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2023-Mar-17 @ 4:59 PM
Member since 2006-Sep-9
Posts: 787

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Please read The Mystic Wolf Pub Critiquing Guide.

SITE CONTENT POLICY:  The administrator of this site will not reject, remove, or censor any story posted to this site based on the story's content.  No story shall be removed except for purely technical reasons (which will be worked out with the author so that the story can be reposted as quickly as possible), or due to a direct order from the site's hosting provider, a law-enforcement entity, or the story's owner.

I'm a writer whose topics are mainly about sex with minors. All my stories are imagination and have no connection to the real world.

I want the reader to get a little break from everyday life with stories that might be taboo.

My mother tongue is not English, so the text is probably very simple at times.

My stories are not intended to be examples to anyone. Not to entice anyone to do anything illegal. It doesn't give a message that everything the story tells about is allowed or desirable. It's pointless to start moralizing anyone. The fiction is the fiction.

Sometimes the legal side comes into play as well. Somewhere even reading certain types of stories is forbidden, not to mention writing them. You can find such backward countries even in the western world that considers itself civilized. The stories I write are not illegal in my country, the country where I live and was born believes in freedom of speech. Freedom of speech means what it says: the freedom to say what you think. If you are a person who lives in a country where freedom of speech is limited then you should stop here and leave.

If any reader has a problem with what I've written, I can tell you that I haven't forced you to read a single line. The problem is yours, not mine. Deal with it.