Archon: Archons Journey - The Beginning

(Serial / Novel - Completed)

Rated X
Originally Posted on: 2012-11-19
Last Updated on: 2024-03-10
Genre(s): Action , Drama , Fantasy , Romance , Science Fiction
Code(s) Used: bd, beast, coer, ds, first, inc, inter, mc, nc, rape, reluc, rom, sm, solo, teen, toys, ts, viol, voy, young
Pairings Used: 3+, FF, MF, bF, bf, bg, fA, fF, fM, ff, gA, gF, gM, gf, gg, gm, mA, mF, mf
Total Downloads: 16200
Units in Item: 9
Median Download Count: 1477
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In world where what used to be thought to be fantasy is real. Where great evils are visited upon innocents, and powers so immense are used as weapons those who would like to see us survive will sometime send down an Avatar, an Archon, A great leader to protect us and unify us against a great evil. This is a story of love, of grand adventure, and of the wildest ride any Archon has ever experience. Join our Archons on their journey and become part of their world.

You will find beast of myth in this story, sexy temptress, great powers and things of legend. Journey with us if you dare!