamandia... not all, but a significant part of the population. Of course we don't know how he was turned and if that was the cause of his becomeing a traitor to Calamandia, it also sounds like Eric isn't going to explain it to us
One I do hope got one is Coach Hall, not because I don't like him but because I still want, after all this time, David to get it on with healer Hall.
No! No! No! No! No!
This is SOOOO wrong on SOOOO many levels.
You just announced your presence with a blast (again) !!! Keep it coming, eagerly waiting for more...
(posted from Chapter 1: June)