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There is a large difference between performing a task once, and performing a task every few months. Not to mention the one thing that's being left out of this conversation: Jacob is a demighost. Most wizards would be quite happy to see him miserable. Few would want to actively work with him.
Eric Storm
Actually, It would be totally in David's character to buy the earth house that Jacob is effectively trapped in. I could see David buying it, and having it fixed up to be a more pleasant environment for Jacob to inhabit (I know he can't interact, and is only on the haven side, but he can obviously perceive it, and god it must be a depressing sight...)
It would be interesting to see if David was able to find out exactly the dimensions of the curse... if it's bound to the house, then would increasing the size of the house increase the boundaries? Would removing the house effect the curse in any way?
Nothing major, just another Christmas gift, not even a sub plot, just... David being David
I doubt the wizard would have made the solution as simple as knocking down the house. Chances are that the curse confines him to a specific radius of a certain spot.
As to David fixing up the house... While it is, theoretically, possible... I'm not sure it would improve Jacob's situation any. The books he gave him are far more "comfort" than anything else he could have done: It gave him something to do, long-term. While fixing up the house would improve the appearance... a gilded prison is still a prison, and would still leave Jacob with nothing else to do.
Not to mention, at this point, David's getting kind of busy...
Eric Storm
Busy building a harem of every race and creed.
Yeah, he doesn't really spend time building his harem... it seems to collect itself.
But other things are certainly keeping him hopping.
Eric Storm
Less than 6 or so hours away now. Have you gotten many wizards at your house for trick or treating Eric?
Happy November everyone east of central standard time.
Okay my prediction for the last chapter of book five is the student body turning on The Clan. What's the Disciplinary Board going to do if most the students group together to throw out The Clan members. I'M SPARTACUS, NO I'M SPARTACUS, and so forth.
that was the first B5 reference i have seen in a while. it was one of my favorite speeches in the show. great chapter can't wait for the final battle and to find out why the clan is at one school.
(posted from Chapter 11: April)
I also enjoyed the chapter.
I have a formatting question though, just for consistency in my personal copy of course, about the graphic separators. I'd like to add them in but I also want to stay as true to your use of them in the previous chapters and it looks like you've left an empty paragraph as a placeholder for the graphics. Anyway, I think the lightning bolt goes for short breaks in time in a scene while the two streamers that come together forming a circle are supposed to be for breaks of indeterminate time but a clear change of subject and/or participants in the scene.
However there are a couple places that are hard to determine which graphic to insert, such as the transition between the clan being marched out of Sam's classroom and then David coming back to be rewarded by Sam over the weekend. Because Sam's reward of David goes right into David going on patrol and talking to the DIRT team, I expect to use the streamers graphic, but because it starts out with Sam rewarding David right after he gets back from taking the Clan to detention I can see the lighting bolt as equally valid use. Is there an author preference?
There are a couple other places where I'm unsure of which graphic to insert but I won't go into detail if you don't want to worry about it too much right now.
And the tension builds. Waiting for the next exciting installment.
(posted from Chapter 11: April)
Offline another month to wait. Good as always Eric.
(posted from Chapter 11: April)
StoryJunkie wrote: another month to wait. Good as always Eric.
(posted from Chapter 11: April)
Sad but true. Read through years 1-4 and partway through 5 and "brick wall". Qualty takes time.
Glad everyone's enjoying the story.
jdale: Maybe I'm just not remembering. Which B5 reference appears in Chapter 11? I thought the "Truth is where it needs to be" speech was in Chapter 10.
Barbarian: There's actually a description of this at the beginning of book 5, but I'll go over it again here. (And I realized just now that I need to fix that section of way5-1, because I changed how I was showing the graphics...)
First off: The placeholder paragraph is there because the graphic is actually a background image to the paragraph. This allows me to change the graphic later, should I want to, by simply modifying the CSS style sheet, rather than having to alter every single story file. It has no other significance than that.
Now, as to the difference between the separators:
The "lightning bolt" separator indicates a break in time, or a break in perspective (from one character to another, or one mental state to another, such as dreaming to wakefulness), but never a change in day. In other words, the scene before the lightning bolt will always occur on the same day as the scene after the lightning bolt.
The "hurricane" separator (The one you describe as twisty ribbons) denotes a change in day. Whatever else may have changed - character perspective, person whose point of view we're seeing - this separator guarantees you that you are not looking at the same day in time as the previous scene. It does not indicate how much time has passed, other than the "day break" has been crossed. This is not strictly midnight: If my character goes to sleep at 1:00 AM, I would use that as the day break. If it was common for my character to go to sleep at sunrise, I would use that as the day break.
The "tornado ES" graphic is used to indicate the end of the chapter, and has no other function. The "Eric Storm Logo" graphic indicates the end of a book, and, again, has no other function.
(I don't normally display it this large, no.)
I hope this clears up their use. I will, when I have time, be converting everything of mine over to this system.
Eric Storm
I've seen an election poster the other day I don't know what office they were running for but the name made me think of your stores. The name of the on the poster was ....... David Woodward. Just how perfect is that as a reminder?
(posted from the Item Information Page)
Once again you have done a great job. I'm looking forward to the last month of year 5. Keep up the hard work.
(posted from Chapter 11: April)
Nice to have some clarification on the separators, and thanks for that. I wonder what has changed since the hack attack that the separators don't copy into Word like they used to prior to the hack attack? Although I guess a change from Word 2013 to Word 2016 is one possible explanation. But cut and paste should function the same unless the new version of office actually changed that somehow.
Last edited by Barbarian3165 (2015-11-02 07:14:27)
It is most likely because they are now background images, rather than inline images. Therefore, when you highlight or "select all", they aren't selected.
Sorry 'bout that. This way is much more efficient for me. Especially as I'm weaning myself completely off MS Word at the moment. (I'm currently writing in a text editor, rather than a word processor. I created my own - very simplistic - markup to cover what I need, and then I use a script to convert to clean HTML for posting.)
Eric Storm
It's not a problem, I can easily add the images back in, except maybe for your end of book image. I just need to make sure I go through and make sure they match up with what you put where in each chapter. I can then compile it into a single word document. Then Calibre makes it easy to convert it to any e-book format and I can put it on my Kindle.
... You do realize Calibre can convert HTML documents to ebook formats just fine, right?
Eric Storm
Yes, but I don't think it can compile each chapter into a single document from disparate individual chapters, but I could be wrong. I've put them together so I have Year 1, 2, 3, and 4 each as a single book with navigation. I've had year 5 put together and converted through chapter 10 and I'll finish putting it together next month for a final read through.
Plus, with the new CSS putting the graphics in the background and not inline, I'm not sure if the graphics would come through. I can add them in myself, in a word document before conversion.
Okay, it's not a perfect solution, but here is the easiest way to do what you're doing: (I think I got the steps right. I haven't done it in a while...)
1. Download the HTML version of a story from this site.
2. Load the nav.html file into Calibre, instead of the chapters themselves.
3. Calibre loads files that are linked to in the initial file, so it will load everything.
This gives you an unfortunately ugly list of chapters at the beginning, but it does give you the entire book. I am not, however, certain how it would handle the separator graphics.
All of this will become a moot point when I finally get version 2.0 of the site done, as I will be focusing on creating hand-done ebooks of all the completed stories on the site (not just mine), for members to download.
Eric Storm
My Method:
Open Calibre
Add Books -> Empty Book (Book with no formats)
Right click on new book (Edit book)
This brings up the book editor, and then I simply drag and drop chapters,
do a couple quick edits (verify order of files, change references to be internal file based, import the graphics, and scare up a table of contents)
save it and it's done
I wasn't aware you could DO that!
Damn, learn something new every day.
Thanks for the tip.
Eric Storm
the speech or conversation i was refering to was between Ver and Mr. Morden. Mr Morded asked Ver what he wanted and (i am paraphsing) he asewered "i would like to see your head on a spike and i would look into your eyes and wave...". i must have missed the one you were talking about, but i will find it.
(posted from the Item Information Page)