Pre-Release Material

Showing Items 1 - 2 of 2
Agent of Change, by Eric Storm
Rated XX
Science Fiction
bd, ds, first, inc, inter, mc, reluc, rom, teen, toys, viol, 3+, FF, mF, mf
Total # of Downloads: 25,295
Median Downloads Per Unit: 623
Date Last Updated: 2024-02-29
Status: Serial / Novel - In Progress
Latest Unit Posted: Cast List - PRM Chapters
Pre-Release Units
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Cast List - PRM Chapters

When Nick Shilling goes to church camp, he only expects a couple weeks of peace and quiet away from his father.

As things turn from church camp to frat party, however, Nick can't figure out what's going on. Especially because it's clear that the adults are just going to go along with it.

Shortly thereafter, Nick learns he's got some new friends from out of town who are responsible for the goings-on at the camp, and they have some th...

Where the Brontosaurs Roam, by Eric Storm
Rated X
Science Fiction
first, inter, viol, MF
Total # of Downloads: 840
Median Downloads Per Unit: 166
Date Last Updated: 2021-09-02
Status: Serial / Novel - In Progress
Latest Unit Posted: Chapter 4
Pre-Release Units
The People and the Dinos
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Two years after returning from the original time trip, where Tim and his friends got trapped in the Late Cretaceous for six months, another, much larger, expedition is planning to return to the past to do a full scientific study of the dinosaurs. Tim and his family join them.

But this trip fares even worse than the last. With their pod in a shambles, their supplies either destroyed or scattered all over the place, and with the fact that they are now twice as far b...