
The entire thread can be found here
2021-Nov-20 @ 3:48 AM
Member since 2006-Sep-9
Posts: 787

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Please read The Mystic Wolf Pub Critiquing Guide.

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2022-Nov-23 @ 7:19 PM
Member since 2022-Nov-22
Posts: 7

Well done. For somebody who proofreads their own work there are only a small number of errors until towards the end with the change in perspective from narrative to first person. But all in all a very enjoyable and imaginative story for anybody who is into interspecies sex. The combination of high tech gadgetry and uber intelligent dogs combines for some very unexpected results for both the subject of the story and the reader.


2022-Dec-23 @ 1:21 AM
Member since 2012-Sep-5
Posts: 57

All this time I never really noticed this part of the site. I've always just went to the comments part of my stories or other's stories. Thank you for your kind comment. I have been trying hard to get better with my writing, especially my grammar and sentence structure. The next chapter to The Cat Burglar is in the editing stage.


Over the years I've enjoyed this site and many of the stories. This is my second attempt at writing a story for here. The first one was a miserable failure. Hopefully I learned a few things since then. Actual constructive criticism is welcome. I proof read my own material. Hopefully I catch most of my mistakes.